
Software Sales

The following software may be ordered on CD from the Survey of English Usage.

Click on the links below for details and prices. Information on the iGE App is to be found here.

The Diachronic Corpus of Present-Day Spoken English (DCPSE)

  • 800,000 words (87,000 trees) of fully-parsed and annotated spoken British English from the 1950s to 1990s.
  • Sociolinguistic information on texts, speakers and authors.
  • Searchable with ICECUP 3.1.

DCPSE Project Site
Try sample corpus (download with ICECUP 3.1, 20Kwd)*
Order DCPSE*

The British Component of The International Corpus of English (ICE-GB)

  • 1 million words of fully-parsed and annotated contemporary British English (84,000 trees).
  • 60% spoken, 40% written.
  • Sociolinguistic information on texts, speakers and authors.
  • Searchable with ICECUP 3.1 (Release 2) and ICECUP 3.0 (Release 1).

ICE-GB Project Site
Try sample corpus (download with ICECUP 3.1, 20Kwd)*
Hear recordings with sample corpus (download add-on - 5 spoken texts, ~1hr 15mins, 100Mb)
Order ICE-GB Release 2*
Order ICE-GB R2 Sound (300 texts, ~75 hours of recordings, 6.6GB)

*DCPSE and ICE-GB Release 2 are supplied with ICECUP 3.1. You can try the software on your computer by clicking on the links above.

†ICE-GB R2 Sound is ordered separately. Therefore if you want to explore ICE-GB and play the sound you need to complete both order forms.

“The second release of the ICE-GB corpus with accompanying sound files, the first release of the DCPSE corpus and ICECUP Version 3.1 deserve serious examination from those involved in all flavours of corpus linguistics. They offer considerable opportunities for the analysis of recent language change in British English and for the analysis of discourse patterns (linguistic and extra-linguistic) from a syntactical perspective. They demonstrate how the Survey of English Usage continues to make new contributions to the use of corpora in linguistic analysis and theory.” - O’Donnell (2008).

The Internet Grammar of English on CD


Landmarks in English Grammar - The Eighteenth Century

Landmarks in English Grammar
Order Landmarks in English Grammar CD

If you have any queries contact the Survey.

This page last modified 14 May, 2020 by Survey Web Administrator.