

Centre for Behaviour Change


Launch of the Behavioural Research UK (BR-UK)

28 November 2023

We are thrilled to share that our CBC Director, Professor Susan Michie, is co-leading a transformative initiative - the Behavioural Research UK (BR-UK).


BR-UK initiative, supported by a substantial £10 million grant from the , represents a monumental step towards tackling societal and economic challenges through interdisciplinary innovation.

BR-UK aims to build a robust community of researchers and practitioners dedicated to driving behavioural research. This involves leading academics from eight prestigious universities and partnerships spanning government, industry, and charities, including the Scottish and Welsh Governments. The focus on collaboration is a testament to the initiative's commitment to holistic and diverse perspectives in research.

The vision for BR-UK is to support effective policy-making and service delivery, especially in the face of unpredictable environmental, political, or social shocks. BR-UK is poised to become a pivotal resource in shaping responsive and informed policies by establishing a service to assist research users in drawing from behavioural expertise.

What's particularly inspiring about BR-UK is its commitment to community involvement, equity, and social justice. The emphasis on systems thinking and contextual importance underlines the holistic approach that is essential in today's ever-changing world.

The leadership of Professor Michie (), alongside Professor (), signals a promising direction for this initiative. Their combined expertise and dedication to creating lasting structures for behavioural research are set to revolutionise how we understand and respond to societal changes.

As we move forward, BR-UK's ambitious plans, including setting up a fund to support exemplary research projects, will undoubtedly pave the way for groundbreaking advances in the field. This initiative is not just about research; it's about shaping the future of our society and the way we address complex global challenges.

Join us in celebrating this significant milestone in behavioural research, and stay tuned for more updates on BR-UK's impactful journey.