

UCL Department of Chemical Engineering


Racial Equality

UCL Chemical Engineering wants to ensure that all our ethnic minority staff and students feel supported to reach their full potential during their studies and careers.

We want our ethnic minority staff and students to feel they are heard and their needs are met.Ìý Below, you will find resources and opportunities as set up by central UCL, and the Department, for both those who identify as ethnic minority but also for allies.Ìý

Note that all this information, and more, can also be found on UCL’s ‘Race Equality’ pages.Ìý

UCL Chemical Engineering Racial Equality Working Group 

In 20/21, the department formed a Racial Equality Working Group (REWG) made up of Professional Services (PS) staff, academics and students. The aim of this group is to identify and address issues of racial justice within the department, focusing on support, education, representation/recruitment and progression.

Meet the Team

Sakiru Badmos
Sakiru Badmos

Lecturer (Teaching) 

I joined the Racial Equality team to work with the department to provide support to ethnic minority students in the department. Being from a disadvantaged background, I am aware of the need to encourage and support students in this category for them to reach their full potential. I am always willing to support and mentor these students, hence the need to be part of this group.Ìý

Tembi Ferdinand
Tembi Ferdinand (currently on secondment)

Research Technician

Joining the Racial Equality team was a way to be a part of change.  The world moves on from previous generations and learns from history.  In the Racial Equality committee, I get to be a part of change, and effectively a part of history.  I am a Research Technician in Chemical Engineering.  This is a male dominated subject, with less people of color in it due to multifaceted reasons.  Joining the Racial Equality Committee allowed me to add to the efforts of the team in bringing about a more inclusive environment for all.Ìý

Beth Hills 
Beth Hills 

Senior Teaching and Learning Administrator 

As the Senior Teaching and Learning Administrator, I support all students in the department, particularly undergraduate and postgraduate taught students. As a member of the Racial Equality Working Group, I make it a priority to promote opportunities to students for personal development, career development and mentoring. Most of all I am a member of this group in order to listen to and learn from the views of others in order to be able contribute to making the department a welcoming and inclusive environment to work and study.Ìý

Katy Le Lion
Katy Le Lion (Secretary) 

Departmental Manager 

As the Department Manager of Chemical Engineering and an ally, it is important that I am part of the Racial Equality Working Group to better understand the issues faced by ethnic minorities in higher education, but to also use my position to influence, and implement change, in to help eradicate barriers faced by our ethnic minority staff and students.Ìý

Ademola Odunsi 
Ademola Odunsi 

Lecturer (Teaching) 

I joined the Racial Equality Committee, having started as an Advisor to Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic students, and subsequently taking on the role of   the Departmental Attainment Gap Lead. I am keen to see all students, especially those from a disadvantaged background, achieve their best academically irrespective of their backgrounds. I look forward to working with the Department to introduce the necessary interventions to make this possible.Ìý

Claire Saunders
Claire Saunders 

Centre Manager 

I am a member of the Racial Equality committee to further educate myself as an effective ally. Through the committee, I hope to take positive action and support initiatives which benefit underrepresented colleagues, students, and the wider department, making our department a more inclusive place to work.

Sudeshna Basu profile photo
Sudeshna Basu 

Associate Professor (Teaching) 

I am a Lecturer (Teaching), and my core job keeps me focused on environmental and sustainability issues. I see a deep link between climate crisis, unsustainable management of resources and racism. Since engineers have a key role in sustainability, it would be important to improve the diversity in this field. As a member of Racial Equality Group since 2020 and its Chair from 2022, I lead in the efforts with a group of like-minded colleagues to make our department more inclusive and receptive to diverse perspectives and varied experiences. We organise mentoring events and promote talks and discussions on race matters, to generate a feeling of belonging for staff and students from ethnic minorities.Ìý

Inez Kesuma 
Inez Kesuma 

PhD Student 

As a PhD student, I have taken an active role in the Racial Equality Committee with the aim of addressing and increasing awareness about the injustices that individuals from minority ethnicities may have experienced. By becoming a part of this group, my intention is to drive positive change and contribute to creating a fair and inclusive working environment within the department. I strongly believe that everyone should be treated equitably, regardless of their background, and I am committed to working towards achieving this goal.Ìý

Fria Hossein
Fria Hossein 

Research Fellow 

As a senior research fellow at the department of chemical engineering, it is crucial to recognize the importance of racial equality and its impact on the department's progress. We cannot afford to overlook the experiences of ethnic minority staff and students, as this can hinder their academic and professional growth. Being part of a racial equality working group allows for a better understanding of the issues minority groups face at our department, both overt and subtle. Identifying and actively working to remove such barriers can create a safer and more inclusive environment for all members. As a senior research fellow, using my position to implement change is an influential step towards ensuring that everyone, regardless of their race or ethnicity, feels welcomed and supported in their academic and professional endeavors.Ìý

Reporting Racial and Xenophobic Harassment 

•    Staff & students: UCL Racial & Xenophobic Harassment