
UCL Department of Geography


Fish populations in the inland waters of the Falkland Islands

Data kindly provided by Dr R.M. McDowell, The National Institute of Water and Atmospheric Research, Christchurch, New Zealand.


In late 1999 Dr McDowell and colleagues from NIWAR carried out an extensive fish survey of the inland waters of the Falkland Islands. The results of this survey have been used in several publicationsinter aliaconcerning the status of the native trout (Aplochiton zebra) in relation to populations of introduced brown trout (McDowell et al. 2004). Furthermore, the distribution of galaxid fish (Falklands minnow) was also assessed. During this survey extensive notes were made about the status of each site sampled for fish.


  • McDowell RM, Allibourne RM & Chadderton WL (2004) Issues for the conservation and management of Falkland Island fishes. Aquatic Conservation, in press.
East Falkland

East Falkland: field notes on sites selected for fishery assessment.

Data kindly provided by Dr R.M. McDowell, The National Institute of Water and Atmospheric Research, Christchurch, New Zealand.







E30117.11.9914Arroyo Malo at fishing lodges."Fished small stream beside lodge (width 0.3 m max., depth 0.05 m). Sand, gravel bed, no fish. Electric fished the edge of the Malo at small stream inflow. Minnows common, a sample taken."
E31117.11.9914Arroyo Malo at fishing lodges."Also fished ca. 50 m upstream (50 m2) & caught a few small brown trout, saw some minnows too. Cover provided by the boulder substrate. No overhanging banks or vegetation."
E32117.11.9914Arroyo Malo at fishing lodges."Malo tidal at this point, ca. 25 m wide. Depth fished ~0.2 m. Depth max. unknown. Falklands mullet common in this area. Water colour dark tea. Substrate sand (rare) to boulders common."
E26217.11.9914First un-named stream just NW of Teal Inlet settlement."Small stream ca. 0.6 m wide, max. depth 0.4 m, mean 0.15 m. Stream light tea colour. Substrate mainly fines (mud, sand) through to cobble. Cover from overhanging banks & little cobble. Caught large minnows, but few (8 in 70 m), 2 taken for sample & photos. Inverts sampled from cobbles, many stone-flies."
E25317.11.9914Second un-named stream just NW of Teal Inlet Settlement."Dark tea coloured stream. Minnows common, no sample taken. All fish relatively small/normal sized. Stream width 1-2 m, depth max. 0.6 m, depth mean 0.2 m. Fished ca. 25 m. Substrate gravel & cobble, gravel dominant. Overhanging banks & vegetation for cover."
E20417.11.997Un-named stream flowing into Douglas Creek"Weed covered stream, without noticeable flow. Occasional brown trout caught (3?). Stream dark tea colour, ca. 0.5 m wide, depth max. 0.5, depth 0.2 m. Substrate mud/peat. Cover provided by the macrophytes"
E21/E225/617.11.9972 small streams with flow."Cover provided by macrophytes but these not abundant. Streams dark tea coloured. Substrate mud/peat. Width 0.6m, depth 0.5 m max., 0.1 m mean. No fish caught in either."
E23717.11.9913Arroyo Pedro at road bridge"10-15 m wide river, medium tea colour. Depth max. in channel 0.4 m, mean 0.15 m. Depth max. in backwater 1.2 m mean 0.7 m. Few trout in main channel, heaps of little trout in backwater. Substrate gravel/cobble mix. Cover provided by substrate & rare peat turfs in channel. Electric fished ~100m2."
E24817.11.9913Turners Stream"Cobble dominated bed with ca. 60% moss cover. Stream width 3.5 m, depth max. 0.7 m, mean 0.20 m. Stream mid-tea colour. Electric fished ca. 40 m. Brown trout common, all sizes to c. 40 cm. Cover from overhanging banks & vegetation, small amount of cover amongst the substrate for small fish."
E27917.11.9914Un-named stream just SE of Teal Inlet settlement"Stream width 0.2-0.3 m, depth max. 0.2, depth mean 0.1 m. electric fished ~30 m. Substrate mud, gravel, wheel rims. No fish."
E281017.11.9914Un-named stream SE Teal Inlet settlement."Stream width 0.8-1.5 m. Depth max. 1.0 m, depth mean 0.15 m. Stream dark tea colour. Substrate gravel, small cobbles, a small amount (5% cover) of moss present in some areas. Fished from tidal z1 upstream for ca. 200 m. Minnows common, all age/size classes with varying degrees of maturity. No other fish present. Cover mainly provided by overhanging banks (40% of stream) & then overhanging vegetation (10%). Substrate provided very limited cover."
E141118.11.997Un-named stream flowing into Elephant Beach Pond"Dark tea coloured stream. Width 0.5 m, depth max 1.0 m? depth mean ? Electric fished ca. 5 m. Substrate gravel & cobble (were seen) & 1 ewe’s head. Cover amongst some macrophytes (10%). Caught a few small trout & numerous small minnows. Sample of minnows kept. Comments from Ben Burntson. - Elephant Beach Pond has brown trout (called rainbow trout) & minnows. The pond is tidal."
E81218.11.997Laguna Lorenzo (Lorenzo Pond)"2 seine net hauls & electric fished the inflowing stream. Pond & stream very dark tea colour. Pond substrate cobble, stream substrate unknown. Seine hauls made from depths of 1.2 m into shore ~25-40 m."
E91218.11.997Laguna Lorenzo (Lorenzo Pond)Electric fished ~ 20 m of the stream. Stream width 0.6 m. Minnows abundant in both pond & stream. All fish smallish & dark coloured. Sample kept.
E101318.11.997Lorenzo Pond"Connection to or outflow to sea possible at this area. 1 seine haul at outlet end. Bottom sandy, & shallow. 40 m+ haul from water dept ~ 30 cm max. A few minnows caught. Jackass Penguins present."
E111418.11.997Very small pond with no name."Water depth 0.3 m max., soggy peat, depth 0.5 m in pond. 1 seine haul through pond (covered ~60% of pond) caught no fish but lots of invertebrates. Sample kept including adult caddis, amphipods, beetles, leech."
E121518.11.997Un-named pond. (North Coast Pond)"Very dark water pond. 1 seine net haul from 1.0 m depth to shore. Bottom hard (peat?) with little mud. Occasional rocks on bottom & rocky around some edges. No fish caught, invertebrates – caddis larvae & amphipods very common. Sample of invertebrates kept, including adult caddis."
