

UCL Department of Economics


2014 PGTA Awards

19 June 2014

We were pleased to be able to hold an awards ceremony for our deserving TAs as we do not often show our appreciation for their hard work and immense contribution to teaching and learning in the department and we would like thank them all for their hard work and incredible effort; we are truly grateful for all that you do.

This year we had 13 awards and all recipients will receive £50. The new addition to the prize list for this year is a TA nominated award where TA’s can nominate for a peer who they believe has performed excellently in the teaching year. The other categories are as follows:

•    Teaching on a 1st year UG module x 2
•    Teaching on a 2nd year core and optional module x 2
•    Teaching on a 3rd year UG module x 2
•    Teaching on an MSc core module x 1
•    Teaching on an MSc optional module x 1
•    Teaching on an MRes module x 1
•    New TA (first year teaching in our department) x 1
•    Graduating TA (finishing PhD and taking up an academic post and/or no longer teaching)
•    Overall TA (best feedback on teaching on multiple of programmes and/or overall performance)
•    TA nominated prize – TAs nominate peers that have performed excellently over the teaching year

So, without further ado, I would like to announce this year’s winners...

1st year UG Simone Keunen ECON1001: Economics
1st year UG Davide Melcangi ECON1001: Economics
2nd year UG core Kit Lai ECON2001: Microeconomics
2nd year UG option Benjamin Hemingway ECON7002: Economics of Finance
3rd year Sanghmitra Gautam
ECON3019: Issues in Economic Development
3rd year Kieran Larkin ECON3007: Economic Policy Analysis
MSc core Jan Stuhler ECONGP20: Econometrics for Policy
MSc Option Mario Alloza Frutos ECONG051: Macroeconomic Policy
Neele Balke
ECONG105: Macroeconomics
Sefi Roth
Contribution as new TA
Luigi Minale 
Contribution as outgoing TA
Overall Alireza Sepahsalari AND Christopher Gedge Overall Performance
TA nominated Ahmed Al-Khaja
TA nominated for over Performance


We would like to thank ALL the TAs for the work that they do and their contribution to the department.