
UCL Institute for Innovation and Public Purpose


In the Media

The UCL Institute for Innovation and Public Purpose's work is regularly featured in the media around the world including articles, TV, radio and podcasts.

In this op-ed, Prof. Mariana Mazzucato warns that an obsession with the £20bn “black hole” could derail the UK Government’s vision. She explains how prioritizing deficit reduction may exacerbate the issue, while a mission-oriented industrial strategy—focused on innovation and growth—could drive investment and prosperity. This, however, hinges on a commitment to public investment.


20 September 2024

A group of leading economists, including IIPP's Prof. Mariana Mazzucato, have signed a letter calling for a significant increase in public investment as essential for the UK’s national renewal.


16 September 2024

In this Project Syndicate piece, IIPP's Director Prof. Mariana Mazzucato, alongside fellow Co-Chairs of the Global Commission on the Economics of Water—Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala (WTO), Johan Rockström (Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research), and Tharman Shanmugaratnam (President of Singapore) explore the destabilisation of the global water cycle and its far-reaching impacts across the globe. The article argues for a shift in focus from traditional 'blue water' resources (rivers and lakes) to include 'green water' (soil moisture and vapor) to address the growing water security crisis.


9 September 2024

In a new Lancet article, IIPP Director Prof. Mariana Mazzucato and Dr. Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, Director-General of the World Health Organization, argue that governments must prioritize the health and wellbeing of their populations as a core objective of economic policy. By aligning economic strategies with health goals, they advocate for a transformative approach that enhances global resilience to future health crises while improving wellbeing worldwide.


6 September 2024

In her article for IMF's F&D Magazine, Prof. Mariana Mazzucato argues that modern industrial policy goes beyond simply 'picking winners.' Instead, it's about setting clear objectives and proactively shaping markets to achieve them. She explores how this strategic approach can foster sustainable and inclusive growth.


3 September 2024

In this Project Syndicate piece, Prof. Mariana Mazzucato discusses how cultural events like the Notting Hill Carnival generate immense social and economic value, yet suffer from chronic underfunding. She argues that our current policy models are inadequate for capturing this dynamic value and advocates for a new approach to measuring the public value of the arts.


22 August 2024

In this op-ed, Prof. Mariana Mazzucato and Laurie Macfarlane discuss how Scotland's new industrial strategy must match ambition with action, outlining how Scotland can build a more productive economy while tackling inequalities and transitioning to net zero.


19 August 2024

In thisop-ed, Prof. Mazzucato argues that to reduce value extraction, we must embrace collective intelligence and develop new economics focused on the common good.Unless we rethink thenarratives about value creation, innovation will continue to benefit only shareholders, rather than all stakeholders – from workers to the communities where businesses operate.


5 August 2024

In this episode ofThe Rest Is Money podcast,Prof. Mariana Mazzucatoargues for a reset in the UK around public-private relationships. Access to public funding should be conditional on maximizing public value not just private profit.


5 August 2024

The Times coverageof thereport authored by Professor Mariana Mazzucato and Laurie Macfarlane,"A Mission-Oriented Industrial Strategy for Scotland: Framing Paper" jointly published by the UCL Institute for Innovation and Public Purpose (IIPP) and Future Economy Scotland,underscores a key point: industrial strategy isn't just about setting targets, it's about redesigning how government operates. The authors argue that Scotland needs new tools, institutions, and capabilities to drive a transformative green industrial strategy.


2 August 2024

Prof. Mariana Mazzucato and Rosie Collington comment on how cutting government consultancy spending is a step in the right direction and argue that this step goes hand in hand with rebuilding the UK's public sector capabilities so that we can tackle the country's biggest challenges.


1 August 2024

('Consultants infantilize the State and prevent it from dealing with the problems of our time', argues Italian economist)

In this interview,Prof. Mariana Mazzucato speaks about herbook she co-written with her student Rosie Collington"The Big Con: How the Consulting Industry Weakens our Businesses, Infantilizes our Governments and Warps our Economies" onprivate influence in public power and argues that, instead of adding value, firms in the segment make the State precarious and perpetuate socioeconomic problems.


29July 2024

('Brazil's economic transformation agenda has enormous potential', says Italian economist)

Prof. Mazzucato as part of group of experts of the G20 Working Group for a Global Mobilization against Climate Change, stresses that governments need to redesign to work for people and the planet.


22 July 2024

In this piece, Prof. Mariana Mazzucato spoke with The Times' editor, Mehreen Khan, arguing thatthe best way to be fiscally responsible is to stimulate the economy. She also discussedthe UK Labourgovernment's economic strategy andthe potential for mission-oriented policy.


19 July 2024

Prof. Mariana Mazzucato speaks about missionsand how their implementationrequires a new relationship between government, business andlabour with the state actively shaping markets anddirecting innovation. She focused on the importance for the new UK Government tobreak down silos andinvests in public sector capabilities.


18 July 2024

Prof. Mariana Mazzucato shared insights with City AM on the UCL Institute for Innovation and Public Purpose (IIPP)global work on mission-oriented innovation policy, wealth funds, and outcomes-oriented procurement. Sheoutlineshow the new Labour government can learn from these insights to drive growth and address the UK’s key challenges.


17 July 2024

In this Project Syndicate piece, Prof. Mariana Mazzucato and Sarah Doyle speak about how The UK's new National Wealth Fund can contribute to a fairer and greener future- if it is designed to channel patient capital toward projects aligned with the UK Labour Party government’s five missions, and to ensure that public investments are structured to share rewards as well as risks.


15 July 2024

In this interview for Prospect, Prof. Mariana Mazzucatoargues that Labour's fiscal rules risk delaying vital investments.We can't wait for growth to invest - it's like waiting for a car to move before adding fuel.Investment-led growth is key to expanding productive economic capacity.


10 July2024

In this interview with the Telegraph,Prof. Mariana Mazzucato argues that using the language of missions isn't enough. For the new UK government to truly be mission-driven, we need concrete goals that transform how government operates.


7 July2024

(Economist Mariana Mazzucato: “Pruning to grow? That’s the dumbest thing you can do as a government”)

In this interview for De Standaard,Prof. Mariana Mazzucato argues that austerity does not drive growth. She provides an overview of the work done at the Institutefor Innovation and Public Purpose demonstratinghow strategic state investment can lead to inclusive andsustainable growth.


6 July2024

(Mazzucato: "If Elon Musk says 'Uncle Sam, I couldn't have done it without you', it changes everything")

In this interview with Justo Barranco for La Vanguardia, Prof. Mariana Mazzucato talked about the need for an economy oriented towards objectives, goals and missions, and how to build a system to achieve them.


1 July 2024

In thisOpen Democracy opinion piece, Cecilia Rikap speaks argues how Argentina’s debt will grow as Big Tech extracts data and knowledge are forcing state to abuse nature to pay it off.


28 June 2024

In thisRadio Nacional morningwith Íñigo Alfonso, Prof. Mariana Mazzucato analyses the current economic situation and how it should look to the future, taking an innovative and efficient look.


