

UCL Great Ormond Street Institute of Child Health


Great Ormond Street Institute of Child Health


The West Library

The Library of Dr Charles West

In 1875, a little whiles after his resignation from the staff of the Hospital for Sick Children, and when the 'new building' in Powis Place was nearly completed, Dr Charles West gave his library to the Hospital. After his death in 1898, his widow and his children by his first marriage presented a further collection of books to the Hospital. These two gifts constitute the "West Library" which is retained by the .

This listing is taken from the printed catalogue of the West Library. It follows the original plan and headings used by Dr West. Full text links are provided to items freely available as digital copies on the internet. The bibliographic details are taken from a printed version of the catalogue (undated) with introductory notes by W. W. Payne.


Andral, G. Precis d'anatomie pathologique. (3 vols) Paris, 1829.

Gee, S. J. cases of morbid anatomy. London, 1871.

Gee, S. J. The shape of the head looked at from a medical point of view. London, 1881.

Hall, Marshall. . London, 1857.

Hasse, K. E. . Leipzig, 1841.

Heidenhain, R. Physiologische Studien. Berlin, 1856.

Louis, P. Ch. A. Memoires ou recherches anatomico-pathologiques sur diverses maladies. Paris, 1826.

Minchin, H. Contributions to craniology. Dublin, 1856.

Mukisch, S. A. Beytrage zur Kenntnisz des Kindlichen Organismus. Vienna, 1825.

Muller, J. Bildungsgeschichte der Genitalen, aus anatomischen Untersuchungen an embryonen des Menschen und der Thiere; nebst einen Anhang uber chirurgische Behandlung der Hypospadia. Dusseldorf, 1830.

Radcliffe, C. B. . London, 1871.

Rokitansky, C. Handbuch der allgemeinen pathologischen Anatomie. (3 vols). Vienna, 1846.


Copland, J. A dictionary of practical medicine. (3 vols). 1858. .

Formey, J. L. Vermischte medicinische Schriften. Vol. I. Berlin, 1821.

Gairdner, W. T. . Edinburgh, 1862.

Hauff, G.F. Medicinische Abhandlungen. Stuttgart, 1839.

Heyfelder, J. Studien im Gebiete der Heilwissenschaft. Stuttgart, 1838.

Jenner, W. Lectures on the acute specific diseases. London, 1853.

Jorg, J. C. Uber die Verkrummungen des mensschlichen Korpers. Leipzig, 1810.

Kopp, J. H. Denkwurdigheiten in der arztlichen Praxis. Frankfort, 1830.

Miquel, J-F. Lettres d'un veterna de l'ecole de Bretonneau. Tours, 1867.

Orfila, M. Traite de medecine legale. (3 vols). 3rd ed. Paris, 1832.

Paget, J. Lectures on the processes of repair and reproduction after injuries. 1849.

Paget, J. Lectures on inflammation. 1850.

Paget, J. . London, 1851.

Rush, B. Medical inquiries and observations. 2nd ed. Philadelphia, 1789.

Watson, T. Lectures on the principles and practice of physics. (2 vols). London, 1857.

General Medicine: Diagnosis

Allbutt, T. C. . London, 1871.

Bouchut, E. . Paris, 1866.

Goodhart, J. F. Theermometric observations in clinical medicine. London, 1869.

Mussy, N. G. de. Recherches sur l'auscultation plessimetrique. Paris, 1876.

Mackenzie, Morell. . London, 1865.

Roger, H. Recherche cliniques sur l'auscultation de la tete. Paris, 1860.

General Medicine: Temperature

Compton, T. A. Temperature in acute disease. London, 1866.

Finlayson, J. Normal temperature in children. Glasgow, 1869.

Finlayson, J. On the temperature of children in phthisis and tuberculosis. Glasgow, 1869.

Roger, H. De la temperature chez les enfants a l'etat physiologique et pathologique. Paris, 1844.

Sturges, O. Temperature of young children in health and disease. London, 1886.

Squire, W. Infantile temperatures in health and disease. London, 1869.

General Medicine: Therapy

Althaus, J. Cases treated by faradisation. London, 1861.

Althaus, J. On the use of galvanism and electro-magnetism in medicine and surgery. London, 1868.

Armitage, T. R. Hydropathy as applied to acute disease. London, 1852.

Beck, John B. . New York, 1849. [Note: this link is to the 2nd ed of 1852]

Duchenne, G.-B. De l'electrisation localisee et de son application a la pathologie et a la therapeutique. 2nd ed. Paris, 1861.

