
UCL Engineering


How we teach

At 911 Engineering, we teach our undergraduate programmes in the context of our award-winning teaching framework, the IEP.

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What is the IEP?

The IEP is anundergraduateteaching frameworkshared by most 911 Engineering undergraduate degree programmes. It isnot a programme that you apply todirectly,so here’s precisely what it means for you and your chosen degree.

The IEP emphasises creativity, communication, interdisciplinarity and teamwork by learning through projects and the social context of engineering. Engineering is about people, and the IEP helps you to explore, build and design engineering solutions that make a difference.

The IEP is completely embedded in the degree programme of your choice.When you say yes to UCL Engineering,you are also saying yes toengaging in themanyinnovative IEPlearningopportunitiesendorsed by MIT as“”.

At 911, youwillspecialisein the areasof engineeringthat excite you the most,rightfrom the verystart of your studies.The IEP approachallowsyoutowork and learnbeside students from other disciplinesat key pointsthroughout your first three years of study.This opportunity to learn from each other and share interests and insights is trulyinvaluable.

Unique to the IEP, is your chance to personalise your engineering degree. It’s what makes it fun, challenging and extremely rewarding! You can take three, linked elective modules in a subject area e.g. intelligent systems (AI), environmental engineering and modern application of engineering mathematics. These modules grouped together are known as an IEP Minor Pathway. This won’t change your degree title, but crucially, it allows you to broaden and customise your UCL degree.

Discovermore about the IEP Minorsin'How is the IEP part of my chosenprogramme?'

UCL Engineering undergraduate programmes that follow the IEP
UCL Engineering or associated undergraduate programmes whichdo not follow the IEP

Each of thesedegreesare either already highly specialised, have input from other UCLfaculties and/ordepartments, or are forparticular groupof students (i.e. medical students in the case oftheIntercalated degree).

How will Ibe taught?

You will learn in a variety of ways, including:

  • lectures
  • self-study
  • real-worldprojects throughIEPScenariosand IEP Challenges
  • laboratories
  • workshops andtutorials
  • career-based facilitation, tutoring and mock employmentactivities
  • group work
  • flippedlectures (you’ll review materials before class as homework so that lesson time is dedicated todiscussion,interactiveexercisesandguidancefrom your lecturer)

You willalsospend time in experimental or computer labs learning key technical skills.Througha series of authentic team-based engineering projects,you’llreceivea uniqueopportunityto apply your technical knowledge through the process of engineering design. You may also have the chance to go on field tripsandwork with/be mentoredby our industrial and community partners

Why teach in this way?

Good engineering happens when peoplewith complementary skillswork together to solve problems.

We’vedesigned theIEP teaching framework as a response to the changing nature of21stcentury engineering and industry requirements for innovative, curious graduates who are not only technically brilliant in their chosen discipline, but also:

  • have a wider knowledge base
  • are used to working with engineers from other areas as well asnon-engineers
  • effectively communicateand promotetheir ideas
  • makean impactwithminimum guidance and resource.

Who will teach me?

Stafffrom every UCL Engineeringdepartment contribute to the IEP.Most of theteaching on your IEP modules will be taught by academics from your core programmedepartment. Interdisciplinary IEP elements are delivered by leading academics from across thefaculty. Ourdepartmental colleagues embrace a shared attitude towards collaborative, problem-based, creative learning.

How is the IEP part of my chosen programme?

Engineering Challenges Module

Whois this for?BEng/MEng Biochemical, Biomedical, Chemical, Civil, Electronic & Electrical and Mechanical Engineering studentsandBSc/MEng Computer Science students.

Engineering Challenges takes place in Term 1 of your firstyear, andcomprises twoChallenges- team projects that last for half a term.

During thesefive-week-longchallenges,you will work in a team to investigate a problem and create a solution. Youwillhave other lectures during thistime, andwill spendfourhours in class each week on the Challenge.

The Challenges are themed around broad issues which have a global impact, taken from the UCL Grand Challenges topicse.g.sustainabilityandglobal health.

Challenge 1-is discipline-specificandtaught by your‘home’Department. Your team willconsistof students from your programme cohort. The aim of this Challenge isto giveyou further insights into cutting-edge innovations within your chosen discipline.

Challenge 2-ismultidisciplinary. You will work with students from different engineeringdisciplines, andbe taught by academics in partnereddepartments. This Challenge gives you a chance to work with students from another discipline on a ‘real-world’ project.On the first year interdisciplinary Challenge project, each discipline has a distinct part to play, becoming truly effective when working in conjunction with other disciplines.

"The unique components introduced by the IEP - for example, Challenges and How to Change The World -gave me early exposureto working in teams comprising of individuals from different disciplines and backgrounds. The various activities helped me work on my leadership skills in multidisciplinary environments, where it was crucial to be able bridge the gaps in knowledge between members in order to complete given tasks. This experience helped me stand out as a candidate when applying to summer internships or work placements."
Akmal, MEng Mechanical Engineering, 3rd year 18/19
Design & Professional Skills I & II Modules

Whois this for?BEng/MEng Biochemical, Biomedical, Chemical, Civil, Electronic & Electrical and Mechanical Engineering studentsandBSc/MEng Computer Science students.