27 June 2024

This interview withNoticias Cuatro provides an overview of Prof. Mariana Mazzucato policy engagement in Spain by meeting with Spanish Minister of Health, and Spanish PM Pedro Sánchez. Using the Moon landing as a term of comparison, in terms of innovation effort, Prof. Mazzucato says that the problems we have are more difficult than landing on the Moon . They are more difficult because it is not just a technological challenge, it is also one of organisation, social change, regulation, behaviour.


26 June2024

In this New Statesman piece, Prof. Mariana Mazzucatoargues that the UK is stuck in a cycle of underinvestment that hurts its economy andpeople and that to break free, we need a government ready to reimagine its role in shaping a new economic trajectory for the UK.


19 June 2024

Prof. Mariana Mazzucato joinsJohan Rockström,DrjeffreySachs,Francesco Fuso Nerini and others in their call for a renewed effort to tackle the SDGs as the 2030 deadline looms with just 20% of targets on track.


17 June 2024

The Economist reviews IIPP's work with Camden Council - “What Camden reveals about Keir Starmer’s mission for government”. Read our full report .


11 June 2024

In this Op-Ed, Prof. Mariana Mazzucato andGiovanni Tagliani note that althoughIMF News has recognized that austerity does not reduce debt-to-GDP ratios, European policymakers still cling to obsolete fiscal rules that push governments to sell their national assets.


10 June 2024

In this podcast, Bridget Gildealeader of our Applied Learning Programme, speak to the importance of curiosity in policymaking and how that informs the co-learning process at IIPP.


10 June 2024

In this Op-Ed, Prof. Mariana Mazzucato joinsDani Rodrik,Joseph E. Stiglitz,Mehrsa Baradaran,Anne Osborn Krueger andMichael R. Strain in a discussion on whether the neoliberal era is ending – and if so, what will follow.


4 June 2024

In this article for The Guardian, Prof. Mariana Mazzucatodelves into the crucial necessity of implementing carbon disclosures within the supply chain of AI and the broader tech sector.


30 May 2024

In this Project Syndicate Op-Ed, Prof. Mariana Mazzucato argues that to avoid future pandemics, we must design economies to prioritise the mission of achieving Health For All. The fact that member states at in Genevahave passedthe year'sResolution on the Economics of Health for All it isan important step in this direction.


28 May 2024

In her interview with the Spanish online newspaper El Confidencial, Prof.Mariana Mazzucato underscores the detrimental effects of consultants on governments, describing the system as fundamentally flawed and infantilizing.


28 May 2024

In thisinterview with the Spanish newspaper El Mundo, Prof. Mariana Mazzucato highlights a critical problem within the consulting industry: despite generating $1 billion annually worldwide, many consulting firms frequently lack genuine expertise in the areas where they offer advice.


27 May 2024

On the 70th anniversary of Brown v. Board of Education, which marked the end of legalised racial segregation in US schools, IIPP Visiting Professor in Cultural Justice Keigh Magee explores both the progress and injustices that have followed in his latest op-ed.


15 May 2024

In this Op-Ed, Prof. Mariana Mazzucato reflects on her recent work in Australia, sharing insights from her discussions with Australian leaders. Sheoffers strategies to realisethe potential of the Future Made in Australia Act, which could drive growth that benefits both people and the planet.


13 May 2024

In this Op-Ed for Project Syndicate, Prof.Mariana Mazzucato and Prof. Rainer Kattel dive into whata mission-driven government may looklike.Missionsare not top-down planning exercises but rather ambitious, clearly articulated goals achieved through myriad policies andprograms based on experimentation andpartnerships.


7 May 2024

In thisOp-Ed, Prof. Mariana Mazzucato and Sarah Doyleargue that building the US economy from the “middle out and bottom-up” will require the next phase of US industrial strategy to tackle the financialization of the corporate sector head-on.


6 May 2024

In thisABC Radio National broadcast,Prof.Mazzucato spoke about hermoonshot approach to industrial policy.


29April 2024

In this Op-Ed, Prof. Mariana Mazzucato andAssociate Prof. David Eavessuggest that central banks can do more than just maintain financial stability and discusshow central banks can play a key role in shaping markets and generating public value by carefully designing digital payment systems.


26 April 2024

In this interview, Prof.Marianna Mazzucatodiscusses the importance of directing government programs towards fostering transformational change, as opposed tojust giving billionaires and their industries a subsidy.


13 April 2024

In this article, Prof. Mariana Mazzucato, Tim O'Reilly,Ilan Strauss andRufus Rock explore the intricate economic dynamics that may hinder AI's full potential. From the powerfulinfluence of algorithms to the pitfalls of enshittification, they delve into critical issues shaping the future of artificial intelligence.


10April 2024

In this op-ed, Prof. Mariana Mazzucato argues that for the pandemic treaty to succeed, equity needs to be prioritised. As shown in the work of the, which she chairs, we need a new approach to how health is valued, produced, and distributed in our economies.


25March 2024

On this The Rest is Money podcats episode, Prof. Mariana Mazzucato spoke about Labour's financialrules, the need for new progressive economics, potential of UK’s innovation agency and more.


22March 2024

Listen to theCuriosity That Matters Podcast episode with Prof. Rainer Kattel where he talks aboutthe new book he co-authored with Wolfgang Drechsler andErkki Karo "How to Make an Entrepreneurial State".


21March 2024

In this BBC 4 episode, Prof. Mariana Mazzucatodiscussesthe challenges the UK economy is facing and shares suggestions on what Labour party can do to fix it.


19 March 2024

Listen to Prof. Mariana Mazzucato on LBC Tonight with Andrew Marr where she discusses current challengesin the UK economy andthe need for new economic thinking.


19 March 2024

In this interview, Prof. Mariana Mazzucato reflects on her work in Australia. She explains the importance of rethinking partnerships between the public and private sectors, highlighting their potential to reshape economies for the collective good.


11 March 2024

In this Project Syndicate piece, Prof. Mariana Mazzucato and IIPP’s Ph.D. Candidate Fausto Gernone urge governments to step in to ensure that technology is designed and brought to market in ways that will serve the common good.


11 March 2024

In this Project Syndicate piece, IIPP's Honorary Prof. Carlota Perez challenges the prevailing narrative surrounding artificial intelligence (AI), urging us to view it not as a standalone revolution, but as a pivotal component of the ongoing technologyrevolution.


11 March 2024

In this article, Prof. Mariana Mazzucato stresses the importance of government leadership to drive a broader green transition and how Australia can transform its challenges into opportunities through a green industrial strategy.


10March 2024

In this Op-Ed, IIPP’s Prof. Mariana Mazzucato and IIPP Senior Research Fellow Ilan Strauss discuss the urgent need for new governance structures for artificial intelligence (AI) and digital environments aimed at the common good and better regulations to punish rent-seeking behaviours that only seek to maximize short-term profits and harm us all.


10March 2024

In this engaging interview for The Saturday Paper with Emily Barrett, Prof. Mariana Mazzucato discusses the misleading divide between the public and private sectors, the excessive rents in the pharmaceutical industry and why the central theme of her forthcoming book will be ‘the common good’.


