
UCL Department of Economics


Standard Entrance Requirements for L100/L101/L102

Please note that due to the intense competition for places on the above courses, meeting our standard entry requirements does not guarantee that an application will be successful. These requirements are also subject to annual review.

A Levels

International Baccalaureate (IB)

Cambridge Pre-U

Foundation Courses

Scottish Advanced Highers and Highers

University of London International Programmes: Diploma in Economics/Diploma in Social Sciences

Welsh Baccalaureate

Austrian Matura


Belgian Diploma van Secundair

Bulgaria Diploma za Sredno Obrazovanie/Diploma za Sredno Spetsialno Obrazovanie/Svidetelstvo za Profesionalna Kvalifikasia (Diploma of Completed Secondary Specialised Education)


Cyprus (Greek Sector) – Apolytirion of Lykeio

Czech Republic – Maturitni Zkouška/Maturita

Denmark – Studentereksamen/Højere Forberedelseseksamen (HF)



European Baccalaureate (EB)

Finland – Ylioppilastutkinto/Studentexamen (Matriculation Certificate)

France - Baccalaureate General

Germany – Abitur/Zeugnis der Allgemeinen Hochschulreife

Greece Apolytirion of Lykeio

Hong Kong – Advanced Level Examinations (HKALE)

Hong Kong - Hong Kong Diploma of Secondary Education (HKDSE)

Hungary - Erettsegi/Matura

Iceland – Studentsprof


Irish Highers

Israel – Bagrut Diploma

Italian Diplome di Esame di Stato (formerly Maturita)








New Zealand – National Certificate in Educational Achievement (NCEA) Level 3 Diploma

Norway – Vitnemål fra den Videregående Skole (Upper Secondary Leaving Certificate)



Polish Matura

Portuguese Diploma de Ensino Secundario/Certificado



Romanian Bacc

Saudi Arabia

Serbia – Secondary School Leaving Diploma/Matura

Singapore – Singapore/Cambridge Advanced Level

Singapore – NUS High School of Mathematics and Science Diploma

Slovakia – Vysvedcenie Maturitnej Skuske/Maturita

Slovenia – Matura/Maturitetno Spricevalo (Secondary School-Leaving Certificate)

South Africa

South Korea

Spain - Titulo de Bachilleris


Sweden – Fullstandigt Slutbetyg fran Gymnasasieskolan/Avgangsbetyg (Upper School Leaving Certificate)



United Arab Emerites (UAE)

United States of America


UK Qualifications

A Levels

A*AA at A2 level in the first sitting, to include grade A* in Mathematics (and grade A in Economics if taking this subject).

International Baccalaureate (IB)

39 points overall with a score of 19 in three Higher Level subjects, including a grade 7 in Higher Level Mathematics (and grade 6 in Economics if taking this subject).911ill accept either Mathematics: Analysis and Approaches, or Mathematics: Applications and Interpretation at Higher Level.

Cambridge Pre-U

D2, D3, D3 in three Cambridge Pre-U Principal Subjects, to include Mathematics D2, plus D3 in Economics if taking this subject.

Foundation Courses

  • 䳢Իܲٱʰ貹ٴǰپھٱڴǰٳܳԾپ(ʰ): Overall mark of 70% with 76% in Mathematics and 70% in Economics, and 70% in both Academic English and Academic Research: Approaches and Methods
  • UCL UndergraduatePreparatory Certificate for Science and Engineering (UPCSE): Overall mark of 70% with 76% in Mathematics and 70% in the second subject unit, and 70% in both Academic English and Science and Society
  • Birkbeck certificates of Higher Education in Preparation for Higher Education: Distinction overall with a Pass in all modules and at least 75 in Mathematics. If Mathematics is not adequately covered in the courses taken, an A* in A Level Mathematics is also required.
  • King’s College International Foundation Programmes

    • International Science Foundation Programme: Successful completion of the programme at grade A, with A+/85% in module one ( Maths) and A in module two.
    • International Foundation Programme in Humanities & Social Sciences: Successful completion of the programme at grade A, with a final mark of 75% in the Optional Subject. A* in A Level Mathematics is also required.
  • Queen Mary University of London International Foundation Programme in Social Sciences: Completion of all modules with Distinction overall, and Distinctions in Mathematics and Economics.
  • Royal Holloway University of London University Foundation Programme: 72% overall with 75% in Mathematics with Statistics and one other unit and 70% in the two remaining units.
  • SOAS Intermediate Certificate Course in Comparative International Studies: 72% overall with 75% in Quantitative Methods for Business and Economics module.
  • University of Warwick Higher Education Foundation Programme: Completion of all modules with Distinction overall. A mark of at least 85% in Mathematics plus a mark of 80% in Economics.

