
UCL Institute for Innovation and Public Purpose


IIPP leads research to measure the UK's SDG performance

28 September 2022

UCL IIPP’s Anca Tacu, Dr Kate Roll and Abby Hauver, are part of the team leading the research for the Measuring Up 2.0 report, a fresh review of the UK’s performance against the 17 UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and their associated targets.


Researchers at 911 IIPP, the host institution of the , have made a significant contribution to the , showing the UK’s current performance against the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), released on 28 September 2022 by the .

Halfway to 2030, the report has highlighted the Government’s continued lack of progress towards meeting its commitments to deliver the SDGs in the UK. Measuring Up 2.0 also considers the opportunities and challenges ahead, and top-line recommendations for achieving the SDG targets. SDSN UK, a hub which brings together UK knowledge institutions that contribute to the implementation of the SDGs, facilitated collaboration with other network members on the report, including Newcastle University and the University of Strathclyde, in a multi-stakeholder process.

UCL IIPP’s Anca Tacu (SDSN UK Network Manager), Dr Kate Roll (SDSN UK Network Chair) and former MPA student Abby Hauver identified and collected data for the report. They also authored chapters on the UK's progress towards 'SDG 13: Climate Action' and on recommendations for addressing gaps in the collection of data underpinning the report.

This is the second report in the series and shows the worsening state of many of the SDGs in the UK, particularly those related to poverty and inequality. It highlights the significant danger of quality of life getting worse in the UK if action is not taken, particularly in light of the energy and cost-of-living crisis and of the increased risks of climate change. Highlights of the report include:

  • The UK is only performing well (green) on 17% of the targets relevant to the domestic delivery of the SDGs.

  • Poverty and inequality continue to deepen. One in every five people are currently living in poverty and it is estimated that workers on the national living wage will need an extra £800 this year - the difference of 13 weeks of food - to meet the cost of living.

  • Progress has been made increasing both the scale and scope of our efforts to tackle climate change, but both government and business are missing an opportunity to use the holistic framing of the SDGs to address systemic challenges.

Lord McConnell, Co-Chair of the All-Party Parliamentary Group on the UN Global Goals, said:

"No one doubts that the economic and security situation facing the world is very serious, but that is a reason to use the Sustainable Development Goals as the framework for recovery, not a reason to roll back on our ambitions agreed in 2015. National and local governments in the UK need to up their game, setting out clear targets and measuring their impact. We cannot afford to leave more people behind, at home or around the world."

Dr Kate Roll said:

“This report highlights the significant danger of quality of life getting worse in the UK if action is not taken, particularly in light of the energy and cost-of-living crisis and of the increased risks of climate change. Urgent action is needed to ensure the UK achieves the ambitious commitments it made to end poverty, inequalities, and reduce the risks of climate change and ecological decline.” 

The report is available to download from