

UCL Institute for Environmental Design and Engineering


Dr David Peck

Honorary Associate Professor.

David is an honorary Associate Professor in the UCL Institute for Environmental Design and Engineering (IEDE) and the Institute for Sustainable Resources

Photo of Dr David Peck
(ISR), within the Bartlett School of Environment, Energy and Resources (BSEER), his primary position is as Associate Professor in Delft University of Technology (TU Delft), The Netherlands, in the faculty of Architecture and the Built Environment (BK), with a focus on Circular Built Environment and Critical Materials. David is developing links between the two faculties and across both UCL & TU Delft universities. He joined UCL, The Bartlett, in 2019. David has a BEng (Hons) in European Engineering Studies, awarded in 1996 from Coventry University. He was awarded an MBA from Warwick Business School in 2001. His PhD, entitled ‘Prometheus missing, critical materials and product design’, was awarded by TU Delft in 2016.

David's research and teaching is both multi-faculty and across universities. The work covered includes 21st century sustainability challenges, resource constraints, critical raw materials (CRM), circular built environment, circular product design, the history of scarcity, company responses to CRM, governmental policy, new closed loop business models and societal circular actions, in particular societal makerspaces. David teaches on the opportunities and challenges regarding innovative circular cities and circular business models. Research has a focus on the opportunities arising from critical (scarce) materials and cities. He also researches and teaches on remanufacturing in a circular context.

David is the university lead for the Ellen MacArthur Foundation University membership. David is involved in a series of MOOCs on EdX, Coursera and coming soon, a new MOOC on sustainable critical materials. David supports policy makers, both in The Hague and in Brussels, in particular in policies regarding materials, critical materials and circular cities. He is a member of the EIP Raw Materials Operational Group in the European Commission. In addition, the issue of conflict materials and human rights, especially in primary materials mining and processing is a focus. ‘Fair’ materials for the low carbon energy transition is of interest. This links with his membership of the BK faculty diversity working group.

David works across universities as well. He is an active teacher and MSc graduation supervisor for the Leiden-Delft Industrial Ecology Programme. He also supervisors MSc graduations in the Amsterdam AMS based master programme MADE, which is a collaboration between TU Delft and Wageningen universities

Research summary

David’s research has a focus around the circular built environment and is divided across three main domains: Critical Materials, Remanufacturing and Circular Makerspaces.

David is a manager of large EU research projects. He was the manager in EU 1 FP7 (CRM Innonet) and 2 H2020 projects (ERN - remanufacturing & ProSUM - Urban Mine). Currently he manages a H2020 project entitled Pop Machina (circular city makerspaces) started in June 2019.

David is a manager for TU Delft in the EIT Raw Materials, European Institute of Innovation and Technology (EIT) programme. He has a focus on the circular design remanufacturing and critical materials in this programme and represents TU Delft on the General Assembly of the programme in the Berlin HQ.

David is an independent reviewer for the EU on funding bids and also does similar work for national funding proposals. He has also been an independent reviewer on H2020 mid-term and final review stages.

David is an active supervisor of MSc and PhD research projects and joins the departmental research group as an active member.

David has participated in or been principal investigator in over 38 journal and conference publications. Details can be found via this link