9 March 2024

In this article, Prof. Mariana Mazzucato comments on the 2024 budget discussion. She argues that the Conservatives are out of ideas, but also that Keir Starmer’s response must be more ambitious than riding on Tory failures.


6 March 2024

In anticipation of the 2024 budget deliberations, Prof. Mariana Mazzucato argues that fiscal credibility and budget responsibility cannot only be assessed in the short-term - investment requires long-term thinking. It's time for long-term directed green investment to build the UK's productive capacity!


4 March 2024

In this op-ed, Prof. Mariana Mazzucato and IIPP Senior Research FellowIlan Straussadvocate for the urgentneed to establish governance structures to ensure that algorithms anddigital markets operate for long-term value creation.


28 February 2024

In this episodeof BBC Politics Live, Prof. Mariana Mazzucato shared her thoughts andan economic steer ontoday’s political newsand emphasisedthe critical importance ofrobust public investment to end the over-reliance on consultanciesof our governments and public services.


27February 2024

In this podcast, Prof. Mazzucatocalls for global leaders to adopt a mission-focused framework that works to transform society for the better.


24 February 2024

Prof. Mazzucatomet with Pope Francis and gave a lecture to the Pontifical Academy of Life, of which she is a member. She presented her recent paper , which advances a new framing of the common good – as bothsetting shared goals and working out how to achieve them.


12February 2024

Prof. Mazzucato speaks of Germany’s need for investment-led growth with a green and inclusive direction to jumpstart its economy and respond to last year's 0.3% GDP contraction.


11 February 2024

IIPP's Prof. Mariana Mazzucato highlights that in 2022, public and private investment in LATAM constituted merely 20% of the GDP, a figure falling short of the 23% observed in high-income economies and the substantial 40% in Asia. She questions this shortcoming since the region presents vast economic prospects ripe for investment, innovation, and collaboration, particularly in sectors such as climate and biodiversity conservation.


10 February 2024

In thisinterview, Prof. Mariana Mazzucato delves into a thought-provoking discussion with Camila Zuluaga, a journalist from Noticias Caracol, exploring how Colombia's challenges can serve as catalysts for promoting inclusive and sustainable growth.


4 February 2024

During a busy week of high-level engagement with the Colombian government in Bogota, IIPP Director Prof. Mazzucato spoke to Juan Esteban Lewin from the El Pais America Columbia about the need for ambitious governments to build capacity and capabilities to deliver on their agendas and how these issues have been discussed in her latest book () co-authored with .


29January 2024

During her engagement at the Hay Festival in Cartagena, Columbia, IIPP Director Prof. Mariana Mazzucato spoke toJosé Manuel Acevedo, Director of Noticias RCN, about 'PREDISTRIBUTION'as well as 'REDISTRIBUTION'; focusing on how we need to get our economy right from the start so we don't have to pick up the pieces later.


28January 2024

The world does not need tochoose between good jobs and a green economy. In this op-ed,Prof. Mariana Mazzucato and IIPP Visiting Professor of Practice,Damon Silvers, argue thatClimate action should be put at the heart of any broader agenda for innovation, growth and employment.They explorehow the UAW strikes underscore the urgency of an economy-wide transformation to address climate change.


24January 2024

In this Podcast, IIPP Deput Director, David Eaves, discuss society-wide, digital capabilities that are essential to participation in society and markets as a citizen, entrepreneur, and consumer in a digital era.


24January 2024

IIPP Visiting Professor of Practice and global digital leader, Mike Braken,discusses the Post-Office Horizon Affairs and challenges governments’ practices of procuring big IT consultancies to run entire national services instead of designing services with a “test and learn” approach that adapts as user needs and behaviour change.


23January 2024

In this interview, IIPP Head of research and Associate Professor in Economics, Cecilia Rikap, outlines the key concepts of her book


23January 2024

In this op-ed, Prof Mazzucato outlines how the new Brazilian Industrial Strategymarks a big departure from traditional approaches, setting a bold direction that aligns economic, social andclimate goals; in line with her recent reportChallenges and opportunities for Brazil.


22 January 2024

IIPP Visiting Professor of Practice and global digital leader, Mike Braken,discusses the Post-Office Horizon Affairs and challenges governments’ practices of procuring big IT consultancies to run entire national services instead of designing services with a “test and learn” approach that adapts as user needs and behaviour change.


20 January 2024

In this op-ed,Prof. Mariana Mazzucato put forward a counternarrative to thefalse dichotomy between economic prosperity and environmental sustainability. This new narrative is needed by the progressive force that are building the political support to succeed in implementing athe green transition.


19January 2024

Ahead of the new Brazilian Industrial Strategy launched by the Brazilian Government on Monday 22 of January, Prof. Mazzucato outlines the key points of herrecent report Challenges and opportunities for Brazil, focusing on what it will take to realise the strategy’s potential to catalyse investment, innovation andinclusive, sustainable growth.


18 January 2024

IIPP Policy Associate and IIPP PhD Studenthighlight the urgent need for a comprehensive ethical and regulatory framework to curb the potential harm caused by generative AI deployed for persuasion especially if deployed for malicious attempts at social engineering.


3 January2024

In this op-ed,Prof. Mariana Mazzucato and MP Greg Clark outline the need for the UK to implement an inclusive green industrial strategy and how sustainable practices can be woven into how we consume, move, invest and build.


18December 2023

In thisinsightful analysis piece for The Guardian,Patrick Greenfield and Fiona Harvey comprehensively explorethe debates surrounding carbon markets at COP 28,including the all-women panel discussion organised by IIPP's Prof. Mariana Mazzucato.


13 December 2023

In the COP 28 focused Op-ed, Prof. Mariana Mazzucato, Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala, and Johan Rockström, Co-Chairs of the Global Commission on the Economics of Water, argue that to solve the climate crisis we need to tackle the global water crisis andmanage the global water cycle as a common good.


10 December 2023

IIPP DirectorProf. Mariana Mazzucato joinsNicholas Stern,Partha Dasgupta and Global Commission on the Economics of Waterco-chairJohan Rockströmto emphasise how our water, climate andbiodiversity crises are deeply linked andwhy we need a global action agenda around water.


1 December 2023

IIPP Director Prof. Mariana Mazzucato spoke toDavid Gelles, climate reporter for the New York Times and discussed the unique challenges faced by lower-income countries in financing climate action, a relevant topic of discussion at COP 28.


30 November 2023

In this op-ed, IIPP Honorary Professor Francesca Bria outlines the reasons whyit is crucial forEuropeto cultivate its own technology sector and support open, sovereign, and independent solutions that align with European values and needs. The EU should bolster investments in research, innovation, and digital public infrastructures. By upholding ethical standards, applying strategic subsidies, and practising smart procurement, Europe can establish itself as a leader in a technology landscape where innovation serves the public good.


30 November 2023

In this interviewwithFiona Harvey, The Guardian's Environment editor, Prof.Mariana Mazzucato stressedthat the world does not lackthe quantity of finance, but that we are not directing it in the right way.What we are lacking is quality of finance – finance that is long-term, patient and mission-oriented.


