

UCL Department of Biochemical Engineering


MBI Testimonials

What do people say about the MBI training programme? Testimonials from people who have taken part.

Dr Angela Osbourne, eXmoor
"VISION should be an amazing experience. You will learn so much about yourself and your approach to management. This not only comes from the course material, but also from the industry expert speakers and the experience of other delegates, who come from very different working environments and therefore can provide contrasting perspectives."

Dr Tony Bradshaw, Co Director, HealthTech & Medicines KTN
"This programme is expected to play an important role in helping to deliver the Life Sciences Business and Leadership Programme recommended in the Office for Life Sciences 2010 Report."

Stephen Whitfield, Competition, EU and Trade, Taylor Wessing

"The Briefing was ideal for my purposes as a legal adviser in this sector. Dr Richardson provided an excellent overview of the regulatory landscape together with illuminating comments on the practical and business implications of this emerging field."

David Brown, Chief Executive IChemE 

“Winning an IChemE award is a real achievement. Our awards are globally recognised and attract entries from all over the world. To be deemed the best in a particular area of chemical engineering like this is something worth celebrating and in past years, has proven to be the launch pad to even greater successes.”

Barry Buckland, CEO, BiologicB

"Many of the speakers stay for the other talks. Delegates really enjoy the opportunity this provides for extended interaction with other leaders in the profession."

Simon Veysey, Bulk Products Manufacturing Manager, BioProducts Laboratory

"A very informative meeting. The speakers were knowledgeable and the audience encouraged to participate. A great networking opportunity with a wide range of participants experience. I would recommend this to Senior colleagues."

Dr Kamal Sharma, Managing Director, Lupin Ltd
"The course has an excellent nucleus and the philosophy is excellent. The level of delegates attracted was at the right level in my opinion and the group size was perfect."

Other Delegate Testimonials

"I never believed in standard leadership courses…. This course is living experience based. So I have learned and absorbed so much in two days!...applying in my day to day activities at work already. "

"Good contacts were made...great atmosphere for learning from others… provided food for thought outside the usual technical and scientific issues I have to face."

Very relevant to my role. This course helped give me a broader perspective of our industry… challenges we face and strategic choices…helped me build my own views on what we should do within my group to influence the strategic direction. 

"…course put into much wider perspective many aspects of of my work…made me think more about future career path…touched points I would like to discuss back at my company…"

"Highly relevant – great networking – great overviews and visions of the future which will be highly useful.."

"I appreciated a lot interaction with the other professionals present, the excellent organization and high quality of the presentations."

"The course has an excellent nucleus and the philosophy is excellent. The level of delegates attracted was at the right level in my opinion and the group size was perfect."

"Great programme overall, many congratulations on the effort."

"Overall a good course and I would recommend it."