
UCL Institute for Sustainable Resources


UK Government launches new £5m climate services programme to inform UK response to climate change

6 August 2021

UCL is proud to be part of the consortium employed to deliver CS-NOW programme.


The UK Government has announced that it is increasing its efforts to prepare and protect against the impacts of climate change bylaunching a new 4-year, £5m research programme that willdrive forward the UK’s response to climate change.

The “Climate Services for a Net Zero Resilient World (CS-N0W)” programme will deliver a range of projects and services over the next 4 years, via a consortium led by Ricardo (a global environmental consultancy) and including UCL, the Tyndall Centre and the NERC research centres.

It isessentialthat the UK is resilient to risks posed by climate change, such as flooding, heat waves, and extreme storms, whilst working towards a greener future. The programme will harness cutting-edge scientific knowledge to inform cross-government climate policy, helping policy makers make informed, evidence-based decisions to improve the UK’s resilience to climate change, by enhancing scientific understanding of climate impacts, decarbonisation and climate action, and improving accessibility of climate data.

UCL is proud to be part of the consortium and is leading on projects including global decarbonisation scenarios (Prof Paul Dodds), shipping (Dr Tristan Smith), heating and cooling buildings (Dr Anna Mavrogianni), and creating a climate impacts website portal for local authorities (Prof Paul Ruyssevelt).

Professor Paul Dodds, UCL Project Lead and Professor of Energy Systems at the Bartlett School of Environment, Energy and Resources, in the Faculty of the Built Environment, said:

We are very excited to be part of the CS-N0W programme. We will be leading a range of important projects that utilise expertise from across our research institutes. We will also be organising a wide range of workshops and other events involving academics and decision-makers from local, national and international governments."

UCL's work on this programme will build on 䳢’s Together for Climate Action campaign, which has been a leading source of information about climate change in the lead-up to COP26.

The CS-N0W consortium will include:

  • University College London (UCL)
  • Natural Environment Research Council () Centres, including:


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