29November 2023

In this interviewwithFiona Harvey, The Guardian's Environment editor,Prof.Mariana Mazzucato addresses the questions about who the polluter elite are and howwe can tackle carbon inequality. She points out that countries in the Global South face what the Prime Minister of Barbados,Mia Mottley, calls a ‘double jeopardy’ – the prosperity of Global North has been achieved at the expense of the Global South, which now bears the brunt of the climate crisis.


22 November 2023

Editorial on the launch of the Italian edition of Prof. Mariana Mazzucato and Rosie Collington's book "The Big Con: How the Consulting Industry Weakens our Businesses, Infantilizes our Governments and Warps our Economies".


22 November 2023

Prof. Mariana Mazzucato at BBC Newsnight puts the emphasis on taxing capital gains taxes as a tool to achieve long-term growth.


21 November 2023

In this interview forCNBC's The Bottom Line, Prof. Mariana Mazzucato focuses on whysolving our biggest challenges isn't about big government versussmall government. She instead argues that it’s about how government works with business, workers and citizens to deliver the outcomes we need.


16 November 2023

In this op-ed for the Financial Times, Prof. Mariana Mazzucato argues forthe need to put our climate targets at the centre of how we design finance. She outlines how public finance - including $22.5T held by public development banks - can be redesigned to transform climate challenges into investment pathways.There is plenty of finance, but the direction is wrong; what counts is notjust about QUANTITY but QUALITY of finance.


16 November 2023

Editorial on the launch of the Italian edition of Prof. Mariana Mazzucato and Rosie Collington's book "The Big Con: How the Consulting Industry Weakens our Businesses, Infantilizes our Governments and Warps our Economies".


9 November 2023

Prof Mariana Mazzucato speaks in the Foreign Policyabout Colombia’s green industrial strategy andhow it can drive a broader socio-economic transformation agenda.


7 November 2023

Book review of Prof. Mariana Mazzucato and Rosie Collington's "The Big Con" inthe International Affairs Journal.


6 November 2023

Prof. Tim O'Reilly outlines the researchdeveloped with Prof. Mariana Mazzucato and DrIlan Strauss on Algorithms Rentsin an interviewwith Rana Foroohar.


6 November 2023

Prof. Mariana Mazzucato discussesabout changing course in Argentina towards investment-led growth with a direction: inclusive and sustainable; and the dangers of populist ideological policies.


3 November 2023

Prof. Mariana Mazzucato discusses why health innovation must serve the common good andhow improved access to crucial technologies like mRNA must happen through redesigned IP rules, industrial policies, along with patient & sufficient finance.


24 October 2023


In the Nueva Sociedad article, Cecilia Rikap, the Head of Research at the Institute for Innovation and Public Purpose (IIPP)delves into the political economy of the development of Artificial Intelligence. She underscores the need to not only on think about how AI is used, but also on how it is produced andwho benefits from it.


17 October 2023

Listen to the BBCinterview withpoliticians, policy professionals and academics, including IIPP's Prof Josh Ryan-Collin.


17 October 2023

IIPP's PhD student Rosie Collington talks about her book "The Big Con" on the European Society for Ecological Economics' podcast, highlighting the role of large consulting firms in slowing climate action.


17 October 2023

Read The Guardian's opinion piece byProfFrancescaBria on algorithms relating to workers and howEU laws could protect them.


12 October 2023

IIPP's Associate Professor Josh Ryan-Collins shares his opiniononLabour plans for state-led capital investment.


10 October 2023

Listen to LBC show with Andrew Marr and Prof Mariana Mazzucato.


9 October 2023

In this interview, Professor Mariana Mazzucato joins economist James O'Neill and the Director of the think tank Onward, Sebastian Payne, to share her views on the policies neededfor growth.She argues here that to initiate a new UKgrowth path, we need a reset to innovation-led, sustainable and inclusive growth,not just any growth.


4 October2023

ProfessorMariana Mazzucato shares her viewson how to align industrial policy to solve the 21st century's grand challenges and create a greener and more inclusive economy sharesin thisProject Syndicate article.


28 September 2023

In theirarticle on iNews, ProfessorMariana Mazzucato and Associate Professor Josh Ryan-Collinsoffer a critical analysis of the Prime Minister's reconsideration of environmental sustainability goals.


24 September 2023

US auto worker strikes highlight the essential synergy between "just" and "green" transitions in government efforts to shift from carbon-intensive economies. ProfMariana Mazzucatoand ProfDamon Silvers explore aligning these priorities in theProject Syndicate article.


23 September 2023

In Professor Mariana Mazzucato'sblogfor the Global Partnership for Education, she explores the pivotal role of education investment as a catalyst for a thriving and dynamic economy.


21 September 2023

Prof. Mariana Mazzucato celebratesthe 10th anniversary of herbook, , with an interview for the Times Higher Education. Here, she speaksabout DARPA's success story and sheds light on what ARIA, the UK’s own innovation agency,can learn from it.


20 September 2023

Prof. Mariana Mazzucato highlights in herOp-Ed that framing spending versus growth as a dichotomy is misleading; instead, ambitious investments in policy priorities, from school meals to climate change, can also fuel business growth.


18 September 2023

Prof.Mariana Mazzucato shares her view in thisWorld Economic Forum article on the fact that water's importance for the Sustainable Development Goals hasbeenoverlooked at the SDG Summit, and it necessitatesstronger partnerships and increased investment.


13September 2023

Prof. Mariana Mazzucato celebratesthe 10th anniversary of herbook, ,and discusses how we need to re-imagine the state’s role in collaborating with business.


10 September 2023

Prof. Mariana Mazzucato's interviewIn the City podcast, where shecelebrates the 10th Anniversary of her book, ,revisits some key concepts and discusses key aspects of the contemporarycrisis of modern-day capitalism.


7 September 2023

Prof. Mazzucatocelebrates the 10th Anniversary of her book, and discusseshow public-private partnerships can be structured to maximize public value.


6 September 2023

Prof. Mariana Mazzucato celebrates the 10th Anniversary of her book, , and discusses how we need to re-imagine the state’s role in collaborating with business.


6 September 2023

Governments should prioritise the quality of economic growth, focusing on sustainability, workers' rights, and public interests rather than narrow growth targets to ensure a more inclusive and beneficial direction for the economy, ProfessorMariana Mazzucato sharesin theBusiness Standard article.


4 September 2023

IIPP's Associate Professor Josh Ryan-Collins shares his opinion onLabour's position on ruling out a wealth tax.


30 August 2023

ProfessorMariana Mazzucato emphasises that governments should focus on socially beneficial goals rather than abstract economic growth, as inclusive and sustainable growth arises as a byproduct of pursuing such objectives.


28 August 2023

Professor Mariana Mazzucato argues that many contemporary achievements attributed to the free market, such as high-tech advancements, medicines, vaccines, and electric cars, are fundamentally the result of public investments. In this interview, she introduces some of the key arguments developed in her latest book, "The Big Con".