E131618.11.997Little Creek Stream"Very dark water stream entering Little Creek. Width 1.0 m, max. depth 0.7 m, mean depth ? Minnows caught, fish common. Electric fished 50 m+. Substrate?"
E151718.11.997Green Pass Brook Tributary"Small stream, width 0.6 m, very dark tea colour. Depth max. 0.5 m, depth mean 0.2 m. Substrate mud – to gravel. Electric fished ca. 30 m. Brown trout common, but all small fish, max. size 15 cm. "
E161818.11.997Elmer’s Ditch Tributary 1#"2 ~15-20 cm very poor condition brown trout caught. Electric fished ca. 25 m of small stream ~0.3 m width. Depth unknown, probably mean 0.2 m. Substrate gravel to mud, & steel stream crossing boards."
E171918.11.997Elmer’s Ditch Tributary 2#"Small brown trout up to 15 cm & occasional fry caught. Stream mid-tea colour, width 0.4 m. Depth max 0.5 m, depth mean 0.25 m. Substrate mud to gravel, mud deep enough to bog Bob in his waders."
E182018.11.997Clay Ditch"Light tea coloured stream, width 0.5 m. Depth max. 0.6 m & mean 0.25 m. Length fished ~ 30 m. Substrate gravel, mud. Brown trout common, to 15 cm "
E192118.11.997Un-named stream"Very dark tea coloured. Depth maximum 0.7 m. Depth mean 0.5 m. Brown trout common 7-20 cm fish. Stream width 1.0 m, fished ~30 m. Substrate unknown possibly mud-gravel mix."
E332219.11.9914Estancia Brook"Clear water, almost unstained. Substrate, cobble & smaller down to sand sized. Width of stream 2.0 m, depth max. 0.5, mean 0.15 m. Length electric fished ca. 25 m. Brown trout common, 1 sea run fish, all others stream residents. Fish from fry sized 60 ~20 cm length. Moss covers ~50% of bottom."
E342319.11.9914Very small un-named ditch near Estancia Brook"Stream water clear, no colour. Stream width 0.2 m, depth maximum 0.2, depth mean 0.05 m. Electric fished in spots ca. 10 m. Large minnows occasional. Substrate a combination of mud/peat & boulder for track crossing. Cover provided by overhanging banks (up to 50% cover)."
E412419.11.9914/15Magellan Pond"2 seine hauls & a half-hour gill net set. Substrate on the pond bottom gravel & cobble around the edges, muddier 3 m off the shore. Mud depth increases with distance from the edge. At 1.2 m deep, mud depth 0.2 m. The 2 seine hauls caught minnows. Size range 50 mm – 100 mm, parasite cysts common, & often large. A sample collected. Gill net set caught nothing."
E402519.11.998Stream flowing into Fish Creek."Stream light tea colour, clear. Water depth max 1.0 m, depth mean 0.8 m. Length electric fished ~15 m. Larger minnows occasional, no small minnows. Stream substrate mud, cover provided by overhanging banks & vegetation (vegetation cover limited 5%)."
E392619.11.998Head of the Creek Stream."Cobble bed stream, with ca. 30% bedrock exposure. Water colour light tea, clear. Stream bed ca. 30% covered with moss. Width ca. 2.0 m, depth max 0.6 m, depth mean 0.2 m. Length fished ca. 40 m. Minnows abundant, none large."
E382719.11.9914Northern Stream"Stream colour mid-tea, clear. Stream width 1.5 m, depth max. 0.7 m, depth mean 0.15 m. Length fished ca. 30 m. Substrate cobble, gravel. Minnows common, small to large size fish (50-150 mm?)"
E362819.11.9914Dan’s Shanty Stream."Water clear, very lightly tea stained. Fished just above tidal zone, highly conductive water. Substrate initially mud, upper reaches of area fish large. Cobble substrate. Width 1.2 m, narrowing upstream to 0.6 m at top of section. Depth max. 1.4 m, depth mean 0.7 m. Length fished ~60 m. 2 whitebait caught, , ~4 other seen in a single shoal. Possible other minnows in very shallow muddy pond next to the stream. Small fish seen but not caught in lower reach of section. Sea-run trout (2 fish) were caught in mid-reach. Stream resident trout caught in the upper third (seven fish). Largest fish ~35-40 cm. Photos taken of sea-run & stream resident fish. Otoliths taken to age fish. Cover provided by overhanging banks & cobble in upper part of reach."
E372919.11.9914Stream flowing into Caneja Creek"Substrate mud grading into gravel upstream. Stream width 1.5 m narrowing to 0.6 m at the top of section. Length fished = 40 m. Depth max. 0.7 m, depth mean 0.3 m. Water very light tea colour, clear. Small brown trout 7-15 cm abundant, all appeared to be resident fish. Cover from overhanging banks."
E353019.11.9914Un-named stream flowing into Monty Dean’s Creek."Stream mid tea colour, clear. Width 0.6 m, depth max. 0.3 m, depth mean 0.1 m. Cover provided by overhanging banks & vegetation. Substrate cobble & gravel, covered by moss in most places. Minnows abundant, whitebait to moderate sized fish. Flapper duck or large fish disturbed but not caught."
E13120.11.99Paloma Pond"2 seine net hauls near the head of pond. Pond bottom gravel at edges, muddy 3 m off shore. Depth up to 1.0 m. Water dark tea colour, clear.Minnows abundant in hauls. Invertebrates were caddis larvae, & rare amphipods, & red chironomids. Sample of both collected. Sampled 1 shell hole north of Findlay Rocks, beetles, chironomids & caddis present."
E231A20.11.99Shell Hole"2 seine net hauls near the head of pond. Pond bottom gravel at edges, muddy 3 m off shore. Depth up to 1.0 m. Water dark tea colour, clear.Minnows abundant in hauls. Invertebrates were caddis larvae, & rare amphipods, & red chironomids. Sample of both collected. Sampled 1 shell hole north of Findlay Rocks, beetles, chironomids & caddis present."
E33220.11.99Un-named tributary of Smylie’s Brook."No fish, inverts common – amphipods & caddis. Fished ca. 20 m of stream. Stream width 0.4 m, depth max. 0.6 m, depth mean 0.1 m. Substrate mud to cobble, cover limited to cobble."
E43320.11.99Stream at Gibraltar Gate."Stream dark tea colour clear. Width 4 m, depth max. 0.5 m, depth mean 0.2 m. Substrate sand to cobble. Cover provided by macrophytes & undercut banks. Trout common, all stream resident, all 7 cm or greater in length. Fished ca. 25 m of stream."
