

The Bartlett School of Planning


Chinese Planning Research Group: Muddling through in practicing transnationalism

06 December 2017, 12:30 pm–1:30 pm


Joseonjok and their evolving roles as mediators in the transnational enterprises of Qingdao

Event Information

Open to





Fangzhu Zhang


Room LG.01, Central House, 14 Upper Woburn Place, London, WC1H 0NN

Speaker: HaeRan Shin: The Department of Geography, Seoul National University

This paper looks at the role played by Joseonjok (Korean Chinese who live in China) as mediators
between newly arrived Korean entrepreneurs and Han Chinese migrant workers in the context of
Qingdao, China. Based on archival analysis and ethnographic eldwork, the paper demonstrates
that the interactions and conicts among Joseonjok (who are second- and third-generation
transnational migrants), newcomer Korean entrepreneurs and Han Chinese migrant workers
reect the dynamics of geopolitics and the transnationalism process. The study found that
Joseonjok’s mediating role diminished as Korean entrepreneurs and Han workers learned to
adapt to each other, a development that prompted Joseonjok to consider other options.
HaeRan Shin is an associate professor in the Department of Geography at Seoul National
University. Her academic interests include migrant studies and political geography. She has
focused on examining the politics of various urban and national development cases including
place-of-memory making, culture-led urban regeneration, new towns, and environmental
policy narratives. She has also worked on the issues of transnational migrants and their
receiving communities.

Refreshments including sandwiches will be provided on that day.
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