

UCL Energy Institute


Rayan Azhari

Thesis title: Investigating the energy performance and metering configurations in the tenanted office buildings in the UK.

Primary supervisor: Paul Ruyssevelt
Secondary supervisor: Kathryn Janda

A prominent section of the UK non-domestic property sector has begun a journey towards adoption of a building energy disclosure scheme (Commitment Agreement) for new buildings with an area over 1000m2. This scheme is based on the National Australian Built Environment Rating System (NABERS) model through the Design for Performance (DfP) scheme which aims to guarantee the operational energy performance of the ‘Base Building’ which only includes the common areas and landlord services. Whilst certification of the Base Building is a critical first step, the ultimate objective is to control and limit the total energy use in all office buildings (existing and new) and this requires incorporating tenants’ energy use in the process and this leads to consideration of the split incentive between landlords and tenants. Focusing on the total energy performance of whole buildings is essential to achieve the UK’s new commitment to reducing its greenhouse gas emissions to net zero by 2050.

The aim of this research project is to better understand the operational energy use in office buildings and the role of role of energy management, landlords and tenants by assessing the energy use intensity in various types of office buildings on different scales using the 3DStock model. This study will then investigate the energy use in individual case studies in detail and carry out semi -structured interviews to get valuable insights at how these buildings operate and what influence their energy performance.