Scottish Advanced Highers and Highers

A1AA in three Advanced Highers, to include grade A1 in Mathematics or A1A in two Advanced Highers, to include grade A1 in Mathematics, plus AAA in three Highers.

University of London International Programmes: Diploma in Economics/Diploma in Social Sciences

Successful completion of the Diploma with 60% in each module including Mathematics 1 and 2 units.

Welsh Baccalaureate

Successful completion of the WBQ Advanced Diploma with grade A in the core, plus A*A in at least two A Levels to include grade A* in Mathematics (and A in Economics if taking this subject).

Overseas Qualifications

All students whose first language is not English must be able to provide evidence that their spoken and written command of the English language is adequate for the undergraduate Economics programmes. The Economics Department therefore requires a recognised English Language qualification, such as the International English Language Testing System (IELTS) and the Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL) at Good level. Further information on English Language entry requirements is available at: www.ucl.ac.uk/prospective-students/undergraduate-study/application-and-entry/english-language/acceptable-qualifications/.

Austrian Matura Allgemeinbildende Höhere Schulen or Reifeprufung

Overall average of 1.2 in examination subjects, with at least three subjects at grade 1, including Mathematics. Grade 2 (gut) in English when both the written and oral Matura/Reifeprüfung examinations in the subject have been taken is accepted as satisfying the UCL English Language proficiency requirement.


Successful completion of 2 years of a Bachelor Degree at a recognised Bahraini university, with a Cumulative Grade Point Average of at least 3.3/4.0. The equivalent of grade A* in A Level Mathematics and a recognised English Language qualification are also required.

Belgium – Certificat d’Enseignement Secondaire Superieur (CESS)

Overall grade of 90.0 including 9.5 in Mathematics. Grade 8 or 80% (grote onderscheiding/avec grande distinction) in English is accepted as satisfying the UCL English Language proficiency requirement.

Bulgaria – Diploma za Sredno Obrazovanie

Overall mark of 5.65 in the Diploma za Sredno Obrazovanie with 2 State Maturity examinations passed at 6.0, 5.5.

Mathematics must be taken as an elective State Maturity Examination and passed at 6.0. Any further subjects must be studied as part of the Diploma za Sredno Obrazovanie and passed with a grade of 6/6.

Alternatively, successful completion of one year of a Bachelor degree at a Bulgarian institution recognised by 911ith an average of 5/6 or “Very Good”, plus the equivalent of a grade A* in Mathematics A Level.

A recognised English Language qualification is also required.


Successful completion of two years of a Bachelor Degree from a recognised Chinese university with an average of B+, 85% or a Cumulative Grade Point Average of at least 3.4/4.0. The equivalent of a grade A* in A Level Mathematics and a recognised English Language qualification are also required.

Cyprus (Greek Sector) – Apolytirion of Lykeio

Overall grade of 19.2 and two additional A Levels, including Mathematics at grade A* and grade A in one other subject. A recognised English Language qualification may be required.

Czech Republic – Maturitni Zkouška/Maturita

Overall average of 1.2, to include 1 in Mathematics. A recognised English Language qualification is also required.

Denmark – Studentereksamen/Højere Forberedelseseksamen (HF)

Overall average of 10 with high level subjects at 12, 10, 10, including Mathematics at 12. A recognised English Language qualification is also required.


Successful completion of two years of a Bachelor Degree at a recognised Egyptian university, with an average of at least 3.3/4.0 or ‘Very Good’. The equivalent of a grade A* in A Level Mathematics and a recognised English Language qualification are also required.


