
Culture Schools Projects


8 Exploded human skull

By Shofia

Did you know that the human baby’s skull contains 44 bones?! By the time we are adults they have fused, which means joined together, so there are 22 bones. The largest bits of the exploded pieces are called parietal bone (the back), occipital bone (the back bit at the bottom), the mandible bone (the jaw) and the frontal bone (the forehead).
மனித மண்டையில் 44 எலும்புகள் பிறக்கும்போது இருப்பது உங்களுக்குத் தெரியுமா ?! நாங்கள் பெரியவர்களாக இருக்கும் நேரத்தில் அவர்கள் இணைந்திருக்கிறார்கள், அதாவது ஒன்றாக இணைந்திருக்கிறார்கள், எனவே 22 எலும்புகள் உள்ளன. வெடித்த துண்டுகளின் மிகப்பெரிய பிட்கள் பாரிட்டல் எலும்பு (பின்புறம்), ஆக்ஸிபிடல் எலும்பு (கீழே உள்ள பின் பிட்), கட்டாய எலும்பு (தாடை) மற்றும் முன் எலும்பு (நெற்றி) என அழைக்கப்படுகின்றன.

Floor plan - human skull

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Thank you for your feedback to date

"Thanks Yew class for a wonderful tour of the museum! It was really interesting to hear what you enjoyed about the project and about your thoughts on UCL and going to university. Now I want to come and visit!"

"What a great insight to the objects in the Grant Museum. Your well written labels and video clips really brought the objects to life and made me want to visit, really good work from everyone! Thank you to everyone from George Mitchell School for sharing your experience, follow your ambitions and I hope we will be welcoming you to UCL as students or Directors in the future."

"I loved this virtual tour! Especially some labels are translated into other languages so this would be helpful for foreigners too! Interesting to see various choices and really enjoyed them!"

"I thought the tour was wonderful. Very informative and the enthusiasm of the pupils is infectious."

"Thank you students for bringing alive some of the exhibits of the Grant Museum. You had each found something that interested you and your enthusiasm shone through, making me want to go and visit the museum one day."

"I thought the tour was brilliant and choice of animals amazing! It was lovely to hear the curator - and children!"

"Such a brilliant project! I am very impressed that you made it happen under these unprecedented times. It is inspirational to me as an MA student!"