
UCL Ear Institute


Uncovering the hidden workings of the ear

13 September 2024

A few decades ago, the workings of the inner ear were something of a mystery. Professor Jonathan Ashmore from the UCL Ear Institute has devoted his research career to changing this.

Jonathan Ashmore

Jonathan Ashmore has been a trailblazer in the field of hearing, and his ground-breaking discoveries have shaped how we understand hearing-related conditions like deafness and tinnitus today.

He originally started out as a theoretical physicist and then moved into investigating the retina of the eye. He realised that a lot of the technologies developed for studying the eye could also be applied to understanding how the ear works.

There was a problem though. The ear contains a variety of cells, but compared to an organ like the eye there aren’t many of them. Consequently, when Ashmore became involved in the field in the 1980s, little was known about the workings of the inner ear. “This seemed like a huge technical challenge and that's really how I got involved in it,” Ashmore explains. “How do you look at something which doesn't have very many cells to play around with?”

Top view of the rows of outer hair cells from inner ear. Image courtesy of Andrew Forge, UCL Ear Institute

Top view of the rows of outer hair cells from inner ear. Image courtesy of Andrew Forge, UCL Ear Institute

From the beginning, Ashmore was involved in thinking about how the ear amplifies sound. He explains that the ear has a kind of “biological hearing aid” and the essential components of this are the so-called outer hair cells of the inner ear.

“The outer hair cells are a population of cells that start to disappear as you get oldand so you begin to get deafer. The outer hair cells were always the interesting cells to start looking at, and the techniques for looking at them in detail really only developed from about the mid-1980s,” he says.

These outer hair cells behave like very fast muscles, amplifying sound mechanically. Up close they look as though they are dancing. Ashmore was one of the first people to show how fast these ‘dancing’ outer hair cells work and the first to capture it on film, as part of a BBC documentary. He describes how they can move at frequencies way above 1,000 times per second, and possibly even up to 100,000 times per second in animals like whales or bats.

Nowadays, Professor Ashmore is focusing on understanding how animals hear at very high frequencies and investigating a research area known as cochlear mechanics. “There are about 5000 mammals on the planet and most of them have a hearing range that extends way beyond what we can hear. I’m interested in understanding how this actually happens,” he says.

He explains that one of the main challenges is that the inner ear is very inaccessible: it’s about the size of a pea in humans and about the size of a grain of rice in mice, and is buried inside a bone. To address this, he is synthesising data to try and build a theoretical model to show what’s happening when the ear processes high frequencies.

Professor Ashmore has some ideas that may explain what high frequency hearing is all about. He hopes that addressing these types of technical problems will ultimately enable new breakthroughs in tackling hearing loss. The ear may be an incredibly complex organ but there is no doubt that we’re getting closer to finally uncovering its hidden workings.

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