Award of the Gümnaasiumi lõputunnistus with 5/5 in at least five intensively studied subjects to include Mathematics, plus the award of the Riigieksamitunnistus with an overall average of 87%. Students must study the broad route in Mathematics

European Baccalaureate (EB)

Overall score of 87.5% with at least 9.0 in Mathematics, which should be taken as a full option and 8.5 in at least one other subject. Grade 8.0 in English when taken as an Obligatory Subject (Language I or II) or as a Full Option (Language III or IV) is accepted as satisfying the UCL English Language proficiency requirement.

Finland – Ylioppilastutkinto/Studentexamen (Matriculation Certificate)

Successful completion of the Ylioppilastutkinto/Studentexamen with at least four subjects, three of which must be at grade 7, including Mathematics (advanced level). Grade 5/M (magne cum laude approbatur) in English as an advanced level subject is accepted as satisfying the UCL English Language proficiency requirement.

France – Baccalaureat General

Overall score of 15.75 with 17 in Mathematics. If an applicant is studying the Economic and Social (ES) version, Spécialité Mathématiques is required. Grade 13 (assez bien) in English where the co-efficient applied to the subject is greater than 1 is accepted as satisfying the UCL English Language proficiency requirement.

Germany – Abitur/Zeugnis der Allgemeinen Hochschulreife

Overall grade of 1.3 and two subject marks of 14 (sehr gut) including Mathematics. LK/Advanced level in Mathematics in states that offer these courses.

12 (gut) in English when taken as an achievement/main/intensive course is accepted as satisfying the UCL English Language proficiency requirement.

Greece – Apolytirion of Lykeio

Overall grade of 19.2 and two additional A Levels, including Mathematics at grade A* and grade A in one other subject. A recognised English Language qualification is also required.

Hong Kong – Advanced Level Examinations (HKALE)

AAA at A level in the first sitting, to include grade A in Mathematics (and grade A in Economics if taking this subject). A recognised English Language qualification is also required.

Hong Kong - Hong Kong Diploma of Secondary Education (HKDSE)

Without Economics

Level 5* in Mathematics (compulsory part), Level 5* in Algebra and Calculus (extended part), Level 5 in English Language, Level 3 in Chinese Language, Level 3 in Liberal Studies and Level 5*, 5 in two further elective subjects. A recognised English Language qualification is also required.

With Economics

Level 5* in Mathematics (compulsory part), Level 5* in Algebra and Calculus (extended part), Level 5 in Economics, Level 5 in English Language, Level 3 in Chinese Language, Level 3 in Liberal Studies and Level 5* in one further elective subject. A recognised English Language qualification is also required.

Hungary – Erettsegi/Matura

Mark of 5 in all subjects, including 2 at advanced/higher level which must be passed at 75% or above. Mathematics must be included at advanced level/higher level with a pass of at least 75%. A recognised English Language qualification is also required.

Iceland – Studentsprof

Average subject mark of 10, including 10 in Mathematics. Grade 8 in English if taken as a compulsory modern language is accepted as satisfying the UCL English Language proficiency requirement.


Successful completion of Year 12/Standard 12 Indian School Certificate awarded by CISCE or CBSE with an overall grade of 95% or above, including 95% in Mathematics.

Alternatively, successful completion of one year of a Bachelor Degree with First Class/Division marks and an overall average of 75% from a recognised Indian university in addition to the CISCE/CBSE High School qualifications. The equivalent of a grade A* in A Level Mathematics is also required.
A recognised English Language qualification is also required.

Ireland – Irish Leaving Certificate

Six subjects of grade H6 or above at Higher Level, to include four subjects at H1, H1, H1, H1, of which one of the subjects should be Mathematics at H1.

Israel – Bagrut

Overall average of 90% with three 5-unit subjects passed at 95%, 90%, 90%, to include Mathematics passed at 95%. A recognised English Language qualification is also required.

Italy – Diploma di Esame di Stato (Scientifica)

Overall score of 95 with 15 in the final written Mathematics examination (and 10 in final year Economics if being taken). A recognised English Language qualification is also required.


