

UCL Institute for Environmental Design and Engineering


Prof Mike Davies re-appointed to UK's Climate Change Committee

4 February 2021

UCL IEDE Deputy Director Professor Mike Davies and UCL Biosciences' Professor Kate Jones are both part of the Adaptation Committee of the Climate Change Committee.

Professor Mike Davies UCL IEDE

Professor Mike Davies has been re-appointed to the committee for a further three years after joining in 2018 and Professor Kate Jones (UCL Biosciences) has been newly appointed as an expert adviser for a year, providing governments with independent expert advice on preparing for an adapting to climate change. 

The Adaptation Committee, an advisory Non-Departmental Public Body created under the Climate Change Act (2008), advises the Government on how the UK can prepare for the changing climate to limit the risks to people and businesses across the UK.

The Climate Change Committee say their Adaptation Committee’s work will be key this year, with the upcoming COP26 climate summit and the crucial launch of the next independent Climate Change Risk Assessment Evidence Report which synthesises the work of more than 130 organisations and over 450 people to inform the UK Government’s third CCRA.