E53420.11.9913San Carlos River at Ford."Stream dark tea colour and clear. Width ~25 m, depth max. 0.7 m, depth mean 0.1. Substrate generally cobble on bedrock. Cover almost absent, only a little for small fish. Moss common on substrate. 2 yearling trout 50-80 mm & 1 fry caught. Fished 150 m2."
E63520.11.9913Un-named San Carlos River Tributary"Dark tea coloured water, clear. Stream width 1.2 m, depth max. 1.0 m, depth mean ~0.5 m. Substrate sand to cobble, little if any cover in substrate. Macrophytes, undercut banks & instream debris form the majority of the cover. Brown trout common, none over 20 cm long. Electric fished approx. 25 m."
E73620.11.9913Third Corral Brook."Stream dark tea colour, clear. Stream width variable 4 m – 0.6 m due to roading work. Depth max. 1.0 m+, depth mean 0.4 m. Electric fished ~ 30 m2. Brown trout occasionally caught, none larger than 15 cm, no fry."
E293720.11.99Un-named stream entering Teal Inlet."Stream almost uncoloured, clear. Substrate large cobble some gravel, banks peat/mud. Cover provided by banks & substrate. Stream width 0.6 m, depth max. 0.6 m depth mean 0.2 m. Length fished ~25 m. No fish seen/caught. Invertebrates abundant, mainly amphipods & caddis."
E463820.11.9914Unnamed stream"Stream width 2.0m, depth max. 0.6 m, depth mean 0.15 m. Light tea coloured stream, clear water Length fished ca. 25 m. Substrate boulder to gravel. Cover provided by substrate & 1 piece of instream debris. Brown trout abundant, but poor condition."
E473920.11.9914Fitzroy River"Fished at low tide in the tidal area. Stream width ~3 m, depth max. 0.5 m, depth mean 0.2 m. Electric fished ~20 m. Substrate bedrock cobble & finer material.. Cover limited to that available in substrate (~5%). Water colour dark tea, clear. Minnows occasional, brown trout occasional."
E484021.1.9922Un-named stream at Fitzroy"Stream width 0.6 m, stream light tea colour. Electric fished ~25 m. Stream depth max. 0.5 m. Sea-run browns & stream resident caught. Sea-runs 100-150 mm long. Photos taken."
E494121.1.9922Un-named stream at Fitzroy"Stream dark tea colour, clear. Substrate gravel/cobble. Overhanging banks providing some cover. Stream width 0.5 m, depth max. 0.6 m, mean 0.2 m. Length fished ~40 m. Minnows common, whitebait to large size, sample taken."
E504221.1.9922Un-named stream just west of Fitzroy."No fish, stream width 0.5 m, depth 0.3 m. Stream dark tea clear."
E514321.1.9922Un-named stream near Mount Pleasant"Stream uncoloured & dirty. Width ~0.8 m, depth max. ?, depth mean ~0.2. Substrate ? Cover provided by overhanging banks. Brown trout present, in very good condition, & very lightly coloured."
E524421.1.9922Comoda Ditch"Stream clear & uncoloured. Width 0.5 m, depth max 0.4, depth mean 0.15 m. Substrate gravel & fire hose. Cover provided by hose & undercut banks. Brown trout abundant 5-25 cm long."
E614522.11.9920Orqueta Arroyo"Stream uncoloured & clear. Stream width 5 m, depth max 0.7 m, depth mean 0.2 m. Electric fished, ca. 60 m although not the full width always. Substrate very varied. Soft mud to bedrock sections. Soft mud has macrophyte growth, but does not provide cover. Cover very limited to overhanging banks (2% max.) & cobbles in riffles (1% max). No overhanging vegetation. Minnows abundant, medium to large (60-120 mm). Ripe/maturing fish generally."
E604622.11.9920Orqueta Arroyo Tributary"Stream uncoloured, clear. Width 1 m, depth max. 0.6 m, depth mean 0.2 m. Substrate cobble to mud. Cover provided by overhanging banks (30%). Electric fished 50 m. Minnows abundant similar size range to Orqueta Site 45."
E624722.11.9920The Picnic Stream"Stream uncoloured & clear. Stream width 1.5 m, depth max 1.0 m, depth mean 0.3 m. Electric fished 60 m. Substrate small cobble to mud, cover provided by overhanging banks (15%), a little instream macrophytes but not providing cover. Minnows abundant, medium to large sized fish. 1 zebra trout caught, large size. Fish seen in pool prior to fishing, sitting in mid-pool, the deepest section of water. Did not move for cover when we approached. Stream bottom cobble on mud."
E634822.11.9920Small ditch"Water uncoloured, clear; width 0.5 m max., often completely overhung by banks. Depth max. 0.3 m, depth mean 0.15 m. Electric fished 20 m in spots open enough to fish. Substrate mainly mud cover provided by banks, up to 50%. 2 minnows present, caddis larvae common on the bottom."
E654922.11.9920Deep Arroyo"Uncoloured clear stream, width ~6 m. Depth max 1.0 m, depth mean 0.4 m. Substrate cobble in riffles, mud/sand in pools with macrophyte common. Overhanging banks provide cover ~10%. Minnows schools common fish abundant. Electric fished ca. 40 m."
E695022.11.9920Un-named pond (Sandhills 1#)"2 seine net hauls across sand/mud substrate. Depth max. 0.5 m. Minnows common, small to medium size. Sample kept. Water uncoloured, dirty."
E685122.11.9920Un-named pond (Sandhill 2#)"1 seine net haul across sand/mud substrate, gravel edge. Depth 0.6 m. Minnows common small to medium size. Sample kept. Water uncoloured, dirty."
E675222.11.9920Un-named pond (Sandhill 3#)"1 seine net haul across mixed substrate – sand, mud with cobble & peat bits. Water depth max. 1.0 m. Water possibly slightly tea coloured, dirty. Minnows common, small to medium size. Sample kept."
E705322.11.9920Halfway House Arroyo Tributary"Uncoloured, clear water stream. Width 0.8 m, depth max 0.5 m, depth mean 0.15 m. Substrate cobble, with some mud. Cover provided by overhanging banks & macrophyte. Minnows very abundant, all size ranges. Sample kept."
E715422.11.9926Un-named stream"Small partially dried up ditch. Water clear, uncoloured. Width 0.6 m, depth max.1.0 m, mean 0.6 m. Cover from overhanging banks (20%), substrate mud. Minnows occasional, all relatively large. 1 small zebra trout from deep pool."
