

UCL Institute for Environmental Design and Engineering


Dr. Foroutan Parand

Honorary Senior Lecturer

Dr. Foroutan Parand

Teaching summary

Dr Foroutan Parand is an honorary senior lecturer at the Institute for Environmental Design and Engineering at University College London since January 2016. He is currently leading a module, Natural and Mechanical Ventilation of Buildings, a core module in MSc Course, Environmental Design Engineering. He also contributes with lectures under Building Solar Design module of the course.


Brunel University, Uxbridge, UK
Ìý Ìý Ìý Ìý Ìý ÌýPhD in Physics, 1991, Solar energy utilization and collection

Technical Faculty, Tehran University, Iran
Ìý Ìý Ìý Ìý Ìý ÌýMSc. in Mechanical Engineering 1973


Foroutan Parand has over 30 years of experience in sustainable design, assessment and improvement of energy and environmental systems in buildings, working in academic (De Montfort University), research (Building Research Establishment) and engineering design consultancy organisations (URS and AECOM). He has been involved in developing and applying innovative technologies that help optimise energy use in buildings with improved comfort through computer modelling of design options, performance prediction and monitoring, analysis of energy systems operation, novel control strategies, and renewables.

He has been an active member of various CIBSE committees and task groups. Foroutan Parand has been a member of the judging panel for the CIBSE Performance Awards of 2013, 2014 and 2016. He has been the Chair of Industry Advisory Group for the Department of Communities and Local Government (DCLG) reviewing the UK Building Regulations Part L (Conservation of Energy and Power) for non-domestic buildings producing a report in 2011 to assist the development of Part L 2013 legislation a report in June 2015 advising of changes required to Part L for 2016 in preparation to meeting the now abandoned target for Zero Carbon Buildings in 2019.


A list of publications by Dr. Foroutan ParandÌý

R Bassi and F Parand, Electronic tagging and wireless technologies. 2 part set, CRC publishers, UK, ISBN: 1860815961, November 2002.

Z Liao and F Parand, A dynamic model of commercial gas and oil burned boilers, Advanced Boiler Technologies, Conference, Hong Kong, November 2002.

F Parand, Intelligent Buildings- Assessing Building Performance, Butterworths Tolley Essential Reports 12, edited by Edit, Derek Clements Croome, Nov/December 2001.

F Parand, Future of IT in construction industry, Proceedings, Harnessing IT in Construction, Conference, Dublin Institute of Technology, Ireland, 19 November 1999.

D Rennie & F Parand, Environmental design guide for naturally ventilated and day-lit offices, Published by CRC. 1998.

F Parand & A Birtles, Research Related to Intelligent Buildings Requirements at the UK Building Research Establishment, Proceedings, CIB Conference on Intelligent and Responsive Buildings, Israel, March 1997, CIB.

F Parand, Integrated Design Using STEP (Standard for the Exchange of Product Data), Building Services Engineering Research and Technology, Issue September 1996.

F Parand, New CEN Standards on calculation of internal temperatures and cooling loads, Proc CIBSE National Conference, Eastbourne, UK, 1-3 October 1995, CIBSE.

F Parand and D Bloomfield, Integrated Knowledge-Based system for Performance Assessment Methods, Proceedings BEP 1994, Conference April 94 at University of York, pp 263- 272, Building Environmental Performance Analysis Club (BEPAC).

A Dubois & F Parand, COMBINE integrated data model, proceedings National Conference CIBSE (UK Chartered Institute of Building Services Engineers), May 1993, CIBSE.

F Parand & D Bloomfield, Introducing Quality Assurance in practices using software for evaluation of building performance, Proceedings CIBSE Conference, May 1993 - Computers in the Construction Industry, CIBSE.

F Parand & D Bloomfield, Quality Assurance in Environmental Performance Modelling, P237-246 Proceedings BEPAC Conference: Building Environmental Performance '91, Canterbury, April 1991.