

Eastman Dental Institute


Professor Patrick Tseng

Clinical Associate Professor, National University Hospital in Singapore, Chief Dental Officer of Singapore

Patrick Tseng

I was in the inaugural class of the MSc in Endodontics between 1989 and 1990.

I chose to study at Eastman because it was the premier postgraduate dental training institute. It had a very good reputation and an impressive track record and was most sought-after amongst Singapore dentists and academics.

Studying there was intense. Most postgraduate courses were of 2-3 year duration but at the Eastman we had to ‘cram’ everything in one year and that included writing a dissertation on a research project.

We had lots of exposure to very interesting clinical cases, excellent teachers and tutors and the fellowship and camaraderie amongst course-mates was great.

My favourite memory is the Friday evening ‘pub ‘sessions’ and playing soccer in the dead of winter at William Goodenough House.

My training at the Eastman was sponsored by the National University Hospital in Singapore and I have remained with them ever since graduation. I have been teaching in both the undergraduate and postgraduate clinics.

I have also been the Chief Dental Officer of Singapore and the Registrar of the Singapore Dental Council for the last 10 years. I lecture quite extensively internationally both on Endodontics and Public Health but my first love is Endodontics.

I help the government in formulating and setting oral healthcare policies, how to provide and fund dental services and generally look after the dental profession in Singapore. In the near future, I hope to continue working as an Endodontist, teach at the Dental Faculty and perhaps do a bit of administrative work with the hospital as well as give more lectures and conduct hands-on courses for local and regional dentists.

Attending Eastman certainly helped my career. Studying there forces you to prioritise your work, be able to ‘multi-task’, work smart, plan well and execute appropriately and of course communicate effectively. These have been very critical for the work that I do both in the clinics and at the Ministry of Health.