E725522.11.9926Spots Arroyo"Stream uncoloured & clear. Width 1.0 m, depth max. 1.3 m (?) possibly deeper, depth mean 0.5 m. Electric fished 60 m. Substrate mud, often soft, with macrophyte growth. Cover provided by overhanging banks (5-10%). Minnows common whitebait to large adult size. Three zebra trout caught, 2 large, 1 medium,. Each caught in separate pools, generally deep water areas. 2 seen before electric fishing caught them."
E735622.11.9926Mappa Pond"1 seine net haul across very shallow 0.3 m max deep water. Substrate mud. Minnows abundant, small to medium size."
E755723.11.9926Un-named stream at Duffins Bridge"Electric fished just above tidal z1 for ca. 30 m. Stream uncoloured & clear. Width ~2.0 m, max depth 0.6 m, mean depth 0.2 m. Substrate very little boulder, cobble & gravel, some bedrock. Cover provided by substrate & overhanging banks. Minnows abundant, all sizes."
E765823.11.9926"Un-named stream, upstream fro Duffins Bridge""Tributary of main channel. Water uncoloured & clear. Stream width 0.8 m, depth max. 0.5 m, depth mean 0.15 m. Substrate generally cobble, some algal growth & macrophytes. Cover provided by overhanging banks & a little from overhanging vegetation. Minnows common, all sizes."
E775923.11.9926Hunter’s Arroyo"Water uncoloured & clear. Width ~2 m, depth max 0.2 m, mean depth 0.05 m. Substrate bedrock & cobble. Cover provided by substrate & a little by overhanging banks. Minnows abundant, all sizes."
E796023.11.9926Hunter’s Arroyo"Water uncoloured & clear. Width 1.0 m, max. depth 1.5 m, mean depth 0.8 m. Cover provided by overhanging vegetation & banks, some collapsed banks instream also providing cover. Substrate mud on cobble, mud depth 0.3 m in areas of macrophytes. Minnows common, medium to large sizes."
E806123.11.9926North West Arm Stream"Stream uncoloured, clear water. Stream width 1 m, depth max. 0.4 m, depth mean 0.1 m. Length electric fished ~40 m. Substrate cobble & fines. Cover provided by overhanging banks & vegetation & a little by the substrate. Schools of fish very obvious before fishing. Minnows very abundant, all sizes. Juvenile zebra trout occasional, possibly. Minnows: zebra ratio 40:1 (?) Smaller zebras 60-100 mm quite tricky to pick out from minnows unless caught & checked, zebra bars were not obvious. Sample & photos of zebras & minnows collected. Zebras possibly had a bluer belly & absence of any patterning as distinguishing colourations."
E816223.11.9926North West Arm Stream"Colourless, clear stream 1.0 m wide, depth max 1.0 m, depth mean 0.6 m, length fished ~50 m. Substrate mud & mutton. Cover provided by overhanging banks & vegetation. 2 zebra trout 150, 300 mm caught, both from the same spot. A deep hole, coming out from under bank cover together. Minnows common, abundant in patches."
E826323.11.9925Northwest Arm Stream"Stream the same as above apart from width ~.7 m. Minnows common, no zebra trout in 40 m fished."
E786423.11.9926Small stream near Hunter’s Arroyo"Stream colourless & clear, width 1.5 m, depth max. 0.5, depth mean 0.1 m. Cover provided by cobble substrate & banks. Substrate cobble on bedrock. Minnows common, no small zebra trout seen."
E746523.11.9926North Arm Stream"Electric fished just above high tide z1. Stream clear & colourless. Width ~1.8 m, depth max 0.4 m, depth mean 0.1 m. Fished ca. 30 m. Substrate bedrock with some cobbles. Cover provided by overhanging banksand vegetation. Minnows abundant, especially under the under bank cover, all sizes present. Sample of snails, caddis & amphipods collected."
E666622.11.9920Deep Arroyo"Clear uncoloured stream, width ~7 m. Depth max. 1.2 m, mean 0.4 m. Substrate cobble, gravel, sand, mud. Cover from small overhanging banks & macrophyte. Minnows common, medium to large size. Electric fished ~40 m."
E646724.11.9920Lewis fishing site at Xmas"Tributary stream, clear uncoloured ~1.3 m wide. Depth max. 0.7 m, depth mean 0.5 m. Substrate mud, sand, gravel with macrophytes. Cover provided by macrophytes & overhanging banks. Electric fished ~30 m. Minnows common. Main stream clear uncoloured ~4 m wide. Substrate mud, sand, gravel & macrophytes common. Cover mainly from macrophytes, some overhanging banks. Electric fished ~70 m. 1 zebra trout (large) caught, was seen first at the bottom of deep hole. Minnows common. Depth max. 1.5 m, mean 0.5 m."
E566824.11.9921Arrow Harbour Arroyo"Stream, clear & uncoloured, width 7 m. Depth max. 1.0 m, depth mean 0.3 m. Electric fished ~50 m, but not total width always. Substrate, mud, sand, gravel, cobble, softish bottom. Macrophyte very abundant providing high amount of cover. Overhanging banks also provided some cover. Trout abundant, fish 50-350 mm caught. Larger fish 600 mm? Seen heading away. All trout in good condition. 1 small school of whitebait ~10 fish seen. 1 large zebra trout caught in deep riffle area. Trout taken to investigate diet. Appear to be feeding predominantly on amphipods. Stomach quite full."
E576924.11.9920Unnamed stream"Stream clear, very lightly tea coloured, width ~1.0 m. Depth max 1.0 m, depth mean 0.3 m. Electric fished ~ 0 m visually assessed 30 m. Fished around a culvert for the track. Substrate below the culvert cobble, gravel, above culvert mud with macrophytes. Water also pooled upstream of culvert. Fishing caught 23 small zebra trout (60-130 mm?) below the culvert. Most appearing in the section closest to culvert. Minnows abundant in very good condition. Above culvert five zebra trout seen in deep sections (three together & 2 together), 150-300 mm (?)."
E587024.11.9920Unnamed stream"Stream clear and uncoloured; substrate mud, sand & gravel. Some macrophyte present. Width 1.2 m, depth max. 0.8, depth mean 0.2 m. Little cover, provided by overhanging banks & macrophytes. Electric fished ~30 m. Minnows abundant. Walked ~100 m, 1 zebra trout in pool seen."
E597124.11.9920Un-named stream flowing into Findlay Creek"Stream, clear & uncoloured, width 4 m. Depth max. 1.5 m, depth mean 0.8 m. Substrate, mud, sand & gravel, rare cobbles, bottom often soft. Macrophytes common but no cover forming. Banking provide a little cover. Electric fished 50 m. Minnows occasional, no other fish."
