



Bloomsbury Project

Bloomsbury Institutions


All Saints’ Church

Also known as Memorial Hall (when converted)


It was a Christian place of worship consecrated in 1842

It was designed by Thomas Donaldson, first Professor of Architecture at UCL

It closed as a church in 1909, when its parish united with St Pancras New Church; a memorial commemorating this union can be found in that Church

The building was bought by UCL, who eventually reopened it as a Memorial Hall in 1928

It was bombed in the Second World War and subsequently demolished; part of the site became the Bloomsbury Theatre, and next to this, a new entrance into UCL

Its remains were disturbed again in 2006 when UCL began building a new Institute for Cultural Heritage on the site; see (opens in new window)

What was reforming about it?

Its location was rather surprising; a correspondent to The Times complained that “Throughout all London, except within the walls of the city, it would be impossible to find a spot where a church is so little needed, where the spiritual wants of the neighbourhood are so fully provided for, or where there is such a total absence of pauper population” (‘A Sincere Churchman’, The Times, 3 November 1841)

Where in Bloomsbury

It was located in Gordon Street, just above Gordon Square

It was designed by Thomas Donaldson, first Professor of Architecture at UCL

Website of current institution

There is no current or successor institution; the building has been demolished and its function as a parish church is defunct

Books about it

Survey of London, vol. 21, 1949


Records from the church (its baptist and marriage registers) are held in London Metropolitan Archives, ref. P90/ALL2, consultable on microfilm only; details are available online via (opens in new window)

This page last modified 13 April, 2011 by Deborah Colville


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