

UCL Institute for Innovation and Public Purpose


Is a European recovery possible without high-tech public corporations?

07 June 2021, 3:30 pm–5:00 pm


Join us to hear Daniele Archibugi and Vitantonio Mariella talk about their working paper 'Is a European recovery possible without high-tech public corporations?'. This talk will be chaired by IIPP’s Antonio Andreoni with a discussion from Erik Reinert and Rainer Kattel (IIPP). Followed by questions from the audience.

This event is free.

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Pervasive new technologies associated with ICTs and software are dominated by a restricted oligopoly of US-based corporations. The challengers are no longer European firms, but rather Japanese or Chinese companies. The actions taken by the EU to fill this technology gap, including the EC Framework Programmes, are beneficial but still insufficient in terms of the resources committed.

This article argues that the EU urgently needs to add another economic policy instrument to defy these incumbent firms, namely to create a few publicly supported large corporations in the areas of greater scientific and technological opportunities. This will be complementary to the already ongoing mission-oriented innovation policies. While we are aware of the political and economic difficulties to implement such a strategy, we recall the pioneering venture of Airbus, established more than 50 years ago and which, despite several economic and political controversies, has successfully managed to challenge the dominant US-based passengers’ aircraft producers. Could similar attempts be replicated for Green technologies, Healthcare services, ICTs, and Artificial Intelligence?

Background material linked to this seminar

by Daniele Archibugi and Vitanonio Mariella

Read more about the IIPP seminar series 2020-2021

About the Speakers

Daniele Archibugi

Research Director at Italian National Research Council

Daniele Archibugi is a Research Director at the Italian National Research Council and acting director of the IRPPS-CNR-IRPPS in Rome, and Professor of Innovation, Governance and Public Policy at the University of London, Birkbeck College. He works on the economics and policy of science, technology and on the political theory of international relations. His research focuses on how innovation is related to economic, social and political global developments. He has taught at the Universities of Cambridge, London School of Economics, Harvard, and Rome LUISS and Sapienza.

He has worked on the globalization of technology, the theory and measurement of innovation, the international division of competences in science and technology, and the role of innovation in economic recovery.

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Vitantonio Mariella

Post-Doctoral Researcher at Italian National Research Council

Vitantonio Mariella is a Post-doc researcher at IRPPS – Italian national Research Council in Rome. He works on economic history, development economics, structural change and economics of innovation. His research focuses on the role of inequality and political power in explaining human capital accumulation and the long-term impact of labour relations on social capital. Recently, he focused his research on the role of technology and innovation in shaping economic growth.
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