E557225.11.9921Camilla Creek Arroyo"Stream tea coloured, clear. Substrate mainly cobble, finer gravels & sand present in areas. Macrophytes common. Bank vegetation & overhanging banks provide cover as well as macrophytes. Width 1.3 m, depth max. 0.4 m, depth mean 0.2 m. Electric fished ~40 m. Brown trout abundant, reasonable condition. Fish from 60-300 mm caught."
E547325.11.9913Shepherds Brook"Stream clear, very slightly tea coloured. Electric fished in the upper tidal reaches during a very high tide. Stream width 3 m, depth max (?)~1.8 m, depth mean (?) 1.0 m. electric fished ~ 50 m. Cover provided by overhanging banks. Substrate unknown. Trout common, minnows rare, only whitebait caught."
E537425.11.9921L’Antioja Stream"Stream clear, slightly tea coloured, width 7 m. Depth max 0.4 m, mean 0.1 m. Substrate mainly gravel & small cobble. A few large peat blocks in stream. Cover provided by peat blocks & vegetation on them (~1%). Brown trout common, fry to 300 mm , fry & yearlings most frequent. Electric fished ~20 m."
E4206.11.9915Mullet Creek"Tidal zone was almost certainly freshwater, fishing at low tide. Collection from upper tidal zone & stream just above. large numbers of minnows, a wide range of sizes from clear bait to 120 mm fish. Bait caught in the tidal z1, 1 slightly coloured/larger bait caught above the tidal z1. Adults caught in freshwater area above the tidal z1. Mullet in tidal zone (four caught, others seen)."
E4306.11.9915Mullet Creek"Collection of insects – stoneflies, midges (?) & amphipods. Checked 1 trap – 1 brown trout ~6-8 cm long. No other fish seen. Stream 1-1.5 m wide, max. depth 20 cm mean ~5-10 cm. Stream bed clean, sandy–boulder substrate."
E4406.11.9914Un-named stream"Drained/straightened stream, site just below Stanley-Mt Pleasant road. Insects & amphipods found including adult stoneflies. Abundant green filament algae. Site beside minefield 57. Width 1 m, depth max. 20, mean c. 5."
E4506.11.9914Un-named streamInsects collected & amphipods including gravid female. 2 fish seen in a pool (brown trout?) - an un-named stream entering Bluff Cove at eastern end.
West Falkland

West Falkland: field notes on sites selected for fishery assessment

Data kindly provided by Dr R.M. McDowell, The National Institute of Water and Atmospheric Research, Christchurch, New Zealand.







W21109.11.9911Red Pond (first sites for 09.11.99)"Zebra trout site. Site 1 2 seine hauls caught 2 fish. 2 or three escaped on the first haul."
W22209.11.9911Red Pond"Four seine hauls caught between 30-50 zebra trout per haul, with some escaping. Hauls ca. 100m2. (?). Annelids, amphipods and chironomids."
W23309.11.9911Skull Pass Stream"Electric fished for 20 m. Substrate – sand to boulder. Depth max. 40 cm. Some macrophytes. Brown trout caught, three size classes, newly emerged fry 1- year-old, 2-year-old (or stunted adults). All fish collected were kept. Colouration very dark with very prominent red spots & red rim to adipose fin. Spotting variable from large spots to numerous fine spots. Water dark red/brown, clear colour. Fishing at 310 volts (machine working well).Invertebrates: worms dominant taxa; some amphipods; some chironomids; 1 stonefly moult"
W26609.11.9911Pond just by main road just east of bridge (10 km)"Shallow pond, muddy/soil bottom ca. 10 m diameter, 30-40 cm depth. Invertebrate collection – adult midges, caddis, copepods, cladocerans, trichopterans, beetle larvae and adults, annelids, amphipods, Tipulidae?"
W29709.11.9911Main Road Bull Hill Stream – 4 km marker"Electric fished immediately below road bridge. Substrate: fine & soft sediments, sand & mud predominant. Cover: weed & overhanging scrub & tussock. Fished area 45 m2. Stream width 1-2 m, fished length 30 m. Depth max. 50 cm, mean 20 cm. Riffle, run fished some backwater/still side areas. 17 trout caught, 15 yearlings, 2 larger quite a few smaller fish not caught. Trout abundant, but no fry.Invertebrates: amphipods; worms; chironomids, leech; 1 adult caddis escaped.Where are the stoneflies? Fish photos taken. Stoneflies found in small side stream (seven total) but this had less trout (or no trout) and no silt."
W31810.11.9911Cemetery Creek No. 2"Electric fishing the stream just above the tidal zone. Depth max. 1.5 m, width 0.5-1.0 m. Very dark coloured water. Three or four brown trout. Molluscs."
W30910.11.9911"Cemetery Creek No. 1, estuary site""2 seine pulls. Numerous small mullet 4-6 cm. Five large mullet up to 25 cm. Approximately 15 whitebait, all kept. Numerous “smelt” in second haul, some sampled. Each haul 100-150 m2."
W321010.11.9911House Creek"Electric fished 30 m. Width 3 m. Cobble-boulder bed. Fishing just above the tidal z1; Minnows common; 2 brown trout 120-280 mm, 1 juvenile zebra trout; amphipods, trichopterans, annelids."
W341109.11.9911House Stream at upper weir"Electric fishing the stream above & below weir. Below weir fished ~ 40 m. Above weir fished ~2 m of pool. Stream substrate – cobble predominant, some small boulders. Cover provided by substrate & a very little overhanging bank. Six fish collected, three from run – pool interface areas, 1 from “pool” in riffle & 2 from pool below the weir. No others seen. Stream banks well grazed. Stream depth max. 1 m in pool at weir. Elsewhere max. 30 cm. Stream width – 2-3 m. Riffle & runs wider shallow 5-10 cm deep. All six fish kept, 1 live for photos. Invertebrate sample collected including worms, amphipods, stoneflies, nymphs & adults. Water colour – clear tea, visibility good. Substrate at weir site relatively loose/unstable? Some moss in stream."
W351209.11.9911Beach Stream first past minefields. Called Second Creek & Neuquen Stream"Cobble dominated stream, some boulder and gravel. Moss common on rocks. Water light tea colour, very clear. Cover provided by substrate & bankside vegetation.- ungrazed tussock. Stream width less than 1 m. Depth variable + 1 m max. depth. Habitat fished was runs & riffle with occasional pools. Brown trout abundant with a few sea run individuals. Minnows occasional, 1 school (ca. 10 fish) of whitebait. Adult minnows male running ripe. Minnows & brown trout sampled. Site ca. 10 m from sea. Fished 50 m of stream."
