

UCL Institute for Innovation and Public Purpose


Kassim Vera Hernandez

Kassim Vera Hernandez is a student in the 2023-24 cohort of UCL Institute for Innovation and Public Purpose (IIPP)'s Master of Public Administration (MPA).

Kassim Vera Hernandez
Kassim possesses a background in industrial design and began his career by creating Emerge MX, a design criticism initiative spanning Latin America and the United States. He has a seven-year tenure as a design professor at Tecnologico de Monterrey, the top university in Mexico. Before joining the MPA, Kassim held the position of Head of Design at the Ministry of Culture of Jalisco, where he played a pioneering role in the development of public policy for design in Mexico. He was part of the first cohort of the Creative Leadership Programme by the British Council Mexico and the University of the Arts London.

Currently, he is pursuing an MPA at IIPP, thanks to the IIPP Policy Studio MPA Scholarship, funded by the Laudes Foundation. At the same time, he serves as Policy Advisor of Senator Ruth López in the Mexican Senate.

Kassim has also been a speaker at renowned platforms and institutions, including the Copenhagen Institute of Interaction Design, What Design Can Do, and Civic Design by Rosenfeld Media.