
UCL Department of Geography


Richard Walton

Research Title

The pond pollinator pantry”: Assessing how pond management influences pollinators in the UK farmland landscape

More about Richard

Academic Qualifications

  • 2015-2019:PhD Conservation Biology/Palaeoecology,University College London
  • 2012-2013:MSc Environmental Science Distinction,University of Liverpool.Dissertation: Three week monitoring of methane activity at two closed landfills in the UK
  • 2005-2007:BSc Plant Biology, Brigham Young University (USA)

Work Experience

  • 2015:City Research Scientist 1,New York City Department of Environmental Protection
  • 2014: Environmental Monitoring andEducation Intern, New York City Department of Parks andRecreation, Freshkills Park

Committee Participation

  • 2019-present: Organising Committee Member for 9th European Pond Conservation Network Conference
  • 2016-19 Academic Year: Graduate Student Representative, Geography Lab Committee, UCL
  • 2016-18 Academic Year: Organiser, Physical Geography Seminar Series, UCL

I teach on the following modules:

I have also given the following lectures:

  • GEOG0038 - Freshwater Biodiversity; Ecosystem Services; Eutrophication; Water Framework Directive
  • GEOG070 - Aquatic-Terrestrial Linkages
  • UCL Conservation Society - Insect Insights II "British Lepidoptera", The effects of pond restoration on bee richness
  • London Freshwater Group Semi-annual meeting Nov. 2018 - The Pond Pollinator Pantry
  • Physical Geography Lunchtime Seminar Series - Understanding the impacts of scrub management on plant-pollinator relationships in a farmland pond ecosystem

Conference Participation

  • 2-4th May 2017: 7th European Pond Conservation Network Conference, University of Algarve, Faro, Portugal. Presented a poster on initial results of my fieldwork on pollinator communities at ponds. My poster won the "Best Poster Presentation" prize.
  • 11-14th December 2016: Ecology Across Borders, British Ecology Society Joint Annual Meeting, Ghent, Belgium. Oral presentation on the effects of pond management and restoration on pollinating insect communities.
  • 18-21th June 2018: IPA-IALA 2019 Joint Meeting, University of Stockholm, Stockholm, Sweden. Oral presentation on using macrofossils to reconstruct the palaeoecological history of farmland ponds.
  • Oral presentation on moth pollen transportation at farmland ponds.. 2-7th June 2019: Europeas Societas Lepidopterologica Biennial Meeting, University of Molise, Italy
Research Grants, Prizes and Awards
  • The Clan Trust Student Bursary, 2016
  • The Mead Fund – Travel & Cross-Institutional Study Bursary, 2016 & 2017
  • Norfolk Biodiversity Information Service, Norfolk County Council, Research Materials Bursary, 2016