
Children and Young People's Mental Health


Catalyst Seminar Series - Session six

Children and Young People’s Mental Health – Early Career Researcher Event

The sixth session was the inaugural Early Career Researcher event showcasing the excellent CYP MH science led by early career researchers at 911 on Wednesday 7th July 2021. 

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    10.00 – 10.05 Welcome – Professor Essi Viding

    10.05 – 11.00 Flash Talks

    Chair: Professor Jon Roiser

    Speakers :

    • Dr Abigail Thompson, Research Associate, Clinical, Educational and Health Psychology, UCL. Talk title: 'The effects of cognitive control training on COVID-19 related mental health outcomes'
    • Dr Louise (Lenny) Neil, Research Associate in Developmental Psychopathology, UCL Division of Psychology and Language Sciences. Talk title: 'Trust and childhood maltreatment: Evidence of bias in appraisal of unfamiliar faces'
    • Magda Dubois, PhD student, Max Planck UCL Centre for Computational Psychiatry and Ageing Research. Talk title: 'Exploration heuristics in development and impulsivity'
    • Dr Jeanne Wolstencroft, Research Fellow, UCL Great Ormond Street Institute of Child Health. Talk title: 'New approaches to social skills training: Blended group interventions for girls with social communication difficulties'
    • Dr Sarah Griffiths, Language and Cognition, UCL Division of Psychology and Language Sciences. Talk title: 'Words for Wellbeing: The role of language development in children’s mental health'
    • Dr Candela Sánchez Bellot, Research Fellow (Andrew MacAskill’s lab), Department of Neuroscience, Physiology & Pharmacology, UCL Division of Bioscience. Talk title: 'Investigating the role of the ventral hippocampus in a rodent model of early life adversity '
    • Madeleine Moses-Payne, PhD student, UCL Institute of Cognitive Neuroscience. Talk title: 'The impact of valence on self-referential processing during adolescence '
    • Dr Mia Eisenstadt, Research Associate, EBPU, a partnership between the Anna Freud National Centre for Children and Families and UCL and Psychology Lead, Paradym. Talk title: 'An absence of evidence or evidence of absence: the importance of evidence-based practice in child and adolescent mental health'

    11.00-11.20 Socialising & networking - on Gathertown

    11.20-12.00 Panel Discussion - “Where is the CYP MH research heading and what are the challenges and opportunities for ECRs at 911?”

    Panel members:

    • Dr Jessie Baldwin, Sir Henry Wellcome Post-doctoral Fellow in the Department of Clinical, Educational, and Health Psychology
    • Dr Ramya Srinivasan, Wellcome Trust Clinical Training Fellow at 911 Division of Psychiatry and Honorary Child and Adolescent Psychiatrist at East London Foundation Trust
    • Dr Tobias U. Hauser, Sir Henry Dale Fellow, Principal Research Fellow, Developmental Computational Psychiatry lab, Max Planck UCL Centre for Computational Psychiatry & Ageing Research