Design and Professional Skills, orDPS, takesplace in Terms 1and2 of your first and second year.The moduleincludes a special project in your first week – thebrilliantPebble in the Pond.

DPS is taught in discipline cohorts – so you study with your programme peers. Everyone studiesmuch of the same materials and curriculum, withplenty of discipline-specific adjustments taughtwith real-life examples.

In DPS, you’ll learn aboutcommunications– and why this is so important to engineers –ethics, teamworkandleadership, theengineering design cycleandtechnical skillsspecific to your chosen degree programme, such asengineering drawing and CAD (computer-aided design), programmingandrisk assessments.

Design & Professional Skills includesScenarios– week-long team projects where all your other lectures stop, and you have one focus:a team-based technical engineering design project. Scenarios are taught by yourdepartment, andgive you the opportunity to apply your Design & Professional Skills knowledge to issues relating to your subject area. Scenarios also give you a real insight into how engineers work. Thisexperience helps youtostand apartfromengineering studentsat competing universities. Our students say that Scenarios are intense, but they love them!

"You have a whole real-life project, and you’re expected to complete it by the Friday [having only been given it the Monday before]. It’s challenging because it’s a lot of work, and initially, especially on the Monday you’re a bit everywhere. But by the end of the week you get to see a project come together, and I think that’s really exciting."
Zara, BEng Chemical Engineering, 2018
Mathematical Modelling & Analysis I and II Modules

Whois this for?BEng/MEng Biochemical, Biomedical, Chemical, Civil, Electronic & Electrical and Mechanical Engineering students.

Please note BSc/ MEngComputer Science students take a different mathematics module (see theUCL Computer Science prospectus pages: BSc Computer Science/MEng Computer Science).

You will take Mathematical Modelling & Analysis in Term 1 of your first year and Terms 1 and 2 of your second year. You will have mixed cohort lectures anddepartment-basedtutorials and workshops. In your first year you will also get timetabled, tutor-led MATLAB sessions.Everyone studies the sametheory, andhas a chance to apply and understand that theory in areas relevant to their chosen engineering degree programme.

Mathematical Modelling & Analysis Ireinforcesthe engineering utility of mathematical concepts. You will study topics including:

  • engineering calculus,
  • engineering uncertainty,
  • how to analyse data,
  • matrices
  • vectors
  • statistics.

Mathematical Modelling & Analysis II integrates mathematics theory and engineering practice. You will study topics including:

  • partial differential equations,
  • series and transforms,
  • advanced matrices
  • probability and statistics.
IEP Minor Modules

Studying an IEP Minor is compulsory.

The IEP Minor pathway allows you to choose either a completely different subject area,or an in-depth study of an aspect of your own discipline.Many of the IEP Minors are either aligned with cutting-edge UCL Engineering Research or innovations in industrial engineering sectors.

Please note:the IEP Minors do not currently change your degree title.

What is the IEP Minor?

The IEP Minor is unique in UK engineering education.These areasetof three modules groupedtogether.You’lltakeone module in your second year, and two modules in your third year.

The IEP MinorPathwayenables you to customise your chosen engineering degree programme, follow your passions and gain insight into specific engineering sectors. Such experience really willgive youan advantage in a competitive jobs market.

Prior tothe IEP MinorPathway, timetable clashes meant picking electives was difficult for our students. By grouping elective modules together, we have allowed students to gain in-depth knowledge of certain subject areasandensuretimetable issues arereduced.

One of the bestthings about each IEPMinoris thatyou'llwork and learn with students from otherdisciplines, building your interdisciplinary and multidisciplinary knowledge.

You can find out more on the IEP Minor Pathways available to students starting their second year of studiesthis autumnin the video below.IndividualIEP MinorPathwaysmay be withdrawn or added in subsequent years.

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Who is this for?BEng/MEng Biochemical, Biomedical, Chemical, Civil, Electronic & Electrical and Mechanical Engineering students, BSc/MEng Computer Science students, BSc/MSciManagement Science students.

MEng Mechanical Engineering with Business Finance students do not have an IEP Minor choice option.TheBusiness Financeelement already allows you to customise your degree.

If you take an MEng, and choose to take your third year abroad, you may not be able to complete your third year IEP Minor modules.

We have tried to make every IEP Minor available to everyone, but there are some prerequisitesand exclusionswhich will be explained to you in your first year. If your core degree programme already covers the subject area, you will not be able to take the corresponding IEP Minor. Some IEP Minors may require certain A-levels, or equivalent.

What is the IEP Minorselectionprocess?

At the end of yourfirst year,youexpressyour 1st and 2nd choice of IEP MinorPathway.At the start of yoursecond year,you confirmyour choice.

