
UCL Careers


Finding work-based experience

Previous bursary holders describe how they found their work-based experience.


“I got this experience by identifying magazines I’m passionate about and contacting their editors – this approach had been suggested to me by someone in the year above.  I sent about 20 speculative emails and received 4 responses.” 2nd year BASc student


“I got some experience with this company last year by applying through UCL Careers – then I carried on doing some part time work with them for a couple of months during term time and this time I just contacted the organisation to ask for full time work during the Summer. Because I already had a good relationship with them I didn’t have to have an interview.” 3rd year Mechanical Engineering student


“I wanted experience in a charity working in a field that interested me so I looked for relevant charities that say on their website they welcome people to approach them about volunteering opportunities.  I put in a speculative application and they then discussed with me what kind of work I would like to do.” 3rd year Psychology student

“This was a volunteering opportunity that I originally became involved with as part of my course at 911 and then continued to be part of during the years that followed.” 5th year Medical student

Cultural Insights and Strategy Consultancy

“I applied for this opportunity speculatively and asked if there was an internship opportunity available. I then had a phone interview and was later told they were happy to take me on as an intern.” 3rd year Psychology student