Jacobi, A. . Philadelphia, 1896. [Note: this link is to the 2nd ed of 1898]

Lee, C. C. On the antagonistic effects of opium. Philadelphia, 1862.

Mauthner, L. W. Uber den Aderlass bei Kindern. Vienna, 1848.

Hamburg Medical Society. Pharmacopoea in usum Instituti Clinici Hemurgensis. 2nd ed. Hamburg, 1785.

Reynolds, J. R. . London, 1871.

Ziemssen, H. . Berlin, 1866.


D'Agostini, G. Le malattie infantili. Udine, 1882.

D'Agostini, G. Ricordi del viaggio d'istruzione per le mallattie infantili. Udine, 1882.

Armstrong, George. An account of the diseases most incident to children, from their birth till the age of puberty; with a successful method of treating them; to which is added, An essay on nursing; also, a general account of the dispensary for the infant poor in 1769 to the present time. London, 1777.

Armstrong, John. Practical illustrations of the scarlet fever, measles and pulmonary consumption. 2nd ed. London, 1818.

Ballard, Thomas. A new and rational explanation of the diseases peculiar to infants and mothers; with obvious suggestions for their prevention or cure. London, 1860.

Barrier, F. Traite pratique des maladies de l'enfance. (2 vols.) 3rd ed. Paris, 1861.

Becquerel, A. Traite theoretique et pratique des maladies de l'enfance. Paris, 1842.

Bednar, Alois. Lehrbuch der Kinderkrankheiten. Vienna, 1856.

Berton, E. A. J. Traite pratique des maladies des enfants. 2nd ed. 1842.

Berton, E. A. J. and Lehuby. Formulaire therapeutique et matiere medicale concernant les maladies de l'enfance. Paris, 1846.

Bouchet, E. Practical treatise on the diseases of children and infants at the breast; including the hygiene and physical education of young children. London, 1855.

Bouchet, E. Traite pratique de maladies des nouveaux-nes et des enfants a la mamelle. Paris, 1845.

Bouchet, E. Traite pratique de maladies des nouveaux-nes et des enfants a la mamelle. 2nd ed. Paris, 1852.

Bouchet, E. Traite pratique de maladies des nouveaux-nes et des enfants a la mamelle. 4th ed. Paris, 1862.

Bouchet, E. Traite pratique de maladies des nouveaux-nes et des enfants a la mamelle. 6th ed. Paris, 1873.

Bressler, H. Die Kinderkrankheiten. Berlin, 1842.

Choulant, D. L., Hase, D. F., Kustner, D. and Meissner, F. L. Bereicherungen fur die Geburtschilfe, und fur die Physiologie und Pathologie des Weibes und Kindes. Vol.1. Leipzig, 1821.

Clarke, John. Commentaries on some of the most important diseases of children. Part the first. London, 1815.

Coley, J. M. A practical treatise on the diseases of children. London, 1846.

Dewess, W. P. A treatise on the physical and mental treatment of children. 8th ed. Philadelphia, 1842.

Duges, A. Essai physiogico-pathologique sur la nature de la fievre; suivi de l'histoire des maladies observees a l'Hopital des Enfans Malaldes, pendant l'annee 1818. (2 vols.) Paris, 1823.

Ellis, R. Disease in childhood; its common causes and directions for its practical management. London, 1852.

Evanson, R, and Maunsell, H. A practical treatise on the management and diseases of children. 5th ed. Dublin, 1847.

Fabre, A. F. Maladies des enfants, de la naissance a la puberte. (2 vols.) Paris, 1847.


General Paediatrics: Newborn

Diseases of the Nervous System

Diseases of the Nervous System: Hydrocephalus

Diseases of the Nervous System: Meningitis

Diseases of the Nervous System: Paralysis

Diseases of the Nervous System: Convulsions, Epilepsy

Diseases of the Nervous System: Disorders of the Mind; Cretinism

Diseases of the Respiratory Organs

Diseases of the Respiratory Organs: Diphtheria and Croup

Diseases of the Respiratory Organs: Whooping Cough

Diseases of the Respiratory Organs: Bronchitis, Pneumonia, Asthma


Diseases of Organs of Digestion and Assimilation

Diseases of Constitutional Disorder and Malnutrition


Infections: Vaccination

Cancer, Tumours




Public Health, Infant Mortality

Growth and Development

Physical Education and Hygiene

Child Care

Biography, History, Bibliography