23 August 2023

IIPP's visiting Professor Tim O'Reilly discusses our forthcoming theory of Algorithmic Rents. Big Tech's algorithms are using our attention and time for their own benefit. AI can help reclaim our time and navigate the expanding ocean of information.


21 August 2023

Jim Chalmers captured the attentionwith an essay in The Monthly that set out his economic stall with the core principles underpinning his policy vision. This manifesto quoted approvingly from the work of theeconomist Mariana Mazzucato.


28 July 2023

President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva meets IIPP Founding DirectorMarina Mazzucato todiscussthe ‘how’ of putting societal goals (climate and health) at the heart of a transformative economic agenda—including transforming bureaucracy.


27 July 2023

UCL IIPP signed a new partnership with the Brazilian Ministry of Management and Enapto support their efforts to build the capabilities, tools & institutions needed to implement Brazil’s transformative agenda.


27 July 2023

Rising inequality is a challenge for the multilateral system, Jayati Ghosh writes, which must first measure it properly.


24 July 2023

What is happening in Italy at RAI should alarm the whole EU says Francesca Bria as she advises Ursula von der Leyen on digital policy.


23 July 2023

In aninterview, Prof Mariana Mazzucato defends a central role for the State and praises the attitude of the Spanish Executive for having known how to innovate despite the hostile situation.


21 July 2023

IIPP's Josh Ryan-Collins contributes to the conversation on raise in taxes and interest rates.


19 July 2023

In her book The Big Con, Prof Mariana Mazzucato highlights the collaboration between the Chilean government in 1971 and the British consultant Stafford Beer on the Cybersyn project.


18 July 2023

Prof Mariana Mazzucato offers insights intohow the state can be a strategic leader in the economy.


17 July 2023

IIPP's PhD student Simone Gasperin on how the state agency has allowed the technological development of the country.


17 July 2023

Simon Mundy reviews Prof Mariana Mazzucato's andRosie Collington's bookThe Big Con.


7 July 2023

IIPP Deputy Director David Eaves offers on overview on the new geopolitical role played by new government s investment in digital public infrastructure.


05 July2023

Prof Mariana Mazzucato and James Anderson offer an insight intothe role of cities in understanding and addressing their own communities’ needs.


04 July2023

Could the mortgage crisis offer an opportunity to reset the market for renters and homeowners? Dr Josh Ryan offers an overview of things that can be done in this op-ed.


04 July2023

In March 2023, the United Nations (UN) convened the first UN Water Conference in nearly 50 years, Mariana Mazzucato alongside other world leaders cotribute to conversation on howto create momentum and accelerate progress.


1 July 2023

Cornelia Parker on art and the environment: ‘We have to act in every way we can’

The artist and IIPP Advisroy Board member's new video combines her sharp eye for form with her heartfelt politics


29 June2023

Book review of by Mariana Mazzucato & Rosie Collington.It’s not just that consultants are annoying. The consulting business promotes an inegalitarian political economy.


29 June 2023

The top ten housebuilders alone have 700,000 building plots lying idle as the housing shortages continues to worsen. Josh Ryan-Collinsexplains what land banking means and its impact on housing shortages in the UK.


23 June2023

An insightful overview ofagreements to reduce developing countries’ debt burden in exchange for spending on nature. Katie Kedward expresses her scepticism onhow debt-for-nature swaps are being implemented in practice.


21 June2023

Monday's Tonight with Andrew Marr on housing and cost of living crisis


19 June 2023

Economist Mariana Mazzucato takes aim at global consultancies in a book accusing them of keeping their state clients weak so they can continue milking them


18 June 2023

The country’s new housing law could change so much – but may be reversed if rightwing parties gain more influence, saysEduardo González de Molina


5 June 2023

While governments cut costs, external consultants are experiencing golden times. Economists Mariana Mazzucato and Rosie Collington wrote the book The Big Con on how to break through that paradox. An interview with Rosie Collington.


3 June 2023

The leaked draft of the WHO Pandemic Accord contains worrying signs, says Mariana Mazzucato.


1 June 2023

One-off deals, such as the one with Jaguar Land Rover to produce electric batteries, won’t keep pace with the big industrial strategies of the US and EU, says Mariana Mazzucato.


31 May 2023

Rosie Collington spoke to Moya Lothian-McLean of Novara Media about conflicts of interest, the PwC Australia leaks and The Big Con, her book with Mariana Mazzucato.

Watch: (from 21:18)

25 May 2023

The goal of Health for All can steer the direction of economic growth, writes Mariana Mazzucato.


23 May 2023

New think tank conducts research suggesting most Scots think the economy is not on the right path


10 May 2023

The Council of Ministers has approved an inflationary measure and, as it ends up benefitting people with more income, it is also regressive, writesEduardo González de Molina.


9 May 2023

Minsky, First Republic Bank, and the paradox of contemporary monetary policy. Josh Ryan-Collins reflects.


10 May 2023

Italian professor defends investment in empolyees and is against rules that limit public spending.


2 May 2023

The United Nations has warned that “cascading and interlinked crises” are jeopardizing not just the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, but “humanity’s very survival.” Mitigating the threat requires a radical reform of international finance, based on a market-shaping paradigm that advances the common good.


1 May 2023

Influential economist Mariana Mazzucatohas urged Australia’s Parliament to introduce new disclosure requirements for consulting companies working for government.


1 May 2023

Professor Mariana Mazzucato and her co-author Rosie Collington argue in thenew book The Big Con that management consultancies “infantilize” governments by keeping them dependent on their services.


1 May 2023

Editorial:The omnipresence of consultancies is harming public services, while creating lucrative opportunities for private profit


17 April 2023

Professor Mariana Mazzucato is one of the world's most exciting economic thinkers, and her new book - THE BIG CON - exposes how consultancy firms are eating up billions upon billions of pounds. You won't think of our economic system the same way again.


17 April 2023

Two tough female economists and experts in innovative thinking in the public sector come up with a paralysing criticism of the consulting industry in the book The Big Con. Mariana Mazzucato and Rosie Collington from University College London believe that the big advisers, such as McKinsey, Boston Consulting, Deloitte and KPMG, generally do a poor job for both the public sector and private companies. They do not create added value commensurate with the advisors' enormous fees. Journalist Hugo Gaarden reviews the book.


17 April 2023

Industrial strategies can steer the direction of growth towards well-defined goals.


11 April 2023

Academics Michael Jacobs and Mariana Mazzucato review articles from world leaders to find non-traditional responses to the economic and democratic crises.


10 April 2023

More than a hundred presidents, celebrities and economists have come together to propose a ten-point-plan to reform the World Bank and make it fit for the 21st Century.


6 April 2023

Recent cases of pharmaceutical companies jacking up the price of lifesaving vaccines confirms once again that we need a new approach to pharmaceutical innovation. Health-sector governance and public funding should be promoting collaboration and solidarity, not zero-sum competition and gatekeeping.


