

UCL Institute for Sustainable Resources



INNOPATHS is a four year EU funded research project that aims to work with key economic and societal actors to generate new, state-of-the-art low-carbon pathways for the European Union.

1 December 2016

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Ìýwill achieve this, first, by assessing the anatomy of existing scenario and pathway studies for the low-carbon transition from technical, economic and social perspectives. The innovation systems and policy landscapes for key energy-using sectors of the economy will also be examined.

The insights from this process will feed into the structure of new low-carbon pathways, ‘co-designed’ with a wide range of stakeholders from government, industry, academia and civil society. These scenarios will then be quantitatively and qualitatively assessed for their technical, economic and social outcomes.

INNOPATHS will assess how the benefits of these pathways, such as new industries, jobs and competitiveness, may be maximised, and how any negative impacts, such as those on low-income households, or on carbon-intensive sectors, may be mitigated.

The INNOPATHS consortium is comprised of 15 leading organisations from 8 European Member States and Switzerland, with UCL as the Project Co-ordinator. The project runs from December 2016 to November 2020.

  • Paul Ekins
  • Paul Drummond
  • Will McDowall
  • Nick Hughes
  • Peter Lund
  • Henriette Schweizerhof
  • Laura Diaz Anadon
  • Elena Verdolini
  • Monica Eberle
  • Pantelis Capros
  • Tobias Schmidt
  • Claudio Marcantonini
  • Michel Rafferty
  • Peter Larkin
  • Robert Pietzcker
  • Francesco Vona
  • Benjamin Sovacool
  • Friedemann Polzin
  • Tadeusz Skoczkowskiholder


The Euro-Mediterranean Center on Climate Change

ICLEI (Local Governments for Sustainability)
Nice and Serious
The Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research


Key outputs from the project will be disseminated through four interactive ‘online tools’, providing decision-makers and other stakeholders with a vital resource for continuing analysis.

Technology Matrix – This tool will present historic and projected characteristics of key technologies, such as cost, efficiency and ‘Technology Readiness Level, and associated uncertainty ranges.

Policy Evaluation Tool – This tool will allow the user to select a policy, or a group of policies, to visualise the state of knowledge on the different types of impact that policy instrument has had. This knowledge will come from a wide range of literatures and countries and from the project itself. The indication of impacts would include the source of the impact, as well as the level of confidence in the results.Ìý

Interactive Decarbonisation Simulator – This tool has the goal of giving policy makers, the general public and industry associates a more intuitive understanding of different decarbonisation strategies, and what different choices and targets in different and countries and sectors may have.

Low Carbon Pathways Platform – This tool will allow stakeholders to assess the socio-economic implications of mediumÌýto long-term decarbonisation pathways, including their associated costs, benefit and risks, view and interact with the energy-economy pathways for the 21st century modelled in WP3, and extract the information relevant for their decision-making.