

UCL Centre for Digital Humanities


UCLDH Seminar 2016-17

Term One

Wed, 12 Oct 2016: Freedom to constrain: Introducing TEI customisation
Speaker: Dr James Cummings (Senior Academic Research Technology Specialist, University of Oxford's IT Services)
Venue: G31, Foster Court, 5.30pm
Wed, 19 Oct 2016: Information Extraction and Semantic Annotation
Speaker: Dr Andreas Vlachidis (Research Associate in the Department of Information Studies)
Venue: IAS seminar rm 11, South Wing, 5.30pm
Wed, 2 Nov 2016: Survey of London: Histories of Whitechapel
Speakers: (Senior Research Associate at the UCL Bartlett School of Architecture) and (Lecturer at the UCL Centre for Advanced Spatial Analysis)
Venue: G31, Foster Court, 5.30pm
Wed, 9 Nov 2016: Images of the past. Using digital 3D reconstruction methods for digital humanities research and education
Speaker: Sander Münster (Head of Department at Media Design and Media Production, Technische University Dresden)
Venue: G31, Foster Court, 5.30pm
Wed, 23 Nov 2016: 'Excellence is Bullshit'
Speaker: (Professor of Research Communication at the at )
Venue: G31, Foster Court, 5.30pm
Thu, 1 Dec 2016: Field Crystallization: How Digital Humanities Is Evolving
Speaker: (Digital Humanities Librarian at the )
Venue: G31, Foster Court, 5.30pm
Tue, 6 Dec 2016: Visualizing the Transcribe Bentham corpus
Speaker: (PhD Student in Natural Language Processing for Digital Humanities at the )
Venue: G31, Foster Court, 5.30pm

Term Two

Wed, 18 Jan 2017: Ephemeral Cities and the Forgotten Past
Speaker: (Digital Library Project Officer, )
Venue: G31, Foster Court, 5.30pm
Wed, 25 Jan 2017: Knowledge Representation and Research in the Real World
³§±è±ð²¹°ì±ð°ù:Ìý (Head of at the )
³Õ±ð²Ô³Ü±ð:ÌýChadwick Building G07 (pending confirmation), 5.30pm
Wed, 1 Feb 2017: Lives of the First World War: Reflection on IWMs' Permanent Digital Memorial
Speaker: Catherine Long (Public Engagement Officer, War Memorials Register and Lives of the First World War, )
³Õ±ð²Ô³Ü±ð:ÌýChadwick Building G07 (pending confirmation), 5.30pm
Wed, 8 Feb 2017: Natural Historical Archives as Digital Challenge and Opportunity
Speaker: (Head of Multimedia, Simulation and Virtual Reality Group, )
Venue: G31, Foster Court, 5.30pm
Wed, 22 Feb 2017: Brothers Grimm, Jane Austen and Paulus Orosius have one thing in common: the eTRAP research team and its DH projects
Speaker: (Researcher, Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science, ) and (Researcher, , Göttingen Centre for Digital Humanities)
Venue: Foster Court 132 (pending confirmation), 5.30pm
Mon, 6 Mar 2017: In the Caribbean Sea, Dreaming Futures of the Digital and the Humanities
³§±è±ð²¹°ì±ð°ù:Ìý (Digital Scholarship Librarian, )
³Õ±ð²Ô³Ü±ð:ÌýChadwick Building G07, 5.30pm
Wed, 8 Mar 2017: From Busa to Word Formation. Working on language resources for Latin in Milan
³§±è±ð²¹°ì±ð°ù:Ìý (Research Assistant, )
Venue: Foster Court 132, 5.30pm
Wed, 22 Mar 2017: Managing library collections with friends, favours and a spoonful of sugar
³§±è±ð²¹°ì±ð°ù:ÌýClaudia Mendias (Library Digital Service Manager, )
Venue: G31, Foster Court, 5.30pm

Term Three

Wed, 3 May 2017:  Humanities Crowdsourcing on the Zooniverse Platform
Speaker: Victoria Van Hyning (Junior Research Fellow at , University of Oxford)
Venue: G31, Foster Court, 5.30pm
Wed, 24 May 2017: Baseless Data? Developing an ethnographic approach to big data problems
Speaker: Hannah Knox (Lecturer in Digital Anthropology and Material Culture
Dept of Anthropology, UCL)
Venue: G31, Foster Court, 5.30pm
Wed, 31 May 2017: Legal Issues in Digital Humanities: Introduction and Where Things Stand
Speaker: (MPhil/PhD Candidate, Digital Humanities, )
Venue: G31, Foster Court, 5.30pm