
UCL European Institute



UCL offers a wide range of outstanding programmes at Bachelor and Masters Levels, which focus on European Politics, Policy and Law from different disciplinary – and interdisciplinary – perspectives.

BA European Social and Political Studies

European Social and Political Studies group picture
Department:UCL European & International Social & Political Studies
ܳ:European Social and Political Studies (ESPS) combine specialisation in one of nine humanities and social sciences, with a broad base in history, law, politics and philosophy, fluency in a foreign language, and a year spent in a university abroad. The programme is also available as a Dual Degree BA, delivered by UCL in cooperation with Sciences Po (Paris). Graduates go on to undertake research or professional training and take up employment in a range of fields such as journalism, government or business, in the UK and internationally.

&;European Social and Political Studies: Dual Degree BA
&;European Social and Political Studies (ESPS)

LLB Law with German/French/Hispanic Law

LLB Law with German, French and Hispanic Law
Department: Laws
Summary: Knowledge of another European national legal system and its law is a valuable asset, both academically and professionally. These four-year programmes teach students from across the globe the skills to reflect critically on your understanding of the law, how the law works and how and if it can be changed. UCL Laws runs Bachelor of Laws programmes with Université Panthéon-Assas-Paris II (French Law), University of Cologne or Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität Munich (German Law) and Universidad Carlos III in Madrid (Spanish Law). Students spend the first and second years at Laws, the third year at the partner institution concerned, and the fourth year back at Laws.

> LLB Law with Hispanic Law
&;LLB Law with German Law
&;LLB Law with French Law

UCL Faculty of Laws

UCL Laws is an agenda-setting community of legal scholars. Informed by a rich heritage of philosophical enquiry, we produce research that matters and lend a clear voice to global conversations.

It is London’s global Faculty of Laws: outward-looking to its core, with a deep and pervasive interest in “laws” (plural) – those also of other jurisdictions and international and European law (notwithstanding Brexit). It is a Faculty which pursues international research collaboration with other outstanding institutions; which enables its students to study abroad and has highly selective dual-degree programmes; and which nurtures a global network of alumni. And it works to a vision in which cutting-edge research in law and its diverse manifestations are put at the centre of its activities, including its teaching. It is focused on research that matters in the world of today, where the role of law is ever more significant in tackling global challenges.

> UCL Faculty of Laws

Politics, Sociology and East European Studies BA

BA Politics, Sociology and Eastern European Studies banner
Summary: This degree programme combines training in politics, international relations and sociology with specialist modules on Russia and Eastern Europe. The degree provides graduates with the skills to analyse contemporary issues in European and international politics and society. It also exists in a four-year version with a year spent at a partner university from the region.

> BA Politics, Sociology and East European Studies
> BA Politics, Sociology and East European Studies with a Year Abroad

MSc European Politics and Policy

MSc European Politics and Policy banner
Department: UCL Department of Political Science and supported by the UCL European Institute
ܳ:This taught master's programme provides in-depth knowledge of the EU’s institutions, politics and policies. It coverslegislative,executive and judicial politics, introduction to EU law-making and lobbying, and addresses key contemporary questions. Students choose from a wide range of options in public policy, international politics and comparative government. In addition to research-led teaching, the programme also offers a practice-led element through a curated programme of moderated conversations with guest speakers who are practitioners in the field. Students engage directly with policymakers, opinion shapers and analysts during a three-day study trip to Brussels.

> MSc European Politics and Policy

Visiting Brussels: EU Politics and Policy in Practice

As part of a core Practice Module, led by the UCL European Institute, students travel to Brussels for three days to see EU policymaking at work.

The module is taught through a curated programme of moderated conversations with guest speakers who are senior practitioners in their fields, combined with skills-oriented sessions led by experienced professionals and centred on the production of formats or tools of analysis as they are used in practice. Students visitEuropean Commission,the Parliament,the External Action Service,the UK Mission to the EU,leading think tanks and advocacy organisations,a newsroom and the House of European History

&;European Institute takes students to Brussels

International Masters in Economy, State and Society

International Masters in Economy, State and Society banner
ܳ:IMESS (International Masters in Economy, State and Society) is the leading two-year programme in comparative area studies that helps you to develop in-depth knowledge and understanding of Central, Eastern and South-Eastern Europe, the Baltics, Russia, the Caucasus and Central Asia.

&;IMESS (International Masters in Economy, State and Society)

More Europe-focused programmes at 911

UCL offers an impressive range of teaching programmes focusing on Europe and delivered with European partners.30 European languages are taught at 911 and students can make the most of that offering while pursuing broader interests in politics, history and philosophy.For more, see the UCL European Voices website

> European Voices: Our Programmes