

UCL Centre for Digital Humanities


MicroPasts: Crowd and community fuelled archaeological research

24 February 2016, 5:30 pm–6:30 pm

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Event Information

Open to





UCL Centre for Digital Humanities
Gower Street
United Kingdom

This seminar, given by (ICT Advisor at the British Museum), will focus on the AHRC funded MicroPasts project, a collaboration between the Institute of Archaeology, University College London, the British Museum and the public. This project had 3 strands of research, crowdsourcing, crowdfunding and 3D. Two aspects were extremely successful, one was not.

The MicroPasts project has looked at a wide range of periods, topics and institutions, working with the Petrie Museum, Mary Rose Museum and British Museum collections for instance, to produce open data, open source software and an open attitude. A demonstration of what can be achieved by a small team, using open source technology to work in tandem with an amazing contributing crowd will be made, with illustration provided by various 3D prints and models.

The presentation is available to view


Daniel Pett joined the British Museum in 2003 after a career in telecommunications and Investment Banking. He is responsible for the delivery of the award-winning Portable Antiquities Scheme website and is currently running a wide array of digital public archaeology projects including the Day of Archaeology.

All welcome and there will be drinks and discussion after the talk. Please note that is required.