Successful completion of one year of a Bachelor Degree at a recognised Japanese university, with an average grade of at least 80% or grade A. The equivalent of a grade A* in A Level Mathematics and a recognised English Language qualification are also required.


Successful completion of two years of a Bachelor Degree at a recognised Kenyan university, with an average of Upper Second Class Honours. The equivalent of a grade A* in A Level Mathematics and a recognised English Language qualification are also required.


Successful completion of one year of a Bachelor Degree from a recognised Latvian university, with an average of 9/10. The equivalent of a grade A* in A Level Mathematics and a recognised English Language qualification are also required.


Award of the Brandos Atestatas with an overall grade of 9, plus the state-examination in Mathematics passed at 95% and two further state-examination subjects passed at 90%. A recognised English Language qualification is also required.

Malta – Matriculation Certificate

Overall grade of A and grade A in two Advanced Level subjects, including Mathematics. A recognised English Language qualification is also required if the medium of instruction is not English.

Mauritius -Cambridge Overseas Higher School Certificate (COHSC)

Grades A*AA in principal subjects, including Mathematics at grade A*

Netherlands– Voorbereidend Wetenschappelijk Onderwijs (VWO)

Overall average of 8.3, to include 9 in Mathematics. Grade 7 in English is accepted as satisfying the UCL English Language proficiency requirement.

New Zealand – National Certificate in Educational Achievement (NCEA) Level 3 Diploma

Achieved with Excellence, to include three level-3 subjects of at least 20 credits of no lower than Merit (M). Mathematics to include 18 credits at Excellence (E), and the other two subjects to include 15 credits at Excellence (E).


Successful completion of two years of a Bachelor Degree at a recognised Nigerian university, with upper second class honours, or a National or Higher National Diploma awarded by a recognised Nigerian university with high grades of distinction or upper credit. The equivalent of a grade A* in A Level Mathematics is also required.

Norway – Vitnemål fra den Videregående Skole (Certificate of Upper Secondary Education).

Average of 5.3 in the common core subjects, with grade 6 in final year Mathematics and grade 5 in one other final year subject. Grade 5 in English is accepted as satisfying the UCL English Language proficiency requirement.


Successful completion of a Bachelor of Arts/Science/Commerce Degree at a recognised Pakistani university, with an average of 75% or a Cumulative Grade Point Average of 3.7/4,0. The equivalent of a grade A* in A Level Mathematics and a recognised English Language qualification are also required.

Poland - Matura

At least 3 subjects passed at Extended Level with 90% in Mathematics and two at 85%. A recognised English Language qualification is also required.

Portugal – Certificado de Fim de Estudos Secundarios

Overall grade of 19, with grade 20 in Mathematics and grade 19 in two further subjects. A recognised English Language qualification is also required.


Successful completion of at least two years of a Bachelor degree at a recognised Qatari university with a Cumulative Grade Point Average of 3.3/4.0. The equivalent of grade A* in A Level Mathematics and a recognised English Language qualification are also required.

Romania – Diploma de Bacalaureat

Overall grade of 9.3, including 10 in Mathematics. A recognised English Language qualification is also required.


Successful completion of one year of a Bachelor Degree or a Specialist Diploma at a recognised Russian university, with a Cumulative Grade Point Average of 4.5/5.0. The equivalent of a grade A* in A Level Mathematics and a recognised English Language qualification are also required.

Saudi Arabia

Successful completion of one year at a recognised Saudi Arabian university, with an average of 85%, Cumulative Grade Point Average of 4.5/5.0 or B+. For degrees from the Arab Open University, a Cumulative Grade Point Average of 3.3/4.0 is required. The equivalent of a grade A* in A Level Mathematics and a recognised English Language qualification are also required.

Serbia – Secondary School Leaving Diploma/Matura

Overall grade of 5, including grade 5 in Mathematics. A recognised English Language qualification is also required.

Singapore – Singapore/Cambridge Advanced Level

AAA at H2 level, to include Mathematics (and Economics if taking this subject). Grade 6 in the Singapore/Cambridge English Language O level satisfies the UCL English Language proficiency requirement.

Singapore – NUS High School of Mathematics and Science Diploma

Awarded with a Cumulative Average Point score of 4.3/5.0, including a score of 4.7 in Mathematics.

