

UCL Educational Psychology


South East, East and London (SEEL) Bursary Placements from September 2024

SEEL Placement Allocation Process 2024-25

Please note, as of September 2023 the annual bursary has increased to £19,960. Although we recognise that this may be a challenge for some services, we have to also recognise the pressure on trainees and the rise in cost of living and the benefits of a new nationally agreed amount. Please click here to see the September 2022 JPLG statement on bursaries.

Each trainee undertaking a bursary placement will receive the baseline bursary of £19,460 which includes a contribution towards travel/books, usually of £500, but with the additional £500 per pledged bursary being available to each programme to support trainees with travel costs associated with home to placement travel.

The deadlines for the 2024-2025 placement process (for placements starting in September 2024) are as follows:

New bursaries pledged (deadline 13th May 2024):
Proforma email used to pledge funding for 2023-24 placements
List of Placement Providers who have pledged new bursary funding

Continuing Year 3 placements (final deadline 19th April 2024):
Proforma email used to pledge continued funding
Continuing Bursaries pledged

Please see below for some Review Documentation for the June 2023 Panel:
Feedback from the Chair of the June 2023 SEEL Placement Panel
Feedback from the TEP Observer of the June 2023 Panel

This webpage has been set up as a portal for Placement Providers wishing to pledge bursary placements for SEEL consortium trainees in 2023-24. It is divided into sections - please click on the relevant links to access:

Timeline for all aspects of the process
Additional Information for Placement Providers
Additional Information for SEEL trainee EPs
Additional Information for NOREMIDSW Trainees
About the SEEL Consortium