
UCL Institute for Global Prosperity


Prosperity, People and Planet MSc

We believe in an ecological economics that recognises that the economy is embedded in society and nature. Join our mission to build a new economic paradigm and sustainable wellbeing for all.

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About the course

Creating a sustainable future for humans and the rest of nature is going to take major transformations of our economic paradigm and societal institutions.

The Prosperity, People and Planet MSc takes an ecological economics and whole systems perspective, and is for anyone interested in the world, how it works, and how we can make it a better place for everyone to live in.

What is the meaning of ecological economics to us at the UCL Institute for Global Prosperity? We recognise that the economy is embedded in society and the rest of nature, that our complex interconnected systems can only be understood and managed from this perspective, and that problems cannot be solved in isolation from society or from the rest of nature.

In our teaching, we use modern theory and methods, and an engaged, interactive teaching style to co-create solutions to the range of problems facing humanity today, from climate change to achieving the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

Course highlights

Explore ecological economics

Our Prosperity, People and Planet MSc is an entirely new take on ecological economics courses. We get to the heart of the biggest global challenges of our age, including climate change, environmental degradation, growth in inequality, uncertainty in the economy, and worldwide decreases in wellbeing and prosperity. In response, we propose solutions which we believe must come from interdisciplinary, whole systems theory and practice.

By studying on theProsperity, People and Planet MSc you will:

  • Gain first-hand access to the expertise of one of the founders of ecological economics, Professor Robert Costanza, and the Institute’s transdisciplinary thinkers and practitioners
  • Develop the core knowledge and skills needed to understand and address global problems holistically
  • Engage in real-world scenarios and challenges, and utilise your critical thinking to propose practical and innovative solutions.

    Tailor your studies to meet your own interests

    The Prosperity, People and Planet MSc will also allow you the flexibility to tailor your studies to meet your own interests. We offer you a range of optional modules focusing on some of the most pressing and complex problems the world is facing today, including finance, economics, Chinese studies, urban development, social theory, environmental science, sustainability, sociology, and more.

    If you want to learn from the best thinkers in the world and help solve the most pressing problems of our time, apply now to study with us on the Prosperity, People and Planet MSc.

    Apply now

    Course structure

    Read more about our core modules
    • Prosperity, people and planet: Conceptual frameworks
    • Prosperous and inclusive planetary futures
    • Research methods for natural and planetary prosperity
    • Atelier: Prototyping natural prosperity
    • Dissertation in People, Planet and Prosperity
    Read more about our optional modules
    • Pathways to prosperity 1: Global loegacies
    • Pathways to prosperity 2: Society and livelihoods
    • Collective problem solving for inclusive prosperity
    • Debt, finance and prosperity
    • China and global prosperity
    • Urban futures and prosperity
    • Social theories of prosperity
    • New economics of prosperity
    • Prosperity from below: The informal, the illicit and the popular
    Read more about the Dissertation in People, Planet and Prosperity

    All students undertake an independent research project leading to a dissertation (12,500 words), which may be fieldwork- or literature-based. The dissertation is flexible to different research approaches and methods. This is an opportunity for you to demonstrate your command of the relevant literature, research design and methods, as well as capacity for analysis and contribution to research. You will also be required to prepare a shorter article at publication standard (1,500 words).

    More details of thesemodules can be found in theUCLmodule catalogue.

    Please note that the course structure and list of modules given here is indicative. This information is published a long time in advance of enrolment and module content and availability are subject to change.

    Who you'll be learning from

    You’ll be learning from our team of academics who are working at the cutting-edge on some of the most pioneering research programmes across the world. Our teaching and research have already brought about real-life change to policy and practice and will continue to do so long into the future through our Institute’s strong relationships with governments, businesses, and communities around the world.

    The Prosperity, People and Planet MScwill be led by:

    Professor Robert Costanza.
    Professor Robert Costanza(PhD, FASSA, FRSA) is a professor at the Institute for Global Prosperity, University College London. He is one of the founders of ecological economics, co-founder and first President of the International Society for Ecological Economics, and founding editor of Ecological Economics. He is founding editor-in-chief of Solutions and Editor in Chief of The Anthropocene Review.Read the spotlight on Professor Robert Costanza.
    We cannot deal with climate change as a problem that is solvable without transforming our economies and societies to ones with a new vision of prosperity and sustainable wellbeing.

    Dr Ida Kubiszewski
    Dr. Ida Kubiszewskiis an Associate Professor at the Institute for Global Prosperity University College London. She was also a climate change negotiator for the Dominican Republic, following adaptation and loss and damage, and was a delegate at the 19th through 21st Conference of Parties.Read the spotlight on Dr Ida Kubiszewski.

    The future we live in is up to us. Who we elect, how we consume, and other daily decisions allow us to choose the future we create.

    Bringing about change in real terms

    Our Prosperity, People and Planet MSc will give you the opportunity to engage with some of these real and tangible changes that we have made across the world to date. From our work on wellbeing indicators and “beyond GDP” in collaboration with the European Commission, to the Agrifood for Net Zero Network working to implement regenerative agriculture in the UK and globally, students have the unique opportunity to be part of some of the global and national initiatives and projects we’re involved in, solving challenges and improving long term human wellbeing.

    Other projects include our contribution to valuing natural capital and ecosystem services; to designing societal therapies to overcome our addiction to growth; collaborating on key policies with a range of local government and global initiatives such as the in London, where we developed policy that means land across the borough will be developed for the benefit of local people, to the initiative at the 2022 G7 summit in Germany, where we contributed to policy on social cohesion, economic transformation and open societies. From our work with the UK’s House of Commons enquiry on , which changed the way that the UK now reports its quarterly GDP figures, to our ambitious policy and practice-led initiatives, such as the Citizen Science Academy, a community-based, research training scheme to empower communities to lead change; our global network of impact entrepreneurs who are addressing the Sustainable Development Goals; and our three research Prosperity Co-Labs (PROCOLs) in the UK, Lebanon and Africa.

    Additionally, some of our modules include short, one-day field trips which take place locally. Following approval from the programme leader, you can also undertake fieldwork,both in the UK or elsewhere in the world,as part of your dissertation.

    Your future career

    After graduating, our Prosperity, People and Planet MSc students can go on to work in the public sector, government, private sector, NGOs, education, and a multitude of other industries and sectors.

    Studying with us means you will have the opportunity to jointhe Institute for Global Prosperity community. We have a global network of alumni, partners and collaborators all making positive change in the world, particularly inmajor roles in government, business and the third sector.Throughout the academic year, we host careers and alumni events, allowing current students to engage with alumni and to build on this growing network of changemakers.

    After graduation, we expect our students totake upa broad range of roles including asecological consultants, policy officers and social research officers. We also envisage our students going into careers in research and PhD study.

    Fees and funding

    Information about tuition fees for the Prosperity, People and MetMScis available on theUCL graduate prospectus.

    There are a range offunding opportunitiesavailable to help you with your studies. For more information, visit:

    More information

    • For key information on how to apply to the Prosperity, People and Planet MSc, visit theUCL graduate prospectus.
    • Can't find what you're looking for? Contact the Prosperity, People and Planet MSccourse team via email: