

UCL Institute for Innovation and Public Purpose


IIPP Research Seminar Series 2022-23

The UCL Institute for Innovation and Public Purpose (IIPP) hosts a seminar series rethinking the economy, government and policymaking, bringing together experts from across the globe to present their latest research. The series takes place across the academic year. New seminars will be announced regularly on this page in the coming weeks.

The IIPP Research Seminar Series provides a vibrant research space focused on addressing the social, technological, environmental, and economic challenges we currently face – with awareness of and attention to society’s many conflicts and inequalities. The series showcases IIPP research, engaging with academics around the globe to explore fresh and innovative ideas and solutions, utilising different tools and capabilities not only to co-create and co-shape markets but also to think beyond market principles.

Join us for our series of talks focusing on the research of experts from IIPP and beyond. Free events, Q&A to follow. The IIPP Research Seminar Series is convened by the IIPP Associate Professor in Economics Dr Carolina Alves. Upcoming seminars will be announced regularly.

Five Times Faster - Rethinking the Science, Economics, and Diplomacy of Climate Change
Whither Inflation II Roundtable

Whither Inflation? - Round Table II

1st February 2023 (postponed) : , , and , chaired by Dr Carolina Alves

Whither Inflation I Roundtable

Whither Inflation? - Round Table I

7th December 2022: , , and , chaired by Dr Carolina Alves


Does dual citizenship reproduce inequalities?

23rd November 2022: Dr , chaired by Dr Carolina Alves with Saskia Sassen as discussant.


Sustainable to regenerative

16th November 2022: , chaired by Dr Carolina Alves with Katie Kedward as discussant.

Exit, control, and politics: The power of finance under asset manager capitalism

Our research

IIPP research addresses how public value is imagined, practised and evaluated to tackle societal challenges to achieve sustainable, inclusive and innovation-led growth.

Learn more


For more information about the IIPP Research Seminar Series and learn how to get involved, please contact IIPP Associate Professor in Economics, Dr Carolina Alves.

Email: carolina.alves@ucl.ac.uk