

UCL Ear Institute


Khadija Ahmed reflects on her placement at the UCL Ear Institute

14 August 2023

Second-year Medical Sciences student Khadija Ahmed reflects on her placement with the EvidENT team within the UCL Ear Institute.


My name isÌýKhadija Ahmed and I am a second-year Medical Sciences studentÌýat the University of Exeter. When the opportunity to join the In2researchÌýprogrammeÌýcame my way, it felt like a perfect fit for my ever-growing interest in scientific research.Ìý

I'veÌýbeen fascinated by medical research since year 12, when IÌýundertook some workÌýexperience atÌýtheÌýUCL Child Health Institute through In2science. Working on a study of Neuroblastoma using CRISPR technology was aÌýthought-provoking experience.ÌýThis ledÌýme toÌýfurtherÌýexploreÌýrelatedÌýfields suchÌýasÌýCancer Research, Neuroscience, and Medical Technology.ÌýÌýUltimately, theseÌýexperiences have led me to the In2researchÌýprogrammeÌýwhere I aimed to further develop my research skills.ÌýÌý

My 8-week In2research placement was with theÌý'EvidENT'ÌýteamÌýand the NIHR UCLH BRC Hearing Health Theme, co-directedÌýby Professor Anne Schilder and Mr Nishchay Mehta,Ìýat the UCL Ear Institute from June to August 2023. The two projects I took part in were:

  • Ototoxicity:ÌýAÌýstudyÌýwhich involved patients undergoing a specific chemotherapy which is known to have a potential toxic effect on their hearing.ÌýThe study explored blood sample analysis looking at two inner ear biomarkersÌý(Prestin and Otolin-1).ÌýMy involvement in this projectÌýincludedÌýreviewingÌýtheÌýcurrentÌýhealthcare pathway for these patientsÌýthereforeÌýcreatingÌýanÌýinfographic on this,ÌýscopingÌýrelated researchÌýon theÌýmechanisms of hearing lossÌýbiomarkersÌýandÌýundertakingÌýdataÌýanalysis.ÌýI was also fortunate to have hands-on experience with ELISA testing at the UCL GCLP laboratory.ÌýThis project formed the basis of my In2research poster which I am looking forward to presenting at the showcase in September.Ìý
  • Dementia and Hearing Loss:ÌýA key topic for the BRC Hearing Health program.ÌýWorking closely with Diya Vaid, a PhD studentÌýfunded by the BRC, I assisted in the screening process for a narrative review on hearing loss and dementia. This gave me the opportunity to delve into database selection, systematic searching, and to understand the comprehensive methodology behind writing such a review.Ìý

Aside from these projects,ÌýI gainedÌýexperience in conductingÌýPatient andÌýPublicÌýInvolvementÌý(PPI)ÌýactionsÌýduringÌýresearch, I took part in a meeting which inducted new PPI members to the NIHR UCLH BRC HearingÌýHealth Theme PPIEÌýpanel.ÌýI met patients with lived experience of hearing-related symptoms, and this made meÌýrealiseÌýthe tremendousÌýimpact PPI can have on research outcomes.ÌýI alsoÌýcompletedÌýcourses in Good Clinical Practice, PPI, and Artificial Intelligence after which I received certification.ÌýÌý

Some ofÌýmyÌýmost enjoyable experiencesÌýas part of my placement included aÌýmemorableÌývisitÌýto the UCL GCLP labÌýwhereÌýDr Helen LoweÌýintroducedÌýme toÌýCAT-19 T cell culture.ÌýAt the lab, IÌýhad theÌýopportunityÌýto present my ototoxicity research findings to the team.ÌýI also enjoyed my trip to the Royal National Ear Nose & Throat Hospital with Marina Forbes,ÌýaÌýresearchÌýaudiologist, where sheÌýtested my hearing through Pure Tone Audiometry and Tympanometry.ÌýThis gave me a perspective on what it would be like for a patient attendingÌýanÌýaudiology clinicÌýin terms of how a typical hearing appointment goes.ÌýÌý

Overall,ÌýmyÌýexperienceÌýin theÌýEvidENTÌýteam and learningÌýfrom a BRC funded projectÌýhas allowed me to gain valuable insight into the day-to-dayÌýrunningÌýof a clinical research team. My experienceÌýhelped inÌýshapingÌýmyÌýcareer prospectivesÌýwhere IÌýam now considering further academia asÌýan option.ÌýThe knowledge,ÌýskillsÌýandÌýpersonalÌýdevelopmentÌýI'veÌýgained throughÌýthisÌýIn2researchÌýplacement will be useful as I embark onÌýthe final year of my degree.
