



Bloomsbury Project

Bloomsbury Institutions


Africa Inland Mission

Also known as AIM


It was founded by Peter Cameron Scott in 1895 to spread the Christian religion in a part of east Africa which had not previously been a target of evangelism

Scott died in 1896 and was replaced as leader by Charles Hurlburt, an American; there was a strong American base for the institution from the beginning

In addition to its overtly religious dimension, it ran medical and educational organisations

It continues to operate as an evangelical, non-denominational missionary society, spreading the Christian religion in Africa

It is both a limited guarantee company and a registered charity (no. 1096364 in England and Wales)

What was reforming about it?

From the start it insisted on the commitment of its workers; it did not advertise itself or ask for money, relying on its God to provide support

Where in Bloomsbury?

Its first known base in the UK was at 3 John Street in the early twentieth century, although it was founded in New York and Philadelphia by a Scotsman

It subsequently opened offices and operation bases around the world, with its UK headquarters moving to Bristol and Nottingham

Website of current institution

(opens in new window)

Books about it

Dick Anderson, We Felt Like Grasshoppers: The Story of Africa Inland Mission (1994)


Its archives are held at the Billy Graham Center, Wheaton College, Illinois; details are available online via the (opens in new window)

This page last modified 13 April, 2011 by Deborah Colville


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