“My IEP Minor in Engineering and Public Policy allows me to analyse the impact of technology from a political standpoint and how it fits in the policy sphere. While my degree equips me with the technical understanding of a certain technology, my IEP Minor opens up my horizons, encourages me to think beyond normal engineering assumptions and ultimately understand how power and influence work.”
Sarah, Chemical Engineering, 3rd Year 18/19
How to Change the World

Whois this for?BEng/MEng Biochemical, Biomedical, Chemical, Electronic & Electrical and Mechanical Engineering students, BSc/MEng Computer Science studentsandBSc/MSciManagement Science students (plus other students not on IEP programmes).

How to Change the Worldisaunique, intensive, two-weekteam-basedprojectthatrequires ourstudents to develop creative and technically robust solutions to 21st-century global challenges.The projects are supported by industrial partners and often have government involvement. It is taken at the end of your second year and is considered to be the ‘grand finale’ to the set of eight IEP projects (i.e. Challenges and Scenarios) that are at the core of the first two years at 911 Engineering.

How to Change the World is run byUCLSTEaPP(Science, Technology, Engineering and Public Policy), and emphases the social context of engineering. Itprovidesanother opportunity for problem-based learningbysolving problems whilst working inteams, andapplying your knowledge as you're learning it. It is so much more than just another project! It gives you the chance to set yourself apart and work on aninterdisciplinary project that’s aligned with the. Working in facilitated workshops with industryand/or community partners, yourteamwill plan and design an engineering solution toa socially complex realissueassigned to you.On the final day, you’llpitch to a panel of academics and external and internal (UCL) experts. In recent years, our prestigious external partners have included the UK Government Department for Transport, ARUP, Engineers without Borders UK, Motorola Solutions and Lloyds Banking Group.

Visitforour student takeover(#HtCtWin thehighlights).

"The IEP has played a fundamental role in building my teamwork, problem-solving and communication skills, especially through Scenario weeks and How to Change the World. I have had the opportunity to apply my engineering knowledge to real-world problems, and to propose innovative solutions. This has been enjoyable, and has helped to expand my creative side by allowing me to thinkoutside the box."
Simran, MEng Chemical Engineering, 3rd year

Beyond The Curriculum

As well as studying the above modules and projects – which all include some form of assessment – as a UCL Engineering student on a programme that follows the IEP, you’ll come across additional elements that aren’t part of the curriculum as such, but are still important, and will still influence your student journey.

Strengths Finder

Learning about yourself while you are at university, is such a key part in graduating as the engineer. From your very first day, we encourage you to start thinking about the type of engineer that you want to be, and how your strengths can contribute positively to your development. As an undergraduate engineering student, you will find yourself studying, working and possibly living in new environments and with people who are outside your usual friendship groups. You will be expected to develop your communication skills so that you can effectively give or receive instructions, collaborate with your peers and interact with your academic tutor or an industrial client. All of which, we understand can be challenging.

That’s why the IEP introduces theto first yearstudentsin the first week ofterm.CliftonStrengthshelps develop self-awareness and provides you with a vocabularytosensitively explore and discuss how peoplemayinspire or frustrate you. This is exceptionally useful when it comes to working in teams – in university,and alsoin industry.

. The tool provides a set of descriptions that help each person understand how they think, connect with others and get things done. Through the IEP’s active learning approach, we help youtoreflect on how you achieve, and through this reflection you will learn to appreciate and value different styles of contributionto work.

The IEP works with a Certified Strengths Coach who supports our teaching and learning staff to get the most out of this programme.

Text by Dr Jan Peters (external consultant).

IEP Ambassadors

Our wonderful IEP Ambassadors are students from every programme on the IEPandbelieve inour aims and ethos - that engineering is a people-centred, creative discipline that works best when it is diverse, inclusive and considers social contexts.

Since the IEP was first implemented by UCL in 2014, we have also benefitted from crucial feedback from our IEP Ambassadors. The IEP was partially set-up to respond to industry requirements for adaptative, engineering graduates with strong communication and problem-solving skills, who are flexible enough to create positive change. Having a solid, consistent student viewpoint from our IEP Ambassadors helps ensure that the IEP stays innovative and dynamic for all students and equip you for a life after university.

If you join usand decide to become an IEP Ambassador, you may get the chance to work on projects involving social media, video production, pre-19 STEM engagement, events management and student engineering conferences.

Please note, a competitive application process must be passed in order to become an IEP Ambassador.

Benefits of the IEP
  • Are you interested in applied and industry-aligned engineering?
  • Are you creative, or do you like working in creative environments?
  • Are you interested in more than one area of engineering?
  • Do you like working with people from different backgrounds and specialisms?
  • Do you like communicating your ideas and solutions?
  • Are you intrigued by the idea that engineers and engineering can change the world?

If you answered yes to any of the above, this way of learning is for you

A Leader in Engineering Education
  • , Higher Education Academy
  • Cited as ‘emerging global leader in engineering education’ in , a report compiled by Dr Ruth Graham for MIT