


MA Language, Culture and History

This flexible programme allows students to enhance their knowledge of the language of their choice, while offering the opportunity to take courses in history, literature and culture. The MA may be taken over one year full-time or two years part-time via different language pathways.

Student Testimonials

MA Language, Culture & History (French Studies)

"As a former UCL undergraduate, I was confident that I would have a similarly high-quality learning experience while continuing as a postgrad. However, this course has really exceeded my already high expectations – both in terms of content and teaching.

Although my main reason for applying was to study in greater depth certain language-related topics which I had enjoyed as an undergraduate, I found that I was also exposed to some very interesting new areas, namely as part of the so-called ‘core course’. For example, during the first half of Term One, I was able to choose between short courses on the themes of either “Memory" or "The Past", and in then, in the second half of term, on either "Sexuality" or "Warfare". While none of these were necessarily themes which I would otherwise have gone out of my way to study, the courses proved to be unexpectedly rewarding - and, since each ‘sub-module’ lasted only five weeks, there was no risk of reaching saturation point.

I was also offered an excellent choice of modules in my chosen language, for which the teaching was of an extremely high standard. Since I have an interest in literary translation, I was very pleased to be able to enrol for two separate courses covering translation both into and out of my chosen language (French).
The social side of the course has also been rewarding, with fellow-students of different nationalities, ages and backgrounds. A particular mention must also go to the young and energetic course convenor, who was not only fully engaged with our activities (both academic and social), but who also “went the extra mile” for students encountering problems. This was particularly appreciated during the coronavirus crisis.

Apply! (You will not regret it)."

Philip Rouse

MA Language, Culture & History (Italian Studies)

"I have thoroughly enjoyed the course for a range of reasons and would recommend it foranyone considering returning to university studies, even if many years have passed since theirundergraduate days!The academic staff have been very approachable as well as personable, and I have foundtheir seminars lively, challenging and always interesting. I have also found the guidance andsupport provided by my tutors to be very useful and appreciated the extra efforts they havemade during the current Covid-19 crisis. Resources have been outstanding: I have been able tomake the most of UCL’s excellent library, as well as The British Library when researching forassignments and the online course materials have also been impressive.It’s also been a great pleasure to get to know fellow MA students, a diverse and interestinggroup with a wide age range."

Julian Waltho

MA Language, Culture & History (Scandinavian Studies)

"I’m in the middle of a two year, part-time Scandinavian Studies MA, one of the LCH options. LCH is an excellent way of studying a region or country across a number of disciplines, taking in politics, philosophy, literature, history, film and language. I’m particularly enjoying the very high standards of teaching across the board and the varied, challenging and stimulating coursework. This requires engaging with (often complex) theories and approaches, which we are encouraged to apply to topics of our choice in our essay submissions. Combined with the sheer choice of modules, the net result is a highly tailored, individual approach to studying that distinguishes LCH from courses at other universities. Online resources are of a very high standard, and UCL’s library facilities are first class. Personal support has been absolutely excellent – above and beyond the call of duty - and tutors are always accessible outside of seminars. There’s great camaraderie amongst students, who span all ages and backgrounds, and it’s great to mix with people who have other regional interests. Whilst the university sector across the UK has suffered disruptions with Covid-19 and strikes this year, UCL has handled these challenges professionally and sensitively. In short, I can thoroughly recommend LCH courses and very much look forward to my second year."

James Vaux

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