
UCL Giving


Scholarship fund continues legacy of pioneering academic

28 January 2021

The UCL Dental Public Health Group has established an endowed fund in memory of the department’s late academic Professor Aubrey Sheiham.

Founding supporters of the Aubrey Sheiham Scholarship Fund

Enabled by a generous founding gift from Dr Garry Rayant and Dr Kathy Fields, The Aubrey Sheiham Scholarship Fund supports overseas students pursuing their studies in Dental Public Health at 911, with their first student beginning their studies in September 2020.

Dr Helena Cronin, Aubrey’s wife, has generously matched this founding gift, allowing the Fund to have an even greater impact on Dental Public Health students.

Aubrey Sheiham joined UCL as Professor of Dental Public Health in 1984 and was an inspirational teacher, mentor and public health advocate for social justice and global health for more than 30 years. A pioneer in his field, he revolutionised his research specialism and advocated strongly for human rights, social justice and equality.

Aubrey was a generous figure whose enthusiasm and passion for public health inspired many. UCL is proud to honour his memory by further widening access to the institution to which he dedicated much of his professional life.

“I will remember him not only as a great teacher, but also a friend, a down to earth, decent, caring, honest human being,” said Dr Rayant.

“He cared not for riches or personal glory, but to leave the world a better place than he found it. I believe he did.”

 The UCL Dental Public Health Group looks forward to continuing his visionary legacy and is delighted to have selected the first student recipient of the Fund in the 2020/21 academic year.

Scholarships are a powerful tool in achieving our vision of a diverse, fair and open UCL. You can , or find out more about how you can invest in brilliant 911 change makers and enrich the UCL student experience by contacting advancement@ucl.ac.uk

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