5 April 2023

Consultants miraculously turn around businesses and conjure up ideas. Adam Shaw asks why is this $billion industry so mysterious and should we really be in awe of their wizardry? Rosie Collington contributes.


28 March 2023

Besuited jetsetters, armed with prestigious degrees and powerpoint slides, have infiltrated governments and corporations around the world. They claim to offer valuable expertise and fresh ideas. But don't be fooled!


21 March 2023

Corporate consulting firms like McKinsey attribute their industry’s success to its capacity to increase efficiency and add value to the economy. In fact, there isn’t a single major act of state or corporate malevolence in our lifetime free of the big consultancies’ fingerprints.


20 March 2023

The world has an extreme water problem, says Mariana Mazzucato, author of the first world water report. How do you still distribute drinking water fairly when it's getting scarce?


17 March 2023

How can the government attract the country’s best minds to work for them? How do we know when a private sector contract is a good one? And what can we learn from NASA about business and efficiency?


17 March 2023

Water-related challenges – whether there is too much or too little, or whether it is dirty and unsafe – are already fueling chronic food and health insecurity in entire regions. To safeguard this most fundamental natural resource, we urgently need a new, global strategy to govern water for the common good.


17 March 2023

"Why are governments getting fooled? And why are governments continually hiring and outsourcing their own knowledge and activities to the consulting firms? Even after, in many cases, dreadful scams, mistakes and so on," Professor Mariana Mazzucato toldABC RN's The Money.


15 March 2023

Consulting firms may promise expertise and efficiency, but their effects on public agencies have been disastrous, Mariana Mazzucato and Rosie Collington explain.


14 March 2023

In thisBig Question, we askAnu Bradford,Tim O’Reilly,Ilan Strauss, andMariana Mazzucato, andTommaso Vallettiwhether and how the US government can translate regulatory ambition into effective action.


9 March 2023

Bloomberg's Francine Lacqua interviews Mariana Mazzucato about her new book with Rosie Collington, The Big Con(watch from 8mins 40s)


7 March 2023

ESG and sustainability are the latest manifestations of a tried-and-true strategy for the consulting industry.


6 March 2023

Mariana Mazzucato discusses tax and the UK economy with former chief secretary to the UK Treasury David Gaukeand presenterKirsty Wark(watch from 6mins 19s)


6 March 2023

Our favorite books coming out this week include new titles from Theresa Runstedtler, Jenny Odell, and Mariana Mazzucato and Rosie Collington.


3 March 2023

Labour should forge a new settlement that prioritises the common good over private profit.


3 March 2023

Josh Ryan-Collins:With first-time buyers unable to get a mortgage and landlords hiking up rents, it’s a vicious cycle


3 March 2023

Mariana Mazzucato and Rosie Collington: McKinsey & Company’s many high-profile scandals are only the tip of the iceberg. The growing reliance on big consultancies with extractive business models is stunting state capacity and undermining democratic accountability at a time when we need governments to help transform our economies in the public interest.


2 March 2023

Mariana MazzucatoandRosie Collington:While the axe falls on vital services across the country, a dependent Whitehall is still giving private consultants a blank cheque


28 February 2023

Megan Gibson speaks to the economist and author Mariana Mazzucato, professor at the UCL Institute for Innovation and Public Purpose.The Big Conis her latest book, co-written with Rosie Collington, which exposes the consequences of governments’ dependency on consultancies such as McKinsey and Deloitte.


27 February 2023

Mariana Mazzucato speaks to Oli Dugmore from PoliticsJOE


27 February 2023

The management consultant industry is worth around a trillion dollars, yet few people on the street could discern exactly how that money is spent. Much of it is spent by governments with the UK leading the charge in contracting out a huge range of services to these huge, opaque companies. To discuss how we've ended up in this position, and what can be done about it, Aaron is joined by Mariana Mazzucato, co-author of 'The Big Con: How the Consulting Industry Weakens our Businesses, Infantilizes our Governments and Warps our Economies'.


26 February 2023

Sir Michael Marmot reviewsThe Big Con


25 February 2023

Productivity is much lower than in comparable countries, yet bosses just award themselves millions – and hire consultants


25 February 2023

The economist and author of The Big Con reflects on why capitalism is broken.


22 February 2023

Rosie Collington is seeking to call the consulting sector’sbluff.The UCL researcher is on a mission to challenge the notion that “consultancies exist on the scale and scope they do today because they create value in the economy.”


20 February 2023

The Big Con is a shocking indictment of how, for decades, the consulting industry has made billions from public and private sources without providing much value for money. But it’s an equally damning verdict on those institutions that have handed over these fortunes.


18 February 2023

Mariana Mazzucato is a professor in the economics of innovation and public value at University College London. She speaks toThe Spectator’s Wiki Man, RorySutherland, about the book she has co-authored with Rosie Collington,TheBig Con: How the Consulting Industry Weakens our Businesses, Infantilises our Governments and Warps our Economies.


18 February 2023

The swollen consulting sector has its tentacles in every crevice of business and government. Something needs to change, says Ed Conway.


18 February 2023

We’re spending ever more on advice from firms such as KPMG, Deloitte and McKinsey — but they’re making government stupid.


18 February 2023

From Puerto Rico’s bankruptcy to Britain’s Covid contracts, the private firms taking over public life


16 February 2023

Mariana Mazzucato and Rosie Collington’s polemic on the need to draw a boundary between state and private activity — and rebuild public sector capability


15 February 2023

In The Big Con Mariana Mazzucato and Rosie Collington reveal how management consultants promise to fix governments but end up enfeebling them


14 February 2023

The economist argues that consultants are hobbling the state’s ability to perform the role of economic motor.


14 February 2023

In an extract from their forthcoming exposé, the economists Mariana Mazzucato and Rosie Collington argue that the consulting industry is weakening businesses and warping economies


10 February 2023

Mariana Mazzucato tells Chris Seekings why governments must take inspiration and courage from ‘moonshot’ projects when tackling the world’s greatest challenges.


2 February 2023

Mariana Mazzucato on what governments get wrong about funding clean energy.


31 January 2023

Tackling our biggest challenges and reversing the undue concentration of wealth and power will require a fundamental change in political economy. Currently, the principle of the common good is seen as merely a corrective for the current system’s excesses, but it should be the system's primary objective.


27 January 2023

FEBRUARY - The Big Con: How the Consulting Industry Weakens Our Businesses, Infantilizes Our Governments and Warps Our Economies by Mariana Mazzucato and Rosie Collington (Allen Lane) Leading progressive economist and her co-author investigate the damage — poor innovation, lack of accountability — brought about by the over-reliance of governments and companies on consultants.


9 January 2023

The current water crisis is damaging our environments and livelihoods. We urgently need to renew the way we value and manage water, collectively.


9 January 2023

"Among other direct and persuasive solutions, the authors suggest the enhancement of conflict of interest disclosure requirements and empowering public sector organizations “to take risks.” Doggedly researched and elegantly written, this is a fascinating entry point into a critical yet underreported issue."


