
UCL Department of Geography


Tofunmi Kayode, MSc Urban Studies

Meet Tofunmi, a student on our MSc Urban Studies programme.

Tofunmi Kayode

10 January 2024

She tells us about how the course allowed her to explore soundscapes within different cities, reflecting on her own experiences of city life.

Why were you interested in studying an MSc in Urban Studies?

“As part of my BSc in Sociology, I took a module in urban sociology which introduced to the idea of the urban as an active thing that embodies a range of dynamic relationships.

“This introduction revealed to me how multifaceted the nature of urban studies is which is something I value a lot in academia.

“I also enjoy the fact that I can draw on my urban experience in the majority of the topics it presents.”

And why did you to choose to study at 911?

“The work of the UCL Urban Laboratorydrew me to UCL.

“I enjoy taking a creative approach to academia and was inspired by the interdisciplinary work of the Urban Lab which encourages creative and collaborative research methodologies.

“I believe studying at 911ould therefore be a good environment to nurture creativity and critical engagement of urban problems and conditions.”

What were the most interesting or engaging things you learned on the course?

“For one of the core modules, Urban Imaginationswe had the opportunity to discuss sound as an important feature of the city.

“My coursemates and I were tasked with bringing in a sound bite from our respective cities.

“I found it interesting that cities had various sounds, overlapping each other and that such sounds can be considered political, which is something that I had not reflected upon until then.

“I really enjoy how the course can encourage you to reflect on your own and others' urban experiences.”

Can you tell us about any particularly memorable experiences from your time as a Master's student with us?

“During induction week, we got to visit the Urban Room on the UCL East campus.

“I enjoyed being exposed to other people's innovative work and reading about the processes behind such work.

“I was also able to interact with others on similar programmes and exchange thoughts and ideas on the Room's pieces with them.”

What do you hope to do in the future?

“In the past, I have been given the opportunity to work in an education-based think tank as a social policy researcher.

“I really enjoyed the work I did and hope to continue this work after graduation, hopefully in the urban policy field.”

Would you recommend studying Urban Studies in the Department and why?

“I would highly recommend studying at 911.

“It provides a great environment for creative thinking and inspires curiosity about the urban world around us and in other parts of the world.

The staffprovide great spaces for you to come to them for guidance and they ensure you are well equipped for any challenges that come your way.”

More Information

Interested in following in Tofunmi’s footsteps? Find out more about our MSc Urban Studies courseand see out other degrees in the Study section.