
UCL Division of Biosciences


Henry Taunt recognised as a LIDo Associate

17 December 2020

Henry Taunt honoured as a LIDo Associate for his excellent support for PhD students in his lab.

henry taunt

Congratulations to Henry Taunt (Senior Research Associate, Purton lab, SMB) for being recognised as a LIDo Associate.

The LIDo Associates are researchers and staff, not supervisors, who have been recognised by the London Interdisciplinary Doctoral Programme for providing excellent support to their PhD students.

Henry's nomination stated:

Henry Taunt has had a profound influence on my research – and it extends far beyond just helping me. A quick glance at the acknowledgement sections on the many PhD thesis’ in my lab over the last ten years shows the remarkable amount of support he has provided.”

“Henry very quickly got me out of the habit of asking stupid questions – insisting that NO QUESTIONS ARE ‘STUPID’, will regularly check-up with me on my project - sitting down and taking an hour helping me brainstorm / troubleshoot the next steps, and helps me laugh if my results have gone terribly wrong.”

“He has made the laboratory an immensely fun environment by bringing an infectious energy to even the most repetitive and monotonous experiments.”