2 January 2023

February, nonfiction -The Big Con: How the Consulting Industry WeakensOur Businesses, InfantilizesOur Governments and WarpsOur Economies by Mariana Mazzucatoand Rosie Collington, Allen Lane:Political economists Mazzucato and Collington chart the inexorable rise of consulting, which thrives in an era of hollowed-out states and stripped-back firms.


31 December 2022

Traditional capitalism no longer works. But driven by ever-new world crises and an impending climate collapse, concreteideas for reform are emerging: less growth, more government targets. Mariana Mazzucato contributes to DerSpiegel'scover story.


30 December 2022

Public policies and institutions should be designed to ensure that innovations are improving the world; but as matters stand, many technologies are being deployed in a vacuum, with advances in artificial intelligence raising one red flag after another. The era of light-touch self-regulation must end.


26 December 2022

To maintain its credibility, the Just Transition Framework must be translated into meaningful action in 2023, including a sustained commitment to bold goals and investments to bolster government’s capabilities.


23 December 2022

Mariana Mazzucato spoke to The Financial Times' Moral Moneyabout states directing finance towards tackling climate change.


9 December 2022

What would it take to scale Mariana Mazzucato’s “mission thinking” to a global stage?


6 December 2022

Can the public sector be a "sexy, edgy, crazy bureaucracy"?Highly respected economist and Professor at University College London, Mariana Mazzucato, thinks it's worth considering.


4December 2022

The United Kingdom is in recession. The Autumn Budget reflected this sobering diagnosis of the country’s economic state and foreshadowed an Osbornesque turn to the austerity policies of the 2010s.


30 November 2022

Professor of the Faculty of Administrative Sciences, University of Indonesia (FIA UI), Prof. Dr. Eko Prasojo, led the UI team in research collaboration in the field of Islamic Public Values to strengthen public services at the Institute for Innovation and Public Purpose (IIPP).


29 November 2022

Governments must approach these partnerships as an opportunity to maximise public value.


27 November 2022

The G20 and international financial institutions still have not created a pandemic preparedness and response framework capable of managing the next global health crisis. Fortunately, some low- and middle-income countries are pioneering new models for filling the gaps.


18 November 2022

"And now I have put Mariana Mazzucato in the Pontifical Academy for Life. She is a great economist from the United States, I put her there to give a little more humanity to it. Women carry their own, they don't have to become like males. No! they are women, we need them. And a society that erases women from public life is a society that impoverishes itself."


6 November 2022

Mariana Mazzucato spoke toJorge Fontevecchia about the Latin American economy and how to make capitalism work.


5 November 2022

As a much-touted green alliance of financial institutions crumbles, the private sector has once again proven unequal to the task of climate leadership. The global transition to a net-zero economy simply will not happen at the pace that is needed unless states embrace their proper role as a market maker and investor in public goods.


4 November 2022

Mariana Mazzucato breaks down 'dysfunctionalities' in the economic system which should be tackled instead of 'punishing consumers and families' who already face high costs of living.


3 November 2022

"Innovation and public administration do not have to be mutually exclusive, quite the opposite,"Rainer Kattel tells Ina Bierfreund.


3 November 2022

CNN Chile's Orlando Silva interviews Mariana Mazzucato about her visit to Chile and discusses how her economic ideas can be implemented in the country.


2 November 2022

The famous mission economist visited the Laboratorio de Gobierno, an agency of the Ministry of Finance, on Friday morning, where she congratulated the State for activating innovation policies.


28 October 2022

Jorge Ivan Gonzalez' commentary on the concept of the Entrepreneurial State


28 October 2022

A televised interview (in Spanish) on C5N in Argentina


26 October 2022

The Secretary of Industry and Productive Development, José Ignacio de Mendigurenand the economist Mariana Mazzucato, met with the technical teams of the Plan Argentina Productiva 2030, which incorporates, they say, " unprecedented development concepts for a industrial plan in Latin America".


26 October 2022

"Mandatory [nature impact] disclosures will only be effective in addressing biodiversity declines if they rapidly translate into transforming nature-depleting business models," says Katie Kedward.


26 October 2022

Strategic clarity is needed now more than ever to face both the immediate cost-of-living crisis and the longer-term structural challenges facing Latin America and the Caribbean. Policymakers will need a new narrative that puts innovation-led growth and an empowered, capable state front and center, writes Mariana Mazzucato.


24 October 2022

Mariana Mazzucato is the fashionable economist in Colombia and in the world. Exclusively for Forbes Colombia, she spoke about her vision for the global energy transition and analyzed the strategies of central banks to face a recession that, in her opinion, could become a depression.


22 October 2022

The defeat of free market ideology will be worthless if it results in afear of public spending and an unquestioning faith in the markets, writes Josh Ryan-Collins


18 October 2022

Christiane Amanpour speaks with Rory Stewart, former UK Conservative minister, and Mariana Mazzucato, Professor at the University College London, on the latest market turmoil and political chaos in Britain.


17 October 2022

On Friday, battered by savage criticism, she retreated. Truss fired her top finance official, Kwasi Kwarteng, for creating precisely the package of unfunded tax cuts, billion-dollar spending programs and deregulation that she had asked for.

𲹻:New York Times, via

15 October 2022

Although global climate commitments are important, they will not amount to much without the institutional foundation that the transition to a zero-carbon economy needs.


11 October 2022

Josh Ryan-Collins makes the wider case for public wealth funds, and how they help governments invest for the future and make sure that returnsgo back to citizens.


10 October 2022

:An interview on the impact of public services cuts on people's health and wellbeing


5 October 2022

Past policy failures and unmet populist promises represent an opportunity for progressive leaders. But to win power, they must articulate a coherent alternative economic-policy program, focusing not only on redistribution but also on wealth and value creation. Professor Mariana Mazzucato explores this for Project Syndicate.


5 October 2022

Instead of merely ‘trimming the fat’ from the public sector, this government seems intent on sinking the welfare state entirely, writes Rosie Collington.


4 October 2022

Professor Mariana Mazzucato advocates a "mission economy": the state should set the direction for innovations. She accuses the private sector of only looking for short-term gains.


4 October 2022

As the region recovers from the pandemic there is an opportunity to rethink how development is undertaken and to deploy mission-oriented approaches to policy making, writes Rainer Kattel, with Susann Roth.


28 September 2022

"There's no academic evidence that cutting taxes for the rich boosts employment, investment or growth." Associate Professor JoshRyan-Collins shared his thoughts during aninterview onTalkTV.


26 September 2022

Water-related crises around the world have shown that current systems of governance and economic organisation are unsuited for a world altered by global warming. Professor Mariana Mazzucato, Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala,Johan Rockström andTharman Shanmugaratnam explore this topic in aProject Syndicate op-ed.


21 September 2022

ProfessorMariana Mazzucatoappears on BBC Radio 4 Today Programme to discussthe prospects of theUK 'mini' budget and why simplistictax cuts will not induce growth, but simply increase inequality...again.


20 September 2022

Professor Mariana Mazzucato explores this topic in aHarward Business Review article.


19 September 2022

Professor Mariana Mazzucato recently appeared on The Prof G Podwith Scott Galloway.