Slovakia – Vysvedcenie Maturitnej Skuske/Maturita

Grade 1 in all subjects, including grade 1 in Mathematics. A recognised English Language qualification is also required.

Slovenia – Matura/Maturitetno Spricevalo (Secondary School-Leaving Diploma)

Total score of 28, to include grade 5 in higher level Mathematics. A recognised English Language qualification is also required.

South Africa

Successful completion of one year of a Bachelor Degree at a recognised South African university with an average of 70%/Upper Second Class Honours. The equivalent of a grade A* in A Level Mathematics is also required.

South Korea

Successful completion of the Junior College Diploma, or one year of a Bachelor Degree at a recognised South Korean university, with grade A/ 90%/Cumulative Grade Point Average of 4.0/4.5 or 3.8/4.3. The equivalent of a grade A* in A Level Mathematics and a recognised English Language qualification are also required.

Spain – Titulo de Bachillerato

Overall grade of 9.3, to include grade 10 in Mathematics. A recognised English Language qualification is also required.


Successful completion of two years of a Bachelor Degree at a recognised Sudanese university, with an average of at least 60%. The equivalent of a grade A* in A Level Mathematics and a recognised English Language qualification are also required.

Sweden – Fullstandigt Slutbetyg fran Gymnasasieskolan/Avgangsbetyg (Upper School Leaving Certificate)

A in 2000 points to include Mathematics 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 at grade A. Grade C in the Avgangsbetyg is accepted as satisfying the UCL English Language proficiency requirement.

Switzerland Federal Maturity Certifcate/Federally Recognised Cantonal Maturity Certificate

Overall average of grade 5.1, with grade 5.5 in Mathematics. Grade 5 (gut/bien/bene) in English is accepted as satisfying the UCL English Language proficiency requirement.


Award of the Anadolu Lisesi Diplomasi with a final GPA of 5.0/5.0, to include 95% in Mathematics plus 90% in two further subjects.

Alternatively, applicants holding the Lise Diplomasi must successfully complete one year of a Lisans Diplomasi (Bachelor Degree) at a recognised Turkish university, with a CGPA of 3.3/4.0. The equivalent of a grade A* in A Level Mathematics is also required.

A recognised English Language qualification is required.


Successful completion of one year of a Bachelor Degree or Specialist Diploma at a recognised Ukrainian university, with an average of 4.5/5 or 11/12. The equivalent of a grade A* in A Level Mathematics and a recognised English Language qualification are also required.

United Arab Emirates (UAE)

Successful completion of two years of a Bachelor Degree at a recognised UAE university, with 90% or a Cumulative Grade Point Average of at least 4.0/4.0. Alternatively, a Cumulative Grade Point Average of 3.3/4.0 is required from the American University in Dubai. The equivalent of a grade A* in A Level Mathematics and a recognised English Language qualification are also required.

United States of America

One of the following:

  • Five Advanced Placements with grades 5, 5, 5, 5, 4, including Calculus BC at grade 5, taken in the final three years of high school.
  • High achievement in a combination of five distinct Advanced Placements, including Calculus BC at grade 5, and SAT subject tests, to be considered on a case-by-case basis.
  • High achievement in three Advanced Placements, including Calculus BC at grade 5, when combined with a High School Graduation Diploma with 3.3/4.0 plus a SAT I with a minimum score of 1950/2400 (old test) or 1380/1600 (new test), or an ACT of 29 in the Composite Score and 10 in the writing score.
  • Successful completion of one year of study at a recognised US university, Community or Junior College, with an overall CGPA of 3.3/4.0, when combined with a High School Graduation Diploma with 3.3/4.0 plus a SAT I with a minimum score of 1950/2400 (old test) or 1380/1600 (new test), or an ACT of 29 in the Composite Score and 10 in the writing score. The equivalent of a grade A* in A Level Mathematics is also required.


Successful completion of two years of a Bachelor Degree (Bang Tot Nghiep Dai Hoc) at a recognised Vietnamese university, with an average of 90%. The equivalent of a grade A* in A Level Mathematics and a recognised English Language qualification are also required.