

UCL Department of Geography


Alex Papadopoulos

Research Title

Participating Counterpublics : User Experience Design for Online Communities of Practice

More about Alex

Academic Qualifications

  • 2017 - present: PhD Human-Computer Interaction and Public Participation Technologies
  • 2015-2016 University College London: MSc Human-Computer Interaction with Ergonomics
  • 2012-2015 University of Sheffield: BSc Psychology


  • May 2016 - June 2016 Sony Computer Entertainment Europe: User Research Assistant
  • June 2015 - September 2015 DOTSOFT SA: Junior Software Developer - Internship

I teach on the following modules: 

I also contribute to the following:

  • Department of Civil, Environmental and Geomatic Engineering; GIS Design (Term 2, 2017 – lecture, practical)
  • International Faculty of the University of Sheffield, CITY College Thessaloniki: 50+ Hellas programme, TA (Practical workshops on computer science, 2012-2015)
  • Repetition doesn’t have to be boring: User Experience Design for Online Citizen Science Data Classification Applications, Collective Intelligence, 2018
  • 2017 Jennett, C., Papadopoulou, S., Himmelstein, J., Vaugoux, A., Roger, V., & Cox, A. L. (2017). Students' Experiences of Interdisciplinary Learning while Building Scientific Video Games. International Journal of Game-Based Learning.
Research Funding
  • Funding: H2020 WeGovNow Project