15 September 2022

After significant advocacy by poorer countries and civil society, the G20’s pandemic-preparedness fund is being designed to embody a more equitable and balanced governance model. But without adequate funding and much larger additional investments in health systems, the new fund will become just another burdensome distraction. Professor Mariana Mazzucato explores this topic in a recent Project Syndicate article.


15 September 2022

How is the world going to get to net zero by 2050 and who is paying the bill? Professor Mariana Mazzucato thinks labelling it as a bill we all have to pay is misleading.


31 August 2022

Professor Josh Ryan-Collins with the team of researchersexplore a range of policies that could help the Government to meet England’s housing needs without transgressing environmental limits


23 August 2022

Professor Mariana Mazzucato recently appeared on a Adam Buxton podcast episode where she exploredhow capitalism fails and how it can be made to work better by 'reimagining the state'.


12 August 2022

The world needs governments to take more risks, according to Professor Mariana Mazzucato


20July 2022

The world needs a global pandemic preparedness and response strategy that is built on equitable and representative decision-making. But developing one will require the G20 and the World Bank to abandon their current "health for some" approach, according to ProfessorMariana Mazzucato andProfessor Jayati Ghosh.


20July 2022

IIPP Visiting Professor Keith Magee is appointed as Chair of The Guardian Foundation board.


19 July 2022

Jessamy Bagenaldiscusses the work of Professor Mariana Mazzucato on the WHO Council on the Economics of Health For All.


16 July 2022

While the UK economy is subject to the same global factors as other countries around the world – COVID-19 supply chain disruptions and the Russian invasion of Ukraine, for example – signs suggest it will do even worse than its competitors, according to ProfessorMariana Mazzucato


16 July 2022

What could / should the government be doing and will the crisis eventually bring down house prices? ProfessorMariana Mazzucato and Associate Professor in Economics and Finance Dr JoshRyan-Collins explore these areas in their recent Guardian article.


16 July 2022

In the penultimate episode of this season from the Academy of Social Sciences, Professor Mariana MazzucatoinvitesWill Hutton to IIPPto explain how the public sector could be reshaped to benefit everyone.


12 July 2022

IIPP Visiting Professor Keith Magee is appointed as Chair of The Guardian Foundation board.


19 July 2022

If G7 leaders are serious about helping low- and middle-income countries prepare for the next pandemic or address climate change, they have an odd way of showing it. As many developing countries hurtle toward a debt crisis, rich countries are failing to pull the levers that could help them avoid the worst.



Professor Mariana Mazzucato appears on BBC Newsnight to discuss inflation and pay.


22 June 2022

A guest op-ed from Mariana Mazzucato, professor in the economics of innovation and public value at University College London


21 June 2022

As we celebrate Juneteenth, we should remember that our freedom is still incomplete, says Visiting Professor Keith Magee in his recent piece for The Root.


19June 2022

A specialist in innovation, IIPP Professor Carlota Perezexplains how the digital revolution, associated with the ecological transition, could lead us to a "golden age".


12 June 2022

'Despite inadequate international support and a lack of access to COVID-19 vaccines, African governments and regional institutions have acquitted themselves well in responding to the pandemic. The task now is to build on these successes, making “health for all” an overarching whole-of-government priority, according to Professor Mariana Mazzucato and Under-Secretary-General of the United Nations,Vera Songwe


20 May 2022

Key factors in countries’ success during the pandemic are long-term investment in public health systems, mission-driven leadership and fiscal space, according to Professor Jayati Ghosh and Professor Mariana Mazzucato


25 May 2022

Government spending power is limited not by tax revenues or borrowing, but by the productive capacity of the UK economy and political will, according toAssociate Professor in Economics and Finance Dr JoshRyan-Collins


20 May 2022

Rate hikes will hit already financially constrained households and businesses, and exacerbate the cost-of-living crisis,according to IIPP Policy Fellow Katie Kedward


19 May 2022

Making women's unpaid care work count toward an economy for health


11 May2022

Professor Els Toreele explores what could go wrong when pharmaceutical company shareholders and investors shape the public health response to Covid-19.


3 May 2022

With overof the African continent still unvaccinated against COVID-19, it is clear that the global pandemic preparedness and response (PPR) regime remains seriously underfunded and lacking in resilient, effective delivery systems.


20 April 2022

Francesca Bria, president of the Italian National Innovation Fund,on the politics of cryptocurrencies, decentralisation, blockchain and the state.


1 April 2022

Prof Mazzucato to co-chair the newly launched Global Commission on the Economics of Water


31 March 2022

Ravi Kahlon, Minister of Jobs, Economic Recovery and Innovation praises the report released byProfessorMariana Mazzucato on the StrongerBC Economic Plantitled 'Inclusive and Sustainable British Columbia: a mission-oriented approach to a renewed economy'.


31 March 2022

Dr JoshRyan-CollinsonBBC world on the threat of interest rate rises for the market


31 March 2022

In this Q&A theReverend Professor Keith Mageelooks at how voting rights in the US became so vulnerable, and how a new 28th Amendment to the US Constitution establishing every American’s right to vote in free, fair, and transparent elections would protect these rights.


22 March 2022

In an economy that treats gross domestic product as the ultimate end, people and the planet are mere means, and much of the work that sustains society is ignored entirely. This status quo is not only pathological, unsustainable, and bad for our health; it is also entirely unnecessary.


8 March 2022

Tax systems are a powerful tool to help finance advancement of the SDGs by mobilizing resources, redistributing wealth, and promoting sustainable consumption and production patterns.


4 March 2022

How should the wealth that an economy generates be distributed?


3 March 2022

Ezra Klein discusses the recent political landscape of the United States


19 February 2022

'Of all the promises made in the name of Web3, two stand out as particularly radical and beneficial to democracy.'


18 February 2022

'The 2020s will undoubtedly be characterised by new technology regulation. But while today’s technologies are global, the rules governing their development and use are not.'


10 February 2022

The state should leadmarket innovations to addresshumanity's biggest problems, a renowned economist says.


2 February 2022

A major reason why Big Tech firms have achieved such scale and become the gatekeepers to entire markets is that they have been able to obscure most of their financial and operating data, according to Professor Mariana Mazzucato andIlan Strauss


31 January 2022

Stephen Sackur speaks to the economist Mariana Mazzucato. Does her moonshot economics ignore some earthly realities?


27 January 2022

Faced with a present dominated by the challenge of defeating the pandemic, it is necessary to increase contributions to the international organization that is best prepared to combat health threats, according to Professor Mariana Mazzucato and Ilona Kickbusch


11 January 2022

Today’s major technology firms wield huge social and political influence across the world to the point that their actions, and the content they host, is often seen as a direct challenge to national sovereignty and the norms and power structures that support states.


11 January 2022

According to Professor Mariana Mazzucato, the policies in place work more at the service of Big Pharma which wants to maximize profits when they should be at the service of the populations.


10 January 2022

Current social movements and the willingness from businesses and governments to act can create a road ahead to address key issues facing the world.


6 January 2022