
UCL Department of Economics


cemmap re-funded through 2021

29 June 2017

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The Centre for Microdata Methods and Practice (cemmap) has won a £1.9m, four year grant in the ESRC 2017 Large Grants Competition.

The new grant funds research to advance our ability to address questions about the structure of complex economic and social processes using big data and new tools of econometrics and statistics. The research programme is built around five interlocking themes: big data and machine learning, dynamics and complexity, robust models, networks and interactions, and survey design and measurement.

cemmap is a joint venture by UCL and the Institute for Fiscal Studies founded in 2000 with a grant from the Leverhulme Trust and an ESRC Research Centre since 2007. The new grant based at IFS provides support to 9 researchers at 911’s Department of Economics, 2 overseas researchers, and support for CeMMAP’s on-going programme of seminars, workshops, training courses and master classes.

Andrew Chesher is Principal Investigator with Co-Investigators and researchers: Pedro Carneiro, Áureo De Paula, Raffaella Giacomini, Toru Kitagawa, Dennis Kristensen, Sokbae Lee (Columbia), Lars Nesheim, Adam Rosen (Duke), Martin Weidner and Daniel Wilhelm.