

The Bartlett School of Planning


Reforming Land Policy in China

02 May 2018, 12:30 pm–1:30 pm

China Planning

China Planning Research Group Event

Event Information

Open to





Fangzhu Zhang


Lower ground Room 01 (LG01), Central House, 14 Upper Woburn Place, London, WC1H 0NN

Speaker: , Director, Centre for Urban Development and Land Policy, Peking University-Lincoln Institute, Peking University 

Dr. Zhi Liu is Senior Research Fellow and China Program Director with the Lincoln Institute of Land Policy and Director of Peking University – Lincoln Institute Center for Urban Development and Land Policy. He had been with the World Bank for 18 years, where he managed a number of investment lending projects and economic sector studies in the infrastructure and urban sectors in a number of developing countries. His areas of research interests include infrastructure financing, municipal finance, land policy, housing policy, and transport economics. He holds a Ph.D. in Urban Planning from Harvard University. He serves as a member of Expert Committee for China’s 13th Five-Year National Socio-Economic Development Plan.

The flyer for this event can be downloaded here: 

Refreshments including Sandwiches will be provided.

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