W361309.11.9911Beach Stream No. 1 – upstream tributary (Neuquen Stream)Width 0.5 m. Depth max. 30 cm. Depth mean 8 cm. Cobble/boulder small stream possibly dries up in dry periods. Plenty of invertebrates – no fish; leech.
W371410.11.9911"Beach Stream No. 1, junction of Beach Stream & triburary (Neuquen Steam)""Abundant trout – resident fish. 1 yearling all others large adults. Substrate – bedrock, boulder & cobble ca. even proportions. Cover mainly substrate. Bankside vegetation not heavily grazed. Stream width ~2.3 m, depth max. 30 cm, mean 10 cm. Length fished ~20 m. 1 trout diet sampled – included stoneflies, amphipods & muck & sand."
W271510.11.9911Many Branches Stream. Seine net site.Few whitebait. Trout fry. Yearling trout at estuary 4-5 m wide. Depth 2 cm riffles to 50 cm pools. Cover only under banks for larger fish (that were not present). Small fish cover also rare. Seine pulls caught a few colouring whitebait. 1 adult male almost ripe.
W281610.11.9911Many Branches Stream tributaries near estuary"Weed cover ca. 65-70%. Good under bank cover. Substrate main gravel, coarse gravel dominant. Stream width ~1 m. Depth max. 25 cm. Depth mean 10 cm. Minnows common, adults & a few whitebait. Almost all coming from the weed beds. Whitebait in a small still backwater area. Trout common, coming from under bank cover. Some fish silvery, most looked like stream residents. No fry. Area fished ca. 15 m2. Minnows sampled collected. Invertebrate sampled collected. Stream meandering low gradient. Edges not heavily grazed. 1 trout diet sample – amphipods & muck. Amphipods, chironomids, trichopterans, molluscs, annelids"
W381711.11.9919"Stop 1, North Hawk’s Nest Pond""No fish caught. Invertebrate sample collected including snails, “odd” stonefly, bivalves. Pond was muddy bottomed. Fished 2 seine hauls on 1 edge. Water up to 60 cm deep. Water dirty, but not really tea stained."
W391811.11.9919"Stop 2, Hawk’s Nest Stream""Electric fished ca. 15 m of stream. Brown trout abundant. Fish up to 20 cm. No fry seen. Substrate – boulder dominated, a lot of moss on rocks. Stream very dark tea colour. Good cover under overhanging banks, some limited cover for small fish under the substrate. Fish generally found in pools & coming from under bank cover. Invertebrates sample - including some large snails"
W401911.12.9919Hawk’s Nest Pond south2 seine net hauls collected minnows. Relatively small fish & very limited colouration. Sample of minnows kept. Plenty of snails. Pond substrate a combination of loose rock slabs & mud. Large amounts of submerged reeds. Reed beds quite common at northern end & southern ends of the pond. Pond dirty but not tea coloured.
W412011.11.9919George Llamosa Horse Pond"Large numbers of minnows collected in 1 seine haul. Leeches often attached to larger minnows, often 4-5 per fish. Small minnows had very obvious red gut from feeding on copepods? Pond a dark tea colour, but very clear. Bottom of the pond was sandy. Minnows also often had heavy loads of parasite cysts. Minnows sample collected. Water 40-50 cm deep max. at haul site."
W422111.11.9919Un-named pond at the 65 km marker."Road cuts through the pond. 2 seine hauls in larger part of the pond collected numerous minnows. No leeches seen & few parasite cysts. Most fish had red lined gut. Sample collected. A “Lindsay” net haul in the large part of the pond collected 1 minnows & very few zooplanktors. A haul in the smaller pond section caught no fish but 1000s of zooplanktors including red copepods & “small amphipods”? Water 50-60 cm deep max.. Water dark tea colour, sandy bottom. "
W432211.11.9919Scow Pond."2 seine net hauls caught ca. ten minnows. Sample collected. Water dirty, not tea coloured. Substrate rock slabs & mud. Water 40-50 cm deep max.."
W442311.11.9918Wrinkly Hill Pond"2 seine net hauls caught minnows. Minnows were not abundant. Sample collected. Water dirty, not tea coloured., ca. 50-60 cm deep max.. Bottom muddy with occasional rock slab."
W452411.11.9918Stud Paddock Stream"A short seine haul was used to fish a shallow pool just above a culvert. Sea water just downstream of the culvert, & at high tide it may pass through culvert. Area fished with the net was ca. 10m+. Water was clear & not coloured much. A large school of minnows captured. No real whitebait, some just colouring, most large maturing adults. A few small mullet (5-7 cm) caught with the minnows. Sample of the minnows kept. Stream substrate mud overlying coarser material. Mud appeared to be road run-off material. Water depth max. 20 cm. Stud Paddock Stream is the outflow for Wrinkly Hill Pond."
W62511.11.9918Bottomless Pond"Sand bottom at the edge, but turns to mud & gets deep ca. 3 m off the side. Muddy areas are also weedy, mud very soft with seine net haulers sinking 10-20 cm into the mud without feeling anything solid. 2 limited seine hauls collected 1 ~25-30 cm brown trout."
W642612.12.99Doyle River ca. 800 m from river mouth."Electric fished ca. 200 m2 of pool & side channel. Minnows very common around the banks & in stream cover, ranged from whitebait to very large individuals. Maturing & the odd spent fish. Water colour very dark tea colour. Substrate 30% sand, the rest cobble & boulder slabs possible some bedrock. Water depth in riffles 10 cm. Water depth in pools up to 70 cm, width 5 m."
W632712.12.99Doyle River TributarySmall very dark coloured stream ca. 60 cm width. Depth max. 50 cm. Good overhanging banks & vegetation. Bottom substrate – sand. All preserved. Caught zebra trout – three large three small. Minnows very abundant.
W622812.12.99Doyle River side pond"1 seine net drag in a pond ca. 10 m from Doyle River. Connection only possible during very high river flows. Seine caught 100s minnows. Pond depth 1 m+, water very dark tea colour. Substrate sandy. Some weed beds in pond. Minnows also seen using cover from overhanging vegetation at pond edges."
W612912.11.99Lake Sullivan North Drain outflow to sea."2 seine hauls in the tidal zone. Numerous small mullet, 1 larger (25-30 cm), rare Falklands smelt. Whitebait common, some very clear others getting gutty & coloured. Sample of bait in ethanol. No cover, substrate sand & soft mud."
