

UCL Department of Economics


2016 Junior Job Market hire

27 February 2015

The Departmental Junior Job Market search is now completed. We are pleased to announce that we have hired one new lecturer who will join the Department in this capacity next academic year: Ralph Luetticke.
is a macroeconomist who specialises in computational economics and monetary economics. His recent research agenda focuses on the importance of household heterogeneity for business cycle dynamics. His most recent research employs a state-of-the-art dynamic stochastic general equilibrium (DSGE) model to assess the importance of heterogeneity in household portfolios for the transmission of monetary policy. Ralph is expected to receive his PhD from Bonn Graduate School of Economics this Spring. Before that he received a M.Sc. in Economics from University of Bonn and a B.Sc. in International Economics from Maastricht University.

This has been a very successful hiring process and we would like to thank everybody for attending the talks and contributing to make the whole process a success. Last but not least, the Department would like to thank who has run the hiring process efficiently and with an extremely positive attitude.