

UCL European Institute


Navigating Brexit

We have worked on the UK-EU relationship throughout our existence. Read about particular projects and research outputs related to Brexit.
Text Brexit and beyond in bold red font, against an animated background of a blue skies, with a figure dressed in red peering into the distant using a telescope towards the left of the image.

Co-edited by (now University of Edinburgh) and Uta Staiger (European Institute), this open access volume was brought together at the very start of the Brexit process. It examines the consequences of Brexit for the future of Europe. Adopting an explicitly regional and future-oriented perspective, it brings together 28 leading scholars – several from UCL Laws and Political Science – to chart the likely effects of Brexit across institutional relations, political economy, law and justice, foreign affairs, democratic governance, and the idea of Europe itself. At over 185,000 downloads and 500 print sales in 190 countries, it remains one of UCL Press’ most successful publications.

A collage of Brexit-related newspaper headlines

Half a decade after the referendum, this special issue of Global Policy (13(S2), 2021), co-edited by (Durham Law School) and Uta Staiger (European Institute), presents a diachronic, interdisciplinary analysis of Brexit. Internationally recognised historians, lawyers and political scientists, including a number of UCL academics, gauge the ideational factors and historical pathways that prepared the way for Brexit; discuss the significance of some of the legal, formal and constitutional features of the process; and indicate probable consequences going forward.

UK and EU flag together

UCL Brexit Hub

Between 2016-2020, European Institute staff curated, maintained, contributed to, and hosted UCL's portal for research, academic content, and expertise on all things Brexit. The portal collated publications, blog posts, video interviews, media commentary, and policy engagement activities from UCL academics and leadership, covering topics including the negotiations, constitutional matters, Northern Ireland, EU & UK politics, Energy & Environment, Digital Trade, and more. It is still available as a research resource.