W603012.11.99Lake Sullivan North Drain / Gleadall’s Fishing Pond"Lake Sullivan North Drain – Gleadall’s Fishing Pond – Drain ca. 60 cm – 1 m wide. Ca. 10-15 cm deep. Water slightly dirty , uncoloured. Electric fished ca. 20 m caught ~10 zebra trout, most rather large (Ian pers. Comm.) 1 very small individual. Sample preserved. Stream also held numerous minnows. Substrate sandy, odd cobble in pools. Stony bedrock/ boulder riffle. Most of the fish came from the pool/run areas. Mark Gleadall’s comments: Large numbers of fish in Lake Sullivan outflow stream in September. Zebra trout caught are ripe, female have pink eggs. Fish can be found in streams East Bay, Brown Harbour & into Symonds Harbour as far as Fish Creek."
W5931Small drain beside East Bay House"1 small zebra trout & abundant minnows. Drain dug by Mark, fished upstream of culvert. Channel ca. 10 cm wide water depth 10 cm max.. This drain connects with outflow from Horse Paddock Pond."
W583212.11.99Horse Paddock Pond"1 seine haul across sandy bottomed area. Water depth to 50 cm, clear, light tea colouration. Caught many zebra trout, relatively small fish common, most quite silvery. & some very large minnows - lightly coloured, also appeared ripe."
W573312.11.99 / 13.11.99Lake Sullivan North"2 seine net hauls on lee shore. Bottom a combination of rock, pebble & sand. A layer of fine mud over it all. Hauls not good, net filled with mud but some minnows caught in each haul. Nothing else. Set a gill net for ca. half-hour & collected 2 good sized zebra trout. Water depth for seine & gills nets up to 70 cm. Water colour almost clear, but dirty water. Checked 2 fyke nets set previous night. 1 had six zebra trout & 1 large fish regurgitated minnows. Second fyke had 2 minnows. 2 zebra trout beheaded, heads placed in alcohol for otoliths. Guts examined, not much in them, fish remains in one gut. Neither fish had much gonad. Possibly post-spawning fish."
W563412.11.9918No name pond"2 seine net hauls at windward end. Pond bottom sandy with the odd rock. No mud. Water depth up to 60 cm. Water colour light tea, & a little dirty. Both hauls caught numerous minnows"
W553513.11.9918Weedy Pond2 seine net hauls near the outlet. 1 through the reeds caught ~ 40 small clear minnows. 1 on clear pond bed caught 1 minnows. Water depth to 1.2 m.
W543613.11.9918Weedy Outlet – tea coloured stream"10-15 trout, occasional minnows. Substrate sandy. Vegetation cover. 2 largest trout kept. Gut of largest trout contained 1 trout. Gut of smaller 1 minnows, 1 trout egg. Full electric fishing cord length fished. Stream ca. 0.6 m wide. Depth max. 50 cm, mean depth 30-40. Substrate sand. Some reeds in channel. Good overhanging cover (vegetation) & under cuts."
W533713.11.9918Landlocked Pond just past Weedy Pond (going south) (East Bay Track)"Minnows, numerous in 1 seine haul. Minnows seem to have larger heads than normal. Depth ~40 cm. Pond tea coloured, sandy bottomed, with the odd rock."
W523813.11.9918Un-named stream by fence line."Electric fished for ca. 20 m. Brown trout occasional, nothing bigger than 15 cm. Few spots on the trout. Stream tea coloured & clear. Substrate sandy with some cobble & gravel. Macrophytes common & overhanging banks & vegetation provided cover. 1 trout fry & 1 yearling caught. (No sample). Stream ca. 40 cm wide, depth max. 40 cm."
W513913.11.9918Arroyo Chico"Weedy stream ca. 1 m wide. 95% of surface covered by weed. Small areas free of weed openings max. 30 x 30 cm. Substrate unknown. Depth estimate 30-40 cm. Electric fished spots for ca. 30 m. 1 largish trout per clear patch. All similar size ~ 25 cm, large head fish, few spots. Occasional small fish in open patches, nothing caught from thick weed areas."
W484013.11.9918Un-named small pond."1 seine net haul across sandy bottom pond No fish. Water dark tea colour, shallow ~ 30 cm max."
W494113.11.9918Bottom pond connected to Mickey Doolan’s Ditch.1 seine net haul across sandy bottom pond. Pond colour mid-tea. Water depth up to 50 cm. Haul caught numerous minnows. NONE as large as some stream populations & ponds from East Bay. Sample taken.
W504213.11.9918Mickey Doolan’s Ditch"Pools, connected by shallow sections. Ditch width ca. 1 m depth ranged from 5 cm to 40 cm. Substrate – mud. Cover provided by macrophytes. Some reeds. Electric fished ca. 20 m of the ditch. Caught a few minnows, no trout seen. Minnows again may have larger than normal heads."
W474313.11.9918Arroyo Malo"5 m wide channel, U-shaped. Grazed grass banks, nothing overhanging. Stream bottom sandy, banks muddy. No cover for fish. Electric fished 1 side for ca. 30 m. No fish seen or caught. Water depth 1.2 m, uncoloured water but dirty."
W94414.11.9910Dirty Ditch"Small stream, mud & sand bottom 0-5 m wide. Open shallow pools, overhung narrow sections ca. 50:50. Minnows, all large, maturing fish common. All fish in the overhung sections. No invertebrates seen. Water tea coloured clear. Quite a slow flowing stream. Depth 5-15 cm. Fished ca. 40 m."
W84514.11.9910Herbert Stream at Bailey Bridge."10 m wide stream, dark tea colour, clear. Substrate bedrock & sand. Water depth max. at least 60 cm. Electric fished ca. 15 m2 along 1 bank. Brown trout abundant, ca. 20 caught/disturbed, 7-25 cm long. Amphipods and molluscs"
W74614.11.9910Herbert Creek at second culvert"Abundant brown trout. Water tea coloured & clear. Stream width 3 m, substrate for cover."
W64714.11.9910Herbert Stream"Width 30 cm. Depth max. 60 cm. Vegetation for cover. Light tea colour, clear water. Abundant small, poor condition brown trout."
W54814.11.9910Un-named stream at Hill Cove"Minnows common, no large fish only extended ca. 100 m upstream from tide z1. Stream ca. 0.3 m wide, apart from 1 pool. Depth 0.1 m. Cover – bankside vegetation & overhanging banks. Mid-tea colour water."
W44914.11.994"Larger Stream, Hill Cove""Minnows common. Substrate mud. Water dark tea, depth mean ~0.3 m width 1.0 m. Fished 150 m of stream. Cover overhanging banks, some vegetation."
