
UCL Division of Biosciences


Division of Biosciences Professional Service and Technical Staff Award Winners

7 April 2022

The winners of the Professional Service and Technical Staff Awards were announced at the PS and Technical Staff Awayday on Friday 1st April 2022 at the Mappin Pavilion, ZSL London Zoo.

Biosciences PS and Technical Staff Awayday, Mappin Pavilion ZSL London Zoo

These awards recognise, celebrate and reward Professional Serviceand Technical colleagues who have demonstrated an outstanding performance in their roles, contributing to the continued success of the Division of Biosciences.These award categoriesare aligned withthe annual UCL Awards and relate to the Ways of Working for professional services. The winners from each of these categories will be put forward as nominations for the UCL Awards.

Community Spirit Award
This individual demonstrates an example of doing amazing things beyond the boundaries of UCL and makes a personal impact to the broader community.

Awarded to:

Glyn Evans

Glynhas participated in voluntary work for St John's ambulance for the last 14 years at major events and his colleagues rightly felt he deserved recognition.

Nominees: Tabitha Owen, Glyn Evans, Giovanni Vinti, Mike Hanley, Savannah Lahtinen, Brian Campbell

Outstanding Contribution to the Staff Experience

This individual brings joy on a day-to-day basis to my experience as a UCL member of staff.

Awarded to:

Mike Hanley

Mike is a fantastic colleague. Always friendly, helpful and kind. No matter what, he is always smiling, happy and making everyone feel important.

Nominees: Stavroula Lialiou, Tabitha Owen, Kasia Janik, Charlette Bent-Gayle, Duncan Farquharson, Kathryn Ball, Mike Hanley, Jess Sutherland, Bill Andrews, Atalanta Hersey, Stuart Martin, Roger Allman, Michael Devereux.

Outstanding Contribution to Achieving our Mission

This individual demonstrates that they are striving towards UCL’s future. They demonstrate vision, a sense of ownership and innovation in their work.

Awarded to:

Nadia Ali

For her guidance and support and mission to making UCL positive for everyone, and for always striving for ways to create better outcomes that fulfil UCL's goals.

Nominees: Hayley Boakes, James Michaels, Giovanna Vinti, Nadia Ali, Janice Kiugu, Donald Okeke, Suzy Adcock, Chris Thrasivoulou, Rebecca Khan

Working Together Team Award

A team who demonstrate excellent collaboration, communication and shared learning in the way that they work together.

Awarded to:

Anatomy Lab Team - Wendy Birch, Vicky Oldfield, Áine Dowling, Ana Gonzalez, Ron Sinclair

The team have worked together through extremely challenging conditions over the last year to ensure that everything ran smoothly for both staff and students. Because of their teamwork, we have managed to run most of our usual anatomy practicals and enable students to continue to benefit from these sessions.

Teams nominated: Staffing, Operations, Teaching, Finance, Anatomy Lab Team, UCL Sustainable Team, Departmental EA’s (Tabitha Owen, Fiona Williamson, Charlette Bent-Gayle, Michael Wright), Deputy DSO's (Giovanna Vinti, David Benton, Bill Andrews, Thushi Sivagnanam)

Personal ExcellenceAward

A colleague who demonstrates integrity, outstanding service and commitment to the Division.

Awarded to:

3 winners

Rebecca Khan

Rebecca is immensely knowledgeable, efficient and helpful. She has incredible patience, even when dealing with last minute requests. Moreover, she's provided this ultra high standard of support for many years.

Helen Jefferson-Brown

Helen has given outstanding service to teaching in the Department of Cell & Developmental Biology over many years. Helen's impeccable work embodies the high, traditional standards of academic administration at 911.

Savannah Lahtinen

Savannah's commitment to her work and to assisting staff within Biosciences is outstanding. She ensures she a complete and up to date knowledge of the complex processes and procedures at 911, so she can provide Biosciences staff with the best service. She will do everything she can to help Biosciences staff.

Nominees: Emilie Avisse, Atalanta Hersey, James Michaels, Rebecca Khan, Helen Jefferson-Brown, Nadia Ali, Savannah Lahtinen, Mike Hanley, Stuart Martin, Sandra Martelli, Bill Andrews, Giovanna Vinti, Nick Clarke, Brian Campbell

Photo credit: James Michaels