

Queen Square Centre for Neuromuscular Diseases


Physical Activity and Inclusion Body Myositis

Sponsor Newcastle upon Tyne Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust
Funder MRC
CI Dr M Trenell
Sites Newcastle
Contact details Julia.maddsion@newcastle.ac.uk

Primary objective

To collect data on daily physical activity levels and metabolic control in the study patients.

Design: Participants will be identified from chronic disease clinics by the following lead clinicians:

  • Stroke-Prof Gary Ford
  • Neuromuscular disorders-Prof Kate Bushby
  • Metabolic disorders-Prof Roy Taylor
  • Fatigue-Prof Julia Newton
  • Ageing-Prof Julia Newton.


  • up to 100 patients in each disease group
  • equal sample of male and female

Methodology: Step 1: the study leads will identify suitable candidates.

Step 2: Visit 1: At the start of the study patients will either be asked:

  • to attend Newcastle University's Campus for Ageing and Vitality (Newcastle General Hospital)
  • or if an inpatient they will be visited on the ward 

Patients will be asked to fill in a disease screening questionnaire at the start of the study. Their height and weight will be measured and this information will be entered into the physical activity monitors.

Instructions will be provided to the participants on how to use the monitors. A resting blood sample may also be taken at this point. This will be analysed for glucose, insulin, lipid profile and liver function.

Step 3: Participant will wear the arm monitors for five days including one weekend day.

Step 4: Visit 2: At the end of the five day period patients will attend the research centre again or attend a pre-arranged session to return the activity monitor. This will take place either at their home work place or on the ward.

Here they will complete a short physical activity questionnaire and two brief fatigue questionnaires. Data from the physical activity monitor will be moved into a computer.

Each participant will receive a printout of their weekly activity levels and have the opportunity to discuss their results.