



Bloomsbury Project

Bloomsbury Streets, Squares, and Buildings

Bedford Charity (Harpur) Estate

Estates in Bloomsbury

1 Duke of Bedford
2 City of London Corporation
3 Capper Mortimer
4 Fitzroy (Duke of Grafton)
5 Somers
6 Skinners' (Tonbridge)
7 Battle Bridge
8 Lucas
9 Harrison
10 Foundling Hospital
11 Rugby
12 Bedford Charity (Harpur)
13 Doughty
14 Gray's Inn
15 Bainbridge–Dyott (Rookeries)

Area between the Foundling and Harrison estates: Church land

Grey areas: fragmented ownership and haphazard development; already built up by 1800

About the Bedford Charity (Harpur) Estate

The Bedford Charity, also known as the Harpur Trust, was founded in the sixteenth century by Sir William Harpur, for the benefit of a school he had helped to found in Bedford ()

The original 13-acre site in the east of Bloomsbury which formed part of the original endowment is now reduced to a mere 3 acres, but is still worth millions (Shirley Green, Who Owns London?, 1986)

The original estate encompasses a crooked area south of the Rugby estate and north and east of Red Lion Square, including the southern half of what is now Lamb’s Conduit Street but was known as Red Lion Street until the late eighteenth century

Its proximity to already-developed areas to the south and east of Bloomsbury, including the legal centre of Gray’s Inn, meant that it was developed residentially much earlier than the western and northern areas of Bloomsbury, beginning in 1686

Much of the development was carried out by unscrupulous builder Nicholas Barbon, who built houses all over the Red Lion Fields area without necessarily obtaining the permission of the legal owner first (Oxford Dictionary of National Biography)

The Trust continues to own freeholds in Dombey Street, Bedford Row, New North Street, Sandland Street, Red Lion Street, and Theobald’s Road; it also invested in property in Eagle Street, outside the original estate boundaries, as a “vote of confidence in the present Estate’s future” (Shirley Green, Who Owns London?, 1986)

Princes Street

Also known as Princeton Street

Not to be confused with the Princes Street which earlier formed part of Wardour Street, Soho, the Princes Street opposite the Mansion House in the City, or the Princes Street off Hanover Square

It leads from Red Lion Square to Bedford Row on the Bedford charity estate

It stands on a parish boundary; its western end lies in the parish of St George the Martyr, while its houses west of Red Lion Street (and the Board School and two Yards off it) are in the parish of St Andrew’s, Holborn

It was developed before 1795 (David Hayes, East of Bloomsbury, 1998)

In 1829 it had a pub, the Dog and Duck, according to Boyle’s Directory of that year (and presumably adjacent to Dog and Duck Yard)

In 1840 it was home to tradesmen and artisans, according to Robson’s Directory for that year, which lists carpenters, tailors, a plumber, a soot dealer, a carver, an engraver, a bookbinder, a milliner, and a teacher of singing; the pub was also still there

In the 1840s it was also home to a small home for the poor, the Indigent Refuge at no. 3a

The Princes Street Board School was established here in 1877

The name of the street was changed to Princeton Street in 1886; the school’s name was also changed

This page last modified 14 April, 2011 by Deborah Colville


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