W35014.11.994Un-named stream past Hill Cove"Brown trout common, none large, condition poor. Stream light tea colour & clear. Some trout obvious in pool below bridge. Stream substrate boulder/cobble. Width 3 m, depth max. 0.6 m, mean 0.15 m. Cover from substrate, no overhanging vegetation, little overhanging bank."
W25114.11.995Bull Stream"Rare brown trout, all small. Stream light tea colour. Substrate boulder, cobble, possibly unstable. No cover from banks or stream side vegetation. Depth max. 1.5+ m, mean riffle depth 0.1 m. Fished ~100 m2 width 10 m. "
W105214.11.9910Dirty Ditch halfway down airstrip"Minnows common – to abundant. All large individuals, maturing. Stream had muddy bottom, some overhanging banks for cover. Channel nearly enclosed at places. Water dark tea colour, width 0.3 m, depth 0.3 m. Electric fished ~50 m."
W115315.11.9910Dirty Ditch at the high tide mark"Minnows, sea-run browns (2 ~150 m). Minnows common throughout area fished (ca. 20 m). Browns both in first pool under overhanging shrub. Good cover provided by shrubs. Small minnows appeared at this site, including near new bait. Substrate muddy, some rock at the tidal area."
W125415.11.9910Mt Donald Pond inflow"Brown trout abundant, large individuals up to 30 cm long (five large fish caught). Diet includes smaller trout & blowflies (23 in a gut). Fry present & yearlings. Stream light tea colour, clear. Substrate sand to boulder mix. Cover provided by overhanging banks & vegetation (banks mainly). Some macrophytes too. Stream width 0.2–0.6 m, depth 0.1-0.4 m. Length fished ca. 25 m. Trout were the big head variety."
W135515.11.9910Mt Donald Pond"Brown trout, minnows caught in 1 seine haul. Minnows were common, but small. Single yearling brown trout. Lake bottom sand with some emergent rock. Shallow ~0.3 m max.. Dark tea coloured water. Sample of minnows kept. No invertebrates (snails, etc.) caught in the haul."
W145615.11.99102 Pass Stream"Abundant brown trout, mainly small. Stream light tea colour. Water depth mean 0.1 m, max. 1.5+ m. Substrate mainly cobble, some gravel very little boulder. Overhanging banks limited, some instream macrophytes. Cover limited less than 5% of area. Stream width 3-4 m. Area fished ca. 15 m."
W155715.11.9910Mt Adam Stream / Teal Ponds & Waterfall Stream (not sampled)"Stream light tea colour, mossy stream bed. Width 3 m, depth max. 1.2 m, depth mean 0.2 m. Brown trout common, a range of sizes from fry to 20 cm+ long fish. Electric fished ca. 25 m of stream. Cover provided by substrate (limited) macrophytes (limited) some overhanging banks. Stream side vegetation well grazed little vegetation cover. Cover good for small fish only, large fish habitat limited. Good spawning occurring. brown trout & minnows (minnows). Comments from owner: Both areas contain brown trout and minnows (inanga). The Teal Ponds dry out in summer due to altered water course, the last few years (three years). Sea-run browns numerous when first dried out."
W165815.11.9911Top Hog Ground Stream"Abundant brown trout, all sizes fry to 20 cm fish. Stream has a mossy bed. Substrate mix of boulder, cobble, & gravel. Stream colour mid tea, clear. Stream width 1.5 m, depth max. 1 m, depth mean 0.15 m. Electric fished ca. 25 m."
W175915.11.9911Upper Chartres River"Abundant brown trout, all sizes fry to 30 cm fish. Stream has a mossy bed. Substrate, etc. all similar to Site 58."
W186015.11.9911Poncho Stream (Warrah)"Abundant brown trout, all sizes fry to 30 cm fish. Stream mid to dark tea colour. Stream macrophytes common. Stream width 2.0 m. Substrate etc similar to Sites 58, 59."
W196115.11.9911Poncho Stream (lower)"Width 10 m , depth max. 0.4 m, mean 0.1. Abundant brown trout, a lot of fry in riffles (~30 caught rather than 1 or 2). Max. trout size ~25 cm. Substrate gravel, small cobble, on bedrock in riffle. Some sand in pools. Moss common on rock. Macrophytes common in pools & edges. Under bank cover limited, stream edges well grazed. Small trout – yearlings the most common size apart from fry. Area fished ca. 150m2. Water colour dark tea."
W206215.11.9911Warrah River"Abundant brown trout, including fry. Substrate water, etc. similar to Lower Poncho Stream. Width ~8 m."
W336315.11.9911House Creek (NB also known as Halfway House stream)"Spot light survey from “rickety” foot bridge upstream. No brown trout seen, 15 zebra trout, minnows common. Four zebra trout caught to check IDs. Survey continued up stream until 500 m above lower weir, only 1 zebra trout & 1 minnows seen above lower weir. Substrate varied, bedrock, boulder common, then cobble & gravel. Spawning habitat for trout possibly absent, below the weir. Stream has a pool riffle, or pool cascade nature. Some run areas in riffle pool interface. All zebra trout similar sizes 12-18 cm (?) long. Deeper pool water not occupied by zebra trout, & rarely by minnows. Minnows of all sizes seen. Caddis larvae seen out on rocks at night. Stream width ~1.5-1.0 narrowing upstream. Depth max. 1.0 m, mean 0.2 m."
W16415.11.994Western Lagoon"2 seine net hauls, minnows common, none large. No parasites (?). Lake bottom sand/mud with rocks spaced about. Snails and amphipods common, leeches abundant & chironomids cases abundant."
????Lyn/Tony Blake. / Stop at Little Chartres"Hawk’s Nest Ponds – same pond as Robin mentioned – seepage connection to other parts. Chart System. King George Bay. Ponds at head of Chartres tend to dry up. Dead brownies seen in some of these. Tributaries entering KGB all have brownies, & spreading further."
W24 & W254 & 509.11.9911Main Road Bridge streams. Stream & valley flowing west"Electric fishing 25 m fished. Stream width 1 m. Depth up to 1 m, shallow weedy riffles. Substrate – muddy to sand little gravel, no cobble/boulder. Stream well grazed to margins, all cover in stream macrophyte that is abundant. Trout were abundant in pools, up to 20 cm common, possibly 25 cm. No fry, yearling & older fish common. Invertebrate sample taken, caught adult caddis. Trout active during the day. 2 seen moving away from feeding riffle areas. 14 trout caught & taken to freezer. Trichoptera, amphipods, chironomids, annelids."