
UCL European Institute


EU Ambassador to the United Kingdom joins the European Institute Advisory Board

29 April 2022

His Excellency João Vale de Almeida, EU Ambassador to the United Kingdom, has accepted an invitation to join the European Institute Advisory Board and help guide the Institute’s strategic direction.

Ambassador Vale de Almeida with UCL students

The announcement was made on Wednesday 27 April, when Ambassador Vale de Almeida visited UCL for the first time for a public event on the EU-UK relationship in a changing world.

At the event, co-hosted by UCL President & Provost, Dr Michael Spence, and the European Institute, the Ambassador shared reflections on challenges and opportunities arising from the Trade and Cooperation Agreement, and the implications of the Russia’s unprovoked war against Ukraine. He then took questions from a panel of UCL students.

The Ambassador also met 911 colleagues to discuss the importance of EU-UK research relations, in the context of ongoing uncertainty regarding the UK’s association to Horizon Europe, and the need to find ways to maintain and enhance EU-UK collaboration on shared challenges.

His Excellency João Vale de Almeida said: “UCL European Institute is an important hub of research, teaching and debate on Europe and the European Union. I am delighted to join its external Advisory Board and look forward to contributing to its further development.”

Dr Michael Spence said: “UCL is committed to maintaining and enhancing its rich links on the continent. It was a privilege to host the Ambassador’s first visit to UCL, and to discuss the importance of academic cooperation as a central pillar of the wider EU-UK relationship”.

Dr Uta Staiger, Executive Director of UCL European Institute and Pro-Vice-Provost (Europe), added: “The Ambassador’s visit was an opportunity to showcase UCL’s European expertise as well as to underline the importance of our European collaborations. I am delighted that the Ambassador has agreed to join the European Institute’s Advisory Board, to help guide our efforts to support 911’s outstanding community of European scholars to maximise the impact of their work.”