

UCL Institute for Sustainable Heritage


Climate change and the historic environment


1 January 2005

UCL (University College London), Centre for Sustainable Heritage, University College London, London, UK 2005

In 2002, the Centre for Sustainable Heritage was commissioned by English Heritageto carry out a scoping study on climate change and the historic environment,including buried archaeology, historic buildings, parks and gardens (Archaeology Commissions PNUM 3167).

The start of the study coincided with the publication ofthe current UKCIP02 climate change scenarios. The final report has been prepared by Professor May Cassar, while the original research was carried out by Dr Robyn Pender. However, such a report is never the product of one or two individuals. There were numerous other collaborators in the study including Professor Bill Bordass(William Bordass Associates), Jane Corcoran (Museum of London ArchaeologyService), Professor Lord Julian Hunt (UCL), Taryn Nixon (Museum of LondonArchaeology Service), Professor Tadj Oreszczyn (UCL) and Professor Phil Steadman(UCL). English Heritage?s interests were represented by Mike Corfield and latterly byBill Martin. UKCIP through Dr.Richenda Connell provided scientific advice during theediting of the report.

The study could never have been carried out without strongregional participation from heritage managers in the East of England and the NorthWest of England as well as scientists and policy makers.It is intended that this report will make a contribution to the debate on the impact ofclimate change on the historic environment. Its recommendations and the gaps ininformation and research that it has identified should be the focus of discussion andtimely resolution.