



Bloomsbury Project

Bloomsbury Institutions


Gordon College

Also known as Gordon College for Ladies


It was founded by Adolf Heimann in 1868 to teach German to women

Heimann had originally wanted to open the College in his own home in Gordon Square, but was denied permission by his landlord, the eighth Duke of Bedford

Instead, it opened at 4 Queen Square on 8 October 1868, with Agnes Charles as its Hon. Secretary (The Times, 8 October 1868)

4 Queen Square was the home of Charles Mangold, a German-born Professor of Music who had lived at no. 4 with his family since at least 1863

By the time of the 1871 census, they were once again the only occupants; the College appears to have ceased to exist

What was reforming about it?

It was a determined attempt by Heimann, Professor of German at University College London, to provide women with a similar University-level education at a time when even the progressive University College London did not admit women to degrees

Where in Bloomsbury

It was at 4 Queen Square from its opening in 1868 (Heimann having been denied permission to open it in his home in Gordon Square)

Website of current institution

It no longer exists

Books about it

None found


None found

This page last modified 13